Life with you part 9

The rhythmic rise and fall of this heavily tattooed, muscled chest had rapidly became one of Jos's favorite things to study. She traced a finger lightly over the detailed dark ink. She pressed her lips to the top of his peck as she let her hand trail across the ridges of his thick waist. Her eyes continually returned to his face to catch any sign he was awake. It had became her game over the past several days, to see what all she could do before he woke up... or at least let her know he was a wake. She slid her hand under the covers and along the trail of man fur that led to her destination. She watched his face as she ran her finger lightly over the metal. It twitched against her hand as she carefully worked her way up to the bar that ran through the head and underside.

Arei couldn't hide it any more. A wide smile spread across his lips. His kitten was as curious as an actual cat. He opened his eyes, finding her staring up at him. Her head rested across her free hand on his chest. "Good morning, Kitten." He said as he ran his hand through her hair. "Did you sleep well?"

She nodded against his chest, still teasing the piercing's with the tips of her fingers.

He cocked a brow at her, "Having fun?" He asked with faux seriousness.

She smiled and nodded again. "Are these common?" She asked as she tugged on the one going through the head of his shaft.

Arei groaned, the hand in her hair dropping and running across her bottom lip. "No, they aren't. Not for the reasons I got them anyhow."

Her brows furrowed, "What reason did you get them?" She tugged the bar again and watched as his breath caught and his eyes darkened with want.

"Give me a kiss and I'll tell you." He teased.

She smiled as she pushed up from her current position and laid her upper body across his chest. As she bent down to kiss his lips, her bare breasts pushed into his bare chest. His lips parted and his hands clasped around her, one in her hair and the other across her back. She let out a protest when he broke their kiss and released her head.

He ran his fingers through the silvery stands and studied her face. "Piercings in that area were usually forced on people in positions of servitude with the expectation of making them abstain from sex." He explained. "Mine do the opposite. A slap in the face for all the kings and rulers who have seen my orders from the Gods as servitude."

"And this one?" She asked running a finger across the bar at his nipple.

"Ah, that one is a bit different. I got it while in Rome a very long time ago. It was very popular in their culture in warriors. They saw it as a sign of strength and virility. A badge of honor if you like, it showed dedication to the people." Arei explained. "There are several cultures around the world that use things like piercings, tattoos, and jewelry as a form of brand."

"A brand?" She asked her head tilting to the side.

"Hum... yes. A way of identifying someone or a way of putting individuals with groups easily." he tapped his finger on his chest. "This tattoo marks me as one of Poseidon's sons. There are some who know my name by seeing only this symbol." He pointed to the one directly below it. "This crest is well known in France. Anyone in that part of the world could tell you exactly which king I fought for."

She nodded in understanding. Placing another kiss to the tattoo center his bulging peck, Jos began letting her hand slide back down his body.

He snickered and grabbed her hand. "Enough of that. We have plans today."

She frowned, "Can't we just stay here today?" Her bottom lip stuck out in a pout.

He smiled wickedly. "And do what, Love?"

She shrugged as her cheeks heated. "Things..."

He ran his fingertips up and down the length of her arms. "Things? We are going to go do 'things', several 'things' in fact." He teased. He laughed as her frown deepened. Pushing himself up and flopping her over onto her back, he bent down and kissed her lips. Just as her mouth began to part for him, he pulled back and smiled wickedly down into her shimmering aqua eyes. "Now get dressed, I'll be back with breakfast and tea in a few minutes."

"But!" She protested as he pulled away and stood beside the bed. She watched as his hard, rounded butt cheeks flexed as he walked to the saddlebags.

"No buts, kitten. It is important you know these things. There is a very good chance the council will want to test your knowledge and skills at your review. We must make sure you are fully capable to live without the use of your abilities." He grinned back at her as he bent to pull his trousers on. "Have you heard anything I've said?" He asked and laughed harder when her red face moved from his ass to meet his eyes. "As I thought." He straightened and turned to face her as he fought the front buttons against the strain of his hardness. "Even if there were something left for me to teach you of use in this room, I doubt you'd stay on task for even a second." His brows rose as she stared at his working hands. "My eyes are up here." When she did finally manage pulling her eyes away from his tented trousers, he chuckled. "My point exactly."

"What's to say I wouldn't be equally distracted where ever you take me today?" She ask a streak of defiance playing across her beautiful face.

He arched a brow, "Because you, kitten, would be too distracted by all the new sights and adventures to remember anything I could offer you." He said matter-of-factly.

She crossed her arms beneath her full breasts pressing them up and causing them to spill slightly over top. "Not true! Just watch, there is nothing you could show me today that could change my mind."

His brow arched higher and a mischievous grin spread across his lips. "Is that so?" He closed the distance between the table and the bed in three long strides. "Challenge accepted."


She'd proven her point well as they'd made it through the town to the playhouse he'd discovered only the day before. But once they'd arrived and her eyes fell on the glorious stone work of the outdoor seating that surrounded a stage down below, all thoughts of kissing and teasing had left her feisty little head. Her eyes widened in wonder as she took in the many people already seated. She wore a beautiful gown he'd asked the Inn Keeper's wife to provide, and he had braided her hair in a way to highlight the exotic blend of silver and turquoise strands. He smiled as he asked, "Where would you like to sit?" He leaned over her shoulder as he explained, "The closer we are to the center down there, the better you'll be able to see the finer details, expressions, so one; but the farther way we sit the more of the whole performance you'll be able to see at once."

She searched the seating area, noting that the middle range seemed to be where most people preferred. She smiled excitedly up at him as she pointed to the more crowded area. "There, would there be good?"

He smiled, "It will be perfect." He took her hand and led her down the walkway. He smiled and nodded his head to several sets of curious eyes as they made their way to their chosen seats.

Jos's curious eyes came back to his as they set. "Do you know some of these people?" She asked as many people continued looking their way and whispering to one another.

He shrugged, "I'm sure I've met a few of them. But more than likely, they have either heard of me or one of my brothers and seeing me here with a beautiful girl has spiked their gossip hungry eyes." When she only tilted her head in question, he continued. "Being a child of one of the main three gods comes with its own fame, but there are a hand full of us that have made a name for our selves causing that fame to grow substantially. For example, the fight between your father and one of my brothers have been written about by poets and writers. Lucky for us both that fight put you here by my side now." He stroked her cheek with his finger and she leaned against the touch. Her eyes held his as she waited for more of the story. "My brother Ry-really liked this one goddess, their love affair was such a scandal all of Greece was talking about it. He had to fake his own death for years just for things to calm down."

"Who was the goddess?" She asked with intrigue.

"Artemis, goddess of the hunt and moon." He sighed, "They were very alike you see and this won her favor. They found something in each others company many go their entire lives searching for, but as most love stories go it wasn't meant to last. Her twin brother found out and became jealous. He too favored my brother and when his attempts at winning his attention didn't work, he tried to trick Artemis into killing him. Apollo, not taking the time to truly get to know my brother, challenged Artemis to a hunt. My brother had been swimming in the sea near the great twins, when Apollo had challenged her to hit the beast swimming there. Artemis had recognized him instantly but pulled her bow anyways. She knew it would be better for her to hit and injure him than for Apollo, because Apollo would surely shoot to kill." He placed the tip of his finger in the tender spot right below Jos's shoulder blade and pressed only hard enough to cause her to catch her breath. "The spot she hit caused great pain and took him down instantly, but it wasn't a fatal blow. R-my brother was able to pull the arrow loose under water and the seas healed him. By the time he'd made it to shore Apollo had been content with his trickery and Artemis wept on the banks. She convinced him to shift into his animal form and stay that way until her brother and she herself had long forgotten about him. That it would be the only way to promise his safety."

"And did he do it? Stay shifted?" She asked completely wrapped up in the story.

Arei nodded sadly, "Yes he did, for a thousand years."

A tear streamed down her cheek. "And did he forget about his love for her? Did she forget her love for him?"

Arei brushed away the tear. "No, Love. They have never forgotten one another, though I'd wager Apollo has long forgotten and moved on a thousand times over." He stroked her cheek. "True love however, is harder to rid yourself of. You must be careful who you give your heart away to when you have an endless lifespan to mourn that loss."

She frowned, her eyes trailing down to her hands resting in her lap. "Is that why you hold back so much with me?" Her sad, teary eyes met his, "Because you don't want to risk falling in love with me?"

Arei smiled as he cupped her face and pulled her up for a kiss. "I fear that ship has already sailed, Kitten." He whispered against her lips. "I only want to keep you from any rash decisions that may leave you scarred for a eternity. Son's of Poseidon aren't easy men to love. We are all just as well known for our valor as we are for our debauchery and trickery. I don't want you to grow to regret your time with me. It would kill me to ever look into those eyes of yours and see anything less than I do right this minute." He pressed his lips to hers again but didn't push forward when she opened her lips to him. He pressed his forehead against hers. "Take your time, Love. We have all of eternity. Make sure I'm the one you want to spend it with."

Her brows furrowed as she pushed back from him. "You've said that to me before. To 'make sure YOU are the one I want'. Why do you keep saying it that way? How could it not be you? Do you think because you are the first man to pay me notice?" She placed a hand to his cheek. "I assure you, you are not. You are the first I've returned the attention of, however." She leaned forward and kissed his lips lightly, not caring that their open display of affection had turned most of the audiences attention to them. "There is no other I want."

Arei pushed her away, forcing her eyes to meet his. "What if there were? Someone else? There's something-" His words were cut off.

A booming voice called from the stages below. "Ladies and Gentleman, from the stages of Athens I present to you-"

The man continued to announce the play and acting group below as Arei's eyes moved from the stage back to Jos. She was frowning as she and all the other eyes around them were now focused on the stage. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her against his side. Leaning down, he whispered against her ear. "You hear how loud and clear he sounds?" Arei asked. When she nodded, he continued. "That is why the stage and seating is arranged in this way. By digging out the grounds and placing the stage so far below the seating, it caused the sound to echo upwards amplifying the voices." He smiled as she sent him a happy nod before her attention was back on the stage. He laughed and continued watching her reactions more than the actual play, finding her enjoyment and excitement far more interesting. As it progressed, he would answer her questioning glances. He explained parts of the stage and props, the history of the play they were preforming, and to her shock the fact all the people on stage were men. He laughed against her ear as her shocked eyes held his in disbelief. "Yes, Kitten. They are all men. Women aren't allowed to be actors. It's thought inappropriate and indecent. You'll discover many parts of the world share this belief, and with the rise of the church you can only expect values like this to increase in popularity."

"I don't understand." She said her gaze holding his.

He shrugged, "Nor I, Kitten. Many of the goddesses are highly against it however. I fear there will be many bloody battles to come over this new rise and spread of beliefs, and I'll more than likely be forced into the middle of things as always."

Her head tilted. "But why?" She asked.

He shrugged, "It's the way of the world." He smiled and pointed back to the stage. "Now enjoy your show and think no more of these things."