Tests of valor

CHAPTER 61: Tests of Valor

A knock sounded at the door waking Russ up from the light nap he'd slipped into. "Come on, it's time. They are here to escort us down." Ry's booming voice sounded for the other side of the door.

Russ stretched out his long limbs before pushing up from the bed and opening the door. He leaned against the doorway. "So, what do you suggest I wear?"

Ry looked the boy over. "Though I'd love to see their reaction to you in just that, I'd suggest a shirt and gym shorts or sweats." He indicated his own attire. "They already know we have been informed of the fight, so they won't be offended by our casual attire." He was about to turn away when another thought struck him, "Though if you have to go in front of them again and fighting isn't in the plans, dress better." Ry added before turning back into the hallway.

Russ arched a brow and peeked out of the room. There was a stiff looking man dressed in a solid black suit and white button-down shirt waiting like a statue by the door. "This should be a fun stay..." Russ grumbled. He shut the door and turned to his bags. It didn't take him long to get dressed and make his way into the living area. He glanced from the man at the door to Ry. "I'm ready. Let's do this damn thing."

Ry arched his brows. "In that much of a hurry to get your ass kicked."

Russ smiled, "I'm in this much of a hurry to finally have a fair shot against your old ass." He smacked one hand against the other, "POP! The sound of your old ass breaking a hip!"

Ry narrowed his eyes as the man by the door tried to keep the straight, stricken expression on his own face. "In your dreams, pup."

Russ could feel the tension building in his muscles as he followed the man through the winding corridors. Ry followed close behind him and was keeping oddly quiet.

"Wait here, I'll announce you." The man in the suit said as he stopped before massive double doors.

Ry waited until the man had closed the doors behind him. "Remember, watch everything you say. Don't give them a reason to suspect you and DON'T let any of them touch you." Ry whispered leaning down close to Russ.

Russ sent him a questioning glance, "What do you mean touch me?"

"Many of the council members have the power of site. Some can see the past others the future… either way Jos will show up in yours and not in the way we are trying to sell it."

Russ let out an irritated sigh. "I don't understand the point in hiding it. If we get married, I'm sure they'll find out then. Why not now?"

Ry growled, "We've already went over this. If you want to help Jos, do this for her!" Ry straightened as the doors opened. "I won't hold back, but know, you are stronger than you think. If you use the skills Arei and I have taught you, you'll do fine even without a full shift." Ry patted his back as he walked through the doors past him. "Good luck, pup." He called out over his shoulder.

Russ swallowed hard and followed Ry through the doors. The brightly lit room took him by surprise. It wasn't what he expected. He had expected something straight off a middle of the day television court room show, but this was far from that. There were high ceilings trimmed in gold with beautiful images painted across the entire expanse of the ceilings. The walls were a crisp white with pristine painting set between tall pillars framed in elegant golden frames.

"Welcome, Prince Boosilis. I do hope the rooms are to your tastes." An elegantly clad woman stood up from the row of chairs lining the front of the room. Her colleagues nodded their heads from their seats in acknowledgement of his title. "Please have a seat, if you'd like." She said extending an elegant hand out to indicate a seating area.

Russ watched as Ry walked over to where the woman indicated and stood behind one of the chairs. Ry nodded subtlety. Russ squared his shoulders and put on a mask of indifference as he walked over to the chair Ry indicated. Once he was seated, he held the woman's large, cold owl-like gaze. He kept his eyes trained on her beautiful, ethereal face as to avoid staring at the two tiny horns protruding through her hair line.

The woman smiled down at him. "I suppose a boy raised by a dark fae and the Kraken wouldn't blink twice when seeing a room of creatures in their natural forms." She sent a smile to her other companions before sitting back in her own chair. She brought her hands together tenting her index fingers together in front of her mouth. "As you may already know," She glanced over to Ry. "I am Selena, moon goddess, overseer of witchcraft and wiccans." She pointed to the far end of the group. "To my left you have Marcus, the vampire representative; Pavato, he oversees creatures and spirits dealing with energy manipulation; Isha, who I believe you already know." She arched her brows waiting for a reaction from Russ, but when one was not forthcoming, she moved on. "To my right you have Lamia, she will be your rep as she deals with shifters. And they are: Thetis, queen of the nereids and rep to those such races and Prometheus the titian. He oversees many of our more powerful creatures, low level gods, demi-gods, and humans. He will be overseeing your dear friend when it is her turn here at court." Selena narrowed her eyes still waiting on some form of reaction from the young wolf, but his poker face held. "Lamia…" She said handing the floor over to her.

Lamia glanced up over the files she'd been examining. Her slitted eyes studied Russ for several moments before she spoke. She pressed a button on the desk in front of her. "This conversation will be recorded for future evaluation and use. Pleassse, for the records, state your full name, classssification, and title." Her s's rolled out with a snake like hiss as she spoke.

Russ cleared his throat feeling the greenish yellow glow of the snake eyes burn into his. "Russell Alexsandro Boosilis, son of King Alexsandro and Queen Camilla Boosilis, I am an alpha werewolf. My clan resides on Zakynthos island and I am here to take my place among my people."

The snake-like woman narrowed her eyes. "You are here to be evaluated to see if you are mature enough to take your place among your people early." She clarified. "Please state your age, Prince Boosilissss." She let the final 's' of his last name roll out in an exaggerated hiss.

Russ cleared his throat in irritation. "I am eighteen years old. I will be nineteen in a little over 4 months."

Lamia nodded. "Let the records note that Werewolf alphas are not considered fully matured until the age of twenty-one, however, the current clan in question has been ruled by a non-alpha wolf. With this, considerations have been made. You, Russssell Alexsandro Boosilisss, are here today to prove you are, in fact, an alpha; and that you have undergone enough of the transitions to actively operate as such."

When Russ didn���t reply, Ry nudged him. Russ stood up. "Yes, that is the reason I'm here before you today, to prove I have full control over my alpha form."

She arched a brow at him. "Those are some big words for such a young prince, Mr. Boosilisss."

He nodded leaning against the railing surrounding the seats he and Ry had been directed to. He let his muscles ripple as he tested his ability to partially shift within the enchanted building. A wide grin spread across his lips as many members of the council took notice. "I may be young, but let the records note, I know what I want and what I'm capable of."

Lamia nodded, "Right thisss way then." She stood and slithered out from behind the council members seating area.

As her body slid out past the tall half wall blocking the majority of the council's bodies, Russ's eyes widened. He quickly masked his surprise and waited for her to lead the way to what ever area they would force him to fight in. His attention fell to the recording device she now carried in her hands. He sent a questioning look at Ry, who only nodded and motioned for Russ to follow the group toward the back doors. Little comfort was found in the fact that the massive man closed in tightly behind him the second he stepped out from the stand of seats.

A large man with the darkest mocha skin and contrasting brilliant blue eyes held the door. Ry nodded in greeting, "Marcus." He said simply.

"Orion." The man replied. "It has been quite some time."

"Not nearly long enough." Ry answered as he walked past the man.

Marcus laughed, the draw of something ancient and wise mingled with the sound. "You don't still harbor that grudge, do you?" He narrowed his eyes teasingly, "If so, werewolf or not, I may just have to cheer for the boy."

Ry rolled his eyes. "Jokes don't become you, Marcus. Give it up." He said without looking back at the man. He clasped Russ on the back as he stood frozen in front of a large metal cage meant to be able to withstand an MMA fight of supernatural proportions. "After you, kid." He said.

Lamia lifted the recording device. "Please state your name, for the record." She said pointing the device in Ry's direction.

"Orion the Hunter, son of Poseidon." Ry answered as if it had been recorded and played back on auto play.

"And state your reasons for being here with Prince Russell Boosilis." Lamia said still rolling her 's's in her snake like fashion.

"As I have completed my original task of seeing the Prince here safely; I am now here to apply for the permanent position of mentor and bodyguard to Russell Boosilis in any position he is in, currently or in the future." Ry stated matter-of-factly.

"Remind us, Orion the hunter, is the boy's mentor supposed to be his own werewolf uncle who has been overseeing the pack for these past years in the Prince's absence?" Lamia prodded.

Ry nodded. "Yes, but I believe there will be some conflict of interest on the part of Fernando Boosilis, and only hope to prevent farther complication to the succession of the Mediterranean werewolf clans, as the Mediterranean is also my home as, well with my own settlement on Zakynthos." Ry could feel Russ's eyes on him now, but he wasn't about to show any form of weakness or leniency with the kid here right now.

Lamia nodded as she turned to Prometheus. "Are these terms acceptable to you?"

Prometheus stood silent for a moment before looking back and forth between Russ and Ry and nodding. "Under the powers granted by Zeus, I approve this arrangement and will draw up the necessary paperwork to be signed in the coming weeks."

Lamia nodded before speaking loudly into the recording device. "For the records, we are gathered here this month of November the twenty seconded day to witness Russell Alexsandro Boosilis's demonstration of control of his Alpha form in a cage match against Orion the Hunter. Please note for the records, the wards are up within these areas of the building and no outside magic will be used to assist in transformations or manipulations of any kind. All powers permitted inside the cage will be that of the individuals own strengths and inter powers and controls. Do you agree to these terms?"

"Yes, I Orion agree." Ry called out loud and clearly before casting his gaze on Russ, silently encouraging him to answer in the same fashion.

Russ nodded. "I, Russ-ell Boosilis agree." His gaze moved around the room as he waited for what was to come next.

Lamia lifted the box. "Please state the names of each witness here today, for the records." Each member of the council called off their names, titles, and affiliations if they had any. When everyone had finished Lamia nodded and proceeded to announce herself as the officiator. "Please enter the cage." She said to Russ and Ry.

The two men exchanged glances before moving forward and into the steel bars of the cage .