Too much of a good thing

Afternoon light poured in the windows lining the porch offering a beautiful view of the calm sea outside. The soft lap of the waters and the sounds of various sea birds scavenging the shoreline echoed through the otherwise quiet cottage. There was only one sound that soothed Jos more than anything in that moment, however, it was the soft rhythmic breath and thump of the heart directly under her left ear. A soft content sigh slipped past her lips as she nestled closer against the now familiar giant.

The hand that rested lightly on her back traced patterns along her shoulder blade. Her eyes slowly fluttered open, and she glanced up to see the beautiful man beside her. She met his bright smile with her own happy one, before trailing her gaze over his bared chest and their entwined fingers resting against his upper abdomen.

"Hum... You're awake?" Arei asked huskily. "Are you hungry? I can either make you something or we could go into town." He offered as he released her hand and brushed the hair from her face. He then stroked his thumb across her cheek lovingly, his eyes taking her in.

"Um..." She purred as she pushed up against him and placed a light kiss to his lips. "I can think of other things I'd prefer from you." She ran her hand across his chest, tugging lightly on the bar running through his nipple.

He arched an eyebrow as a smile curved his lips. "I've created a monster." He chuckled, running his hands over the curve of her hips as she straddled his lap. "How will I ever be able to feed this appetited of yours?" He teased as he slid a hand under one firm breast and bringing it to his mouth. He held her gaze as he lowered his head to her nipple and gently tugged with his teeth.

"Ah..." She sighed in pleasure as he circled her nipple with his tongue, then sucked the entire thing into his mouth hungrily. "This... this is a good place to start..." She said on a pant.

He smiled as his mischievous, sparkling eyes met hers. "And where should I go from here, I wonder?"

She shifted her hips against his growing erection. "Here. Here would be nice." She said on a moan as her head fell back from the pleasure simply rubbing herself against him was causing.

"Hum... Are you sure?" He forged contemplation for a few seconds causing her to wiggle against him in irritated need. "You're right... I should go there next." He trailed a finger teasingly down the center of her stomach dipping into her navel before trailing both hands onto either of her thighs and lifting her off him. He held her gaze, a wicked smile curving his lips as he slid lower into the bed. Once he was flat on his back, he lifted her by either thigh into the air.

Jos let out a squeal and leaned forward gripping the bedrails above his head. Just as she was about to release them her breath caught in shock. The stubble of his face brushed her inner thighs sending tiny tingles upward toward her aching center. She tried to wiggle off his face. He held her in place as he brought his mouth up to meet her wet and ready folds causing her to squeeze her eyes closed as she gripped the railing tighter. "Ah..." She moaned against the building pleasure between her thighs as his mouth and hands encouraged her to ride his face. She continued to cling to the railing as he gripped her tightly against his mouth, devouring her like a man starved. The tip of his nose tickled her clit with every brush of her sex over his face. His tongue worked in skilled strokes and plunges until she felt the first waves of an orgasm build. All she could do was cling to the bars tighter, resting as much of her weight as she could against the headboard. Her legs trembled and her thighs threatened to lock around the sides of his head still wedged between them.

Feeling her loss of control as she collapsed around him, was one of the best victories Arei had had in a long time. He quickly shifted her from his face and lowered her to his impatient, waiting cock.

She winced against his grip as the now familiar cold metal of his piercing pressed against her, pulling her from the depths of her orgasm. She let out a worried moan.

"Relax, Kitten. It will still be a tight fit, but there should be no pain as long as you relax." He leaned forward kissing the lips of her slumped head that dangled over him, letting her taste herself on his lips. When her eyes shot open, he let out a husky chuckle. "Trust me Love, you're plenty wet enough for this."

She gave him a skeptical nod as she reached above his head and gripped the rails of the headboard tight in antisipation. She squeezed her eyes tightly closed as the thick girth of his head pressed carefully slow inside her. She was surprised to find there was, in fact, no pain this time. She opened her eyes and held his caring gaze as she aided him in filling her.

He smiled brightly up at her. "Better, Kitten?" He asked, stroking her hips and thighs as he gave her time to adjust to his full length inside her.

Jos nodded. When a few seconds had past and he hadn't moved more than caressing her, she asked. "N... now what?"

His smile widened. "Ride me." His gaze heated while he held hers. He gently shifted his hips beneath her while pushing carefully against her hips before pulling them back toward him. "Like this. Just how ever it feels best to you, Kitten." Once she'd caught on to his instructions, he continued guiding her hips softly with one hand as the other ran greedily over her flat stomach and up to her pert breasts. He traced his fingers around her rosy areola causing it to tighten under his administrations. He continued to watch her vast array of expressions as he gently rolled the bud of her nipple between his pointer finger and thumb.

Jos let out a panted moan. Between the feel of each bar massaging her inner walls and the overwhelming fullness of him this deep inside, she could barely think. When he began playing with her breast, it was her undoing. Jos released the rails of the bed and collapsed down onto his solid chest with him still moving below her and guiding her hips. "I'm... I'm..." She panted.

Arei wrapped his arms around her, feeling her tighten around is shaft. He pushed himself up and slid a leg over the edge of the bed then the other. Without withdrawing from her, he bent and placed her back carefully onto the bed. Thanking Ry for having such a tall bed as he planted his feet in a wide stance, he gripped her hips and pulled her closer to the edge. He held her passion glazed gaze as he began to move against her. When it was obvious she was experiencing only pleasure and no trace of pain, he began to slam into her more forcefully with deeper faster plunges of his cock. "Cum for me again, Kitten." He encouraged her as his own release built. He watched as she twisted her fists into the sheets over head and gripped them tightly. "Yes, Kitten..." He increased his speed as he slid his hand down to her mound and began flicking her clit rapidly drawing out a sharp gasp from her.

Her pants began coming out in ragged breaths. "Please..." She called out as she tightened her grip on the sheets.

Her begging was his undoing. He released his hold on her and leaned forward over the bed burying deep inside her. He slid a hand under her head and brought her mouth up to meet his. He slid his other hand under her back and held her tightly to him as her arms quickly laced around his neck. "I love you." He whispered huskily against her lips between fevered kisses. "Only you." He breathed as his own orgasm rattled his body.

Arei held most of his body weight of her tiny frame as he laid folded over the edge of the bed. Her legs still wrapped tightly around his waist and her arms around his neck. He couldn't help the pleased laugh that erupted from his lips as she nestled against his neck. "Here, let's move into the bed before you fall asleep again." He teased.

"I'm not sleepy..." A yawn fought its way past her lips. "Only tired." She continued as her eyes grew heavier.

"Hum... Is that so?" He asked, smiling down at her. He ran his fingers through her hair, brushing its long silver strands as he held her gaze.

She nodded as she smiled weakly up at him. "You, Sir, are exhausting..." She teased lifting her own fingers to his hair and playing with the dangling tendrils.

"Hum... am I?" He asked dipping down to kiss her swollen lips as he cradled her in his arms and moved them both fully onto the bed.

Once her head was comfortably released back onto the pillow, she nodded, a happy smile curving her lips. "But I like it. I wish it would never end."

He smiled warmly back at her. "As do I, Kitten." His smile faded as he searched her eyes. "How about you go back to your home and pack some things you'll need, and I'll go grab us food, then we'll meet back here."

She tilted her head, "What kind of things?" She asked her brows furrowing in disappointment.

He smiled and rubbed her brow. "Things you would need if you were living here, in this house with me..."

Her eyes widened as understanding dawned. She nodded her head and pushed up onto her hands, ready to go. "Alright!"

Arei chuckled, "You don't have to this very minute, Kitten. Rest first." He gave her a tender kiss before turning and retrieving a small towel from the nightstand. "Would you like me to help you clean up?" He asked as he turned back to her and kissed her lips again.

Jos's cheeks turned red. "No... that's alright. I can manage." She rubbed her stomach. "Food does sound nice though."

He nodded and captured her lips again. "I'll be back as quickly as I can. If there's anything big you need moved, wait on me to return and I'll help you."

Jos nodded as she watched him raise from the bed and pull on his trousers. She hadn't expected it, but as soon as he'd slid his blouse over his head, he turned back to her and bent to place another kiss on her lips.

"Be back soon." He whispered against her lips as if waiting for her to tell him not to leave. When she didn't say anything after a long while, he kissed her again and stood. "Alright, I'll be off then." He turned and made his way to the door glancing back at her and nodding as he pulled it shut behind him. She'd never looked as beautiful as she did in that very instant. Her hair messy and tangled, her lips red and swollen, and her eyes still foggy in a well satisfied haze, and her naked body spread seductively atop the covers. He shook his head and forced himself down the steps. There was still one very important thing he needed to do; one last hurtles they needed to make it over. With any luck introducing her to Ry would go this time as well as it had when he'd told her about everything at his father's palace.

Doubt filled his mind as his brain continued to play over the likely conversations while he made his way toward the town. He wouldn't have any of the support he had at the palace. No one to back his side of the story, no one to emphasize the importance of the secret he'd kept. Everything would now rely on her trust in him and Ry's ability not to be a complete drunken idiot or asshole long enough for her to accept the truth of the situation. He let out a long sigh. "I'm screwed..." Thoughts of running back to the cottage, scooping her up and hauling her off to some deserted island far away from here kept assaulting his mind as he neared the inn. Shaking away the crazy thoughts once again, he pressed the doors open and made his way up to Ry's room.

He ran his hand roughly through his hair. "Where the hell is he?" He growled to himself as he looked over the messy empty room.

A maid popped her head around the frame of the opened door. "Oh, yer back. Ye want a cleaning?" She asked.

Arei sighed and turned to the girl. "No, the man in this room is my brother. You wouldn't, by chance, know where he's gone do you?"

She shook her head. "Left earlier, I guess." She studied Arei as if unwilling to believe he was in fact not Ry.

Arei rolled his eyes, "If he comes back, tell him Arei is looking for him." He pushed past the girl and headed back down the stairs. He made his way over to a now familiar barmaid. "Have you seen my useless brother?"

The maid smiled at him seductively, "I've not seen yer brother, but if you be interested-"

He raised a hand, stopping her words. "I'm not, thank you." He stepped past her then turned. "Actually, if you see him tell him Arei is looking for him." The woman nodded and went back to her work. Arei let out an irritated sigh as he moved through the doors and back out onto the street of the town. His eyes searched the streets. "Where could the fool be this time..."