Fairy Favors

CHAPTER 82: Fairy Favors

Raven blew out a long breath. "Oh wow... Well, that was a bit more than I expected, but hell I can't blame you either way. The man's fine as hell, he's sweet to a fault and the complete opposite of Russ in every way."

"Yeah, every single way. As I've told him, with Russ, I never have to question anything. I know what he feels, what he says is genuine." She shook her head as she stared down into her untouched drink. "I can't shake the feeling there's still a huge secret Arei is hiding from me."

Raven studied her for a few long minutes. "Do you have any proof of his dishonesty since he's been back in your life?" She finally asked.

Jos thought over everything he'd said and the splotchy tid-bits of her memory. "There was one thing... The night of the Gala he said he'd followed Ry to my island... which isn't a lie in itself but it wasn't after Ry had already found me and implied, he only spent the last few days with me. Then after I kept asking, he finally admitted to it being the full six months plus a few weeks before that. And the way he kept trying to explain his way around our first night together..." She narrowed her eyes at her glass. "I know there's more to it..."

Raven tilted her head. "Why does it matter so much if you've already told him how you feel?"

Jos let out a frustrated sigh. "Because I need to convince myself that it's over." She rubbed her temple with one hand. "If I don't continue to remind myself of what kind of person he really is, then I'm afraid I'll just repeat the same mistakes of my past and fall for his bullshit all over again." She met Raven's tense gaze. "I'm a big enough person to admit... to you at least... He still gets to me, and I mean how could he not. I carried the pain of our separation for well over 500 years. It's the biggest thing that stands in the way of Russ and I's relationship... that and the fact his people and the council is going to shit enough bricks to build a wall between my side of the island and his." She couldn't help a dark laugh as she thought of the wolf clan doing that very thing. "He is perfection personified, absolutely everything you'd ever want in a partner... on the surface... but there's always some higher cause that keeps him from being genuine when it matters most." She held Raven's gaze. "I have to have the truth, Raven... no matter what."

Raven got out her cell phone and began to text, before Jos could even ask who it was, Isha appeared in the booth beside Raven.

Isha straightened her outfit before clearing her throat and turning to Jos. She leaned over the table and whispered. "I may be able to help, but we'll have to do it in private. The council can't know I'm helping you with this, especially since it may be one of them who ordered him to secrecy. Ry and Arei have been working hand in hand with the council for years now doing all the dirty work no one else would dare touch."

"Could we have it done before she has to be at the Embassy?" Raven asked.

Isha rubbed her chin thoughtfully as she looked Jos over. "I mean we could try a simple spell for now." She pressed her palm against Jos's forehead. A tiny spark of light flickered before Isha lowered her hand and set back against the tall seat of the booth. She crossed her arms and legs as she twitched her nose in irritation. "Well, the good news: There's definitely a block there and it was done magically so it can be undone by magic... the down side however..." She narrowed her eyes as she continued to study Jos. "Who could you have come into contact with that could have used such a powerful spell? I'm not sure if fae magic will be enough to break this one."

Raven furrowed her brows. "Even with both of us?"

Isha twitched her nose thoughtfully, "Let me see." She took Raven's hand and leaned forward again, placing her palm against Jos's forehead. The spark of light was brighter this time, but still nothing. Isha shook her head. "I don't understand... Did you feel anything? Any sudden rush of memories?"

Jos shook her head. "No more than the jumbled mess that's already there."

Isha cocked her head to the side, "When you say jumbled up mess what exactly is it like?"

Jos thought it over for a few minutes as a waiter came over and took Isha's order. Her eyes trailed him back to the bar as he left. "It's all hazy, really... but I assumed that was because of how long it had been, and the fact that I'd spent so long trying to bury any memory of feelings involving either of them... but the longer I spend with Arei the more that comes back..." She shook her head. "But it's like a huge chunk of that time is missing. I know we spent the last six months together, but I can only recall the last few days leading up to... to... our separation... even parts of it is a bit hazy..." She focused her attention intently on the glass before her as if by staring into it her lost memories would just bubble up to the surface. "I remember most of the first two years with Ry..." She shook her head again, "I don't know... Every time I try to think about it too hard, I just end up with a massive migraine and more irritation and questions than answers." She looked back and forth between Raven and Isha with conviction. "All I know is, somethings missing and Arei is the only one who can fill in that information."

"But?" Isha asked.

Raven answered, "Jos already tried to talk to him about it. He said he sworn to secrecy." She shrugged, "Who knows. If he is really doing the councils dirty work, then it's hard to tell which of the higher-ups have dirt on him."

Isha nodded, "I'll try to find out as much as I can, as discretely as possible."

Raven leaned over and kissed Isha, "Just be careful, alright. If you get caught, the punishments will be insane."

Isha nodded, "I know... Don't worry. I'll be as careful as I can." She let out a heavy sigh. "With that being said... Once you enter the Embassy, I won't be able to be as familiar with you. I'll have to forge indifference and treat you as I would any other person who is brought there. I'll try to relay as much as I can through Raven, but I'm going to warn you now, she will be watched as well as me. If things go poorly, we will not be able to converse with you outside of guarded presence."

Jos nodded in understanding. They spent the rest of the short time they had left chatting about changes to the city and the Embassy itself. Isha relayed all the details of Russ's hearing along with the outcome of the cage match. "And they should be back sometime either this week or next to work out the details of Ry's new position." She giggled, "I believe that big giant has grown rather attached to the kid."


Arei ran his hand through his hair for what must have been the hundredth time in the past hour. He paced around the expansive room of the Embassy he, Jos, and Shelly would share. He had already brought his and Jos's bags into their rooms and sent down a list of items he thought they would need including groceries. A disapproving head shake brought his attention to the hallway of the suite. "What? Don't give me that look. You're probably just as worried as me."

The wolf arched her brow as she walked into the shared living room. She struggled to get on the sofa for a few seconds, before turning and pinning Arei with a questioning gaze.

Arei let out a heavy sigh. "Alright... But I don't know what to tell you..." He walked over to the sofa and sat down beside her. "It's not safe for her to be wondering around on her own here... even with Raven with her."

Shelly barked sending him a skeptical glare as she shifted to settle in and get comfortable.

He rubbed his hand over the back of his neck, focusing his eyes on a magazine on the table. "Alright... That's not exactly all that has me worried..." He rested his elbows on his thick thighs and gripped the back of his head in his large hands letting his loose hair hang between his knees. "This whole situation is going to be a disaster. The council is going to hate seeing me here with her. The last time we were supposed to be in the same area, they forced her to leave while I was there. They aren't going to be very happy about this whole vampire mess or... the other things she's going to be questioned about... and..." His words trailed off. He let out another heavy sigh. Tilting his head to face the wolf, he whispered, "She hates me..." He leaned back against the sofa staring up at the ceiling. "She won't even look at me, how is staying in this tiny, cramped apartment supposed to work? I shouldn't have pushed her for her feelings." He raked his hands through his hair in irritation. "And I sure as hell shouldn't have kissed her either time... Gahhh... What was I thinking..." He covered his face with his hands. "It would be so simple to give her what she wants, but if I do that, I'll be the one on trial. To give out council secrets would have a steep punishment- which I would gladly face in a heartbeat if I thought it would do any good... but it wouldn't..." Irritation and frustration weighed heavy in his husky tone.

Shelly stared at him wide-eyed. This had not been the confession she'd expected. Her emotions conflicted so much where this massive man was involved. On one hand: He had been nothing but nice to her, along with his brother. They had gone out of their way to aid and comfort her this entire time. They had both worked tirelessly on putting as much information together for Jos as they could and with the training, they'd given Russ. But on the other hand: Though Jos had spoken very little about her past relationships, it was obvious this man was a very big part of that past. And it was more than obvious to her that neither of their feelings for one another have remained in the past. When he'd fell quiet, Shelly placed a comforting paw on his arm. She wasn't sure how, but the giant of a man seemed to understand her better than she understood herself sometimes.

Arei lifted his hands and turned his turbulent eyes to her. He patted her paw. "Thanks, I appreciate it... I do... but doesn't it bother you that I'm trying to take your brother's girlfriend?" He studied her as the wolf thought over his words.

Shelly bobbed her head in uncertainty then shrugged.

Arei laughed half-heartedly. "I see, so you're just as confused about all this as me?"

Shelly nodded and laid her head down on her paw still resting on his thigh.

He chuckled and patted her head. "Well, I'm glad you like and trust me... I'm not sure Jos ever will after last week." He was still petting her head when his phone rang. "Arei here." He said loudly into the phone as he answered it.

[The review will start in an hour. Please bring the wolf girl with you. We may have questions for her as well. If you have any documents that needs submitted still bring those with you as well.] The voice on the other line said in a bored almost mechanical tone.

Arei frowned, "I believe I have submitted all my findings. As for the wolf, she will not be questioned as she is remaining in wolf form. It is the least the council can allow considering she was a victim of this." He sent Shelly a reassuring nod.

The woman on the other end paused for several seconds before answering. [I do apologize for any trauma the girl as incurred, but if it's justice she seeks, she'll have to testify at some point.]

Arei's frown deepened as the wolf's ears flattened in fear. He stroked her fluffy ear reassuringly. "I'm sure the council can find some way around it. She is pregnant and does not need any added stress."

The sound of typing sounded over the line before the woman answered. [I will make note of the girl's condition. It wouldn't, by chance, be of noble lineage would it?] The woman seemed more interested now.

Arei squeezed his eyes shut, knowing this conversation was going in a direction that would cause Shelly undo pain. "No... The child will be born Gin."

[I see... I'll add it to the notes, but chances are they will still insist on her testimony even if it is given privately.] The woman's voice had already faded back to one of indifference and boredom.

Arei gritted his teeth in irritation. "Will that be all?"

More typing sounded. [There is one other thing...] The typing and clicking stopped and the sound of rustling papers sounded across the phone. [Your brother has applied for a new position through the council, which was approved. We are still waiting on your decision since your last assignment has been terminated early.]

Arei let out an irritated huff. "My current duty is to see Rachelle Boosilis and Joslyn Decker are safe at all times while here at the Embassy." He glanced over at Shelly. "As of what I will be doing after that, I would like to wait until after this job is finished before I am forced to decide."

The fluttering of papers where followed by the slamming of a book. [Very well, I will set your file aside for now.] She huffed out in obvious aggravation. [It's not like I have anything better to do than constantly keep up with you and your brothers' files.] The sound of an office chair pushing aggressively away from a desk sounded. [One hour, son of Poseidon.]

The call ended suddenly leaving Shelly staring at the phone in dismay.

He shook his head as he tossed the phone onto the coffee table. "You'll soon discover, most of the people here are bitter and angry. Many are working off contracts with the gods and not all of them were mutual." He sent her a playful smile, "You'll also learn that many of the women who work here hold a bit of a grudge over being turned down..."