Afternoon sail

Russ eyed the small boat Ry worked to tote into the waves. "What exactly are we doing? Aren't we expected to go straight back to my godforsaken 'kingdom'?" Russ asked as he followed the giant man into the water.

"How far are you willing to go to help Jos?" Ry asked not taking his focus off the task at hand.

Russ arched a brow. "As far as I need to, why?"

"Because we are going to Ogygia." Ry said under his breath.

Russ's eyes widened. He stood frozen in place for several long seconds while he processed Ry's words. Realization dawned and he shot forward. "We are going to see Jos's mom? The Calypso?" His brows furrowed. "But wait... isn't the island guarded? Can we even sail there?"

Ry shrugged his massive shoulders as he worked. "I'm not one hundred percent certain... But I figured if there was ever a good time to try, it would be while the creature protecting the island is under close guard herself and too tired... and magically restrained from being able to shift."

Russ's eyes widened in surprise, "Wow, that is actually genius... but what's the plan?"

Ry gave an indignant grunt. "Hope there is some love left in the woman... if not for her daughter then maybe for me..."

Russ's brows furrowed into deeper lines. "But you can't leave me yet, you just signed all those papers."

Ry sighed. "Look kid, I'll do what I must. She will ask for a price, and I'm willing to pay it. The question is, if I do will you be able to get off the island?" Ry held his gaze steadily. "How fast can you swim if your life depended on it?"

Russ frowned as he stepped into the boat. "I'm not following." He sat down in the small boat watching Ry still moving about working the riggings and sails.

"The kraken isn't the only man-eating creature that lives in those waters. We may encounter sirens or any measure of other monster not even to include Calypso herself." Ry hoisted the sail, and the tiny boat began moving. "Listen kid, this is going to be a suicide mission at best for me but those papers we signed earlier will keep you out of your uncles grasp. You may want to watch carefully so you will be able to leave as soon as I'm out of the boat."

"No, I'm going with you." Russ answered immediately. "I want to meet the woman that has cause Jos so much pain."

Ry sent Russ a skeptical glare over his shoulder. "And what? She's the daughter of the titan Atlas and Pleione one of the Oceanids, an old race of ocean bound titans many who still hold rule over portions of it."

Russ furrowed his brows, "Wait, I thought your dad was the ruler of the sea?"

Ry sighed heavily, "Yes and no... My father rules the people and some of the creatures of the sea, but Oceanus technically holds that title if he ever wants to claim it. The world of the gods are way more complicated than I would ever be able to explain to you."

Russ rubbed his forehead as he nodded, "I don't know if I even want you to try. Why does it matter anyways?"

Ry turned his head to face Russ as he held the sails steady. "Because you need to understand the gods aren't people to have pissing contests with. I figure you have more than one choice word you'd like to have with Calypso, but you have to understand she is every bit as powerful as my father or any of the other gods on Olympus. The only difference is the ability of my father and his brothers to stick together and keep all the other Olympians by their sides. If any of the titans who were against the gods were to get a chance at the gods or-" He pressed a hand to his chest, "one of their favored sons, they would waste no time in doing so. Her father was one of those titans that stood against the Olympians and was punished afterwards along with Calypso for supporting him." He held Russ's gaze. "It is important that you keep a level head if you go with me. The second the goddess believes herself to be in danger, she will strike down the both of us."

Russ swallowed hard. "Damn... and you're sure you want to do this?"

Ry laughed, "Come on pup, you're the one that has spent all summer pissing off THE fucking Kraken." He arched a brow at Russ. "Do you realize how easily your death could have been included in her charges?" He let out a sarcastic laugh, "Apparently not or you wouldn't keep doing the shit you do."

Russ sighed heavily as he nodded his head. "I've fucked up there's no denying that much. That's why I want to go with you. I owe it to her."

Ry gave a curt nod of his head. "Understandable... but do you think your death would help her right now or hurt her?"

Russ frowned. "I will keep my mouth shut, but I still want to go with you. I want to at least meet the woman."

Ry shook his head as he turned his attention back to the sails. "Alright, but I hope your flight impulses are buried somewhere under all that fight... cause you're going to need it."

Russ watched as the other small vessels that had been scattered about heavily closer to the harbors of Athens became sparse. They had passed several larger yachts and a few other sailboats along their way toward deeper waters, but now there was nothing, not even the comforts of the constant caws of the seagulls that had echo around them most of the trip. His eyes turned toward the rough waters as its spray hit his face. "Um Ry, is this ship going to be able to make it through to this island?"

"Nope." Ry said as he fought against the riggings, the massive muscles of his upper torso bulging and rippling under the thin sweat-soaked shirt he wore. "That's the point."

Russ's grip tightened on the bench he sat on as the boat began to lurch. "Um Ry... what do you mean that's the point? Are you trying to wreck us?"

Ry's eyes twinkled down at Russ with a flicker of madness. "Yes!" He lifted one hand pointing at thick fog in the distance. "That is where we are going. The island lays right past that fog, but the fog isn't the only deterrent of the area. Along with roughening water the closer we get, there is also a sea of monsters waiting ahead. I highly recommend you reconsider your choice. I can jump out here, and you can turn back."

Russ shook his head as he stood. "No. I'm with you on this, and you're not giving yourself to her. We will both leave this fucking island and that crazy bitch of a goddess." Russ said forcefully, clamping his hand over Ry's shoulder.

Ry arched a brow as some of the madness vanished from his gaze. "Why are you so worried about helping me? I thought you'd be glad to get rid of me."

Russ frowned as he sat back down, afraid that if he didn't he would be pitched overboard. "I thought about what your father said and what you and Arei had said before we left Maine." His words trailed off.

"And?" Ry asked as he struggled against the growing roughness of the sea.

Russ stared down at the damp cherry wood of the sailboat as he worked through his next words. Releasing a heavy sigh, he said. "Regardless of all the teasing and taunting, I believe you guys have mine and Jos's best interests at heart. I know the both of you have supported us being together over the past weeks. I could feel Shelly's presence in the room last night. Hell, I would have been able to smell if anything had happened, including her arousal. But I didn't... I just lost my shit anyways..." He let out another heavy sigh. "I don't know what it is, but I never seem to be able to think past my need for her when she's around. The beast fights against my control way more when she's in my presence and all the logic that I know vanishes."

Ry arched a brow. "Have you considered it's because of the curse?"

Russ nodded. "Looking back on last night... being able to feel the difference when I'm with her and when we are apart..." His sad eyes focused on the rough waters around them. "Ry, I love her regardless. I feel the same deep love for her even when we are apart, but not the same... jealous, urge to control her." His eyes moved up to meet Ry's as the large man studied him. "That's the curse, right?"

Ry's face fell into a deep frown as he held Russ's gaze. He shook his head. "More than likely. It affects supernatural creatures differently than humans and the effects on each type of creature also varies. Demi-gods for instance, there is an attraction there... a lure if you want, but it's not all consuming and for the most part it is only enough to spike curiosity. Arei tested it. If we let down our guards completely the siren song can work somewhat, but it is easy to break as well. If Jos were to ever us that song on you, you would be lost to her will. That is why the council would never allow a relationship between you and her as long as she is cursed. She would have the ability to control your body and mind. She would have too much influence of you and your people. If she were to accept my uncles claim, she would have the power to take over most of the Mediterranean."

Russ furrowed his brows. "But she's not like that. She could care less about thinks like that."

Ry struggled with the sails but still managed to answer. "She hasn't made it seem that way lately between a relationship with DeMarco and now the one between the two of you being outed... all in less than twenty years since being released. That may seem like a long time to keep a clean nose to you, but to a demi-god it would be the equivalence of approximately an hour of the human time you are used to living."

Russ glared at the waters. "Even more reason for me to go with you today." His heated gaze moved up to Ry. "I want her by my side in all this. If breaking the curse can make that happen, then I will fight, beg, and barter with everything body and soul."

Ry's eyes held the horizon. "Be careful making promises you my regret later, kid. When dealing with the gods your soul is a bartering tool that you need to be very careful of selling." He widened his legs and dug his feet into deck as the waves began to slap up over the front of the boat. "Come take the wheel! I'm going to have to take the boom before she gibes with all the different angles of the wind we're getting into." Ry yelled out as he released it to Russ and swung out along starboard of the boat with a rope. "As soon as the fog parts turn her hard toward the port and duck. I'll be gibing hard across."

Russ let out a harsh roar as he fought against the pull of the wheel, digging his heels in as the corded muscles of his entire body begin to ache from the strain. His arms, thighs, and most of his thoracic muscles burned with the effort it was taking to hold the wheel in place. "How much longer?" He called out over the now harsh blast of the wind. He squinted his eyes trying to make out the outline of the massive man using his full weight to keep the boat on track through the growing thickness of the fog.

As the fog began to lift, Russ found himself missing its cover. The rough waters rippled with the movement of several massive creatures moving just below the surface. He gritted his teeth and force his legs, feet, and arms into that of the beast, giving him more power to fight the wheel. "Ry!" He yelled out as a large tail raised out of the water and began crashing down toward them.

"NOW!" Ry called out as he pulled one of the ropes loose and kicked off the edge of the starboard.

Russ had barely managed to drop to the deck when Ry went sailing overhead with the boom in tow. The boat lurched sharp to the port side just barely missing the impaling barbs of the monstrous tail. Russ dug his claws in as he saw Ry kick off of port shoving the Boom hard toward starboard. "Almost time, hang in their kid." He called out as he swung back around. The skies over head began to clear as large waves crashed into the boat from all sides. The ripple of creatures became more terrifying as the sight was joined now by the deafening screech of monsters lurking just below the waters shimmering surface. Russ didn't have time to react as the heavy thud of Ry's feet fell to the deck. The gigantic man came barreling toward him rope still in hand. "Grab on!" He called, scooping Russ up like some damsel in distress. He pressed his mouth tightly against Russ's locking their lips as he hurled them into the eerie depth of the dark waters. Ry held tightly to Russ as he forced both their bodies back to the surface of the water.

"What the fuck man!" Russ yelled the second their heads broke the surface, shoving hard against Ry's tight hold.

Ry searched Russ's angry gaze as he skimmed the waters. "That's the best I can do for you. It's the kiss of Poseidon. It will help mask your scent against the monsters below as well as keep you from drowning. It only lasts a short while and doesn't protect you for all the creatures, though. There are some who won't give a fuck if you are claimed by Poseidon or not." He explained quickly. "We have to get to shore, fast!" Ry released him and waited as Russ began to swim.

Some of the harsh sounds of the creatures began to die off, but others became more prominent. "These other creatures- who give zero fucks- exactly what are they?" He called out between panted breaths as he swam as hard as he could.

"Creatures who have roamed these waters way before my father's rule and who don't hold allegiance to him." Ry answered as he stuck close behind Russ, guarding his flanks.

They ate up the distance in a matter of only minutes but to Russ it had felt like hours. He panted hard as he let his weight crash against the rocky sands of the shore. "Now what?" He asked with one cheek pressed to the cool sand.

Ry knelt beside Russ. "Give me your hand." He said holding out his own.

"Nah man... I'm good here for the moment." Russ answered.

Ry smiled wickedly down at him. "I'm not offering you help up." He grabbed Russ's hand and ran the blade of his pocketknife down along his palm. "The only way to force Calypso out of her self-isolation is by activating the other part of her imprisonment terms. She was ordered by the gods to heal any man stranded here."