Moonlit Frolic

Cam watched as Jos followed behind the goddess awkwardly as they emerged from one of the heavily vegetated paths that surrounded the palace. Jos's pale face was paler than usual, and she was fumbling with the sleeve of the gown again a sure sign she was nervous and uncomfortable with whatever the goddess had wanted a private audience about. Looking up to the tall, willowy fairy standing beside her, Cam asked. "What do you think they talked about?"

Raven shrugged as a contemplative frown spread across her usually cheerful features. "I'm not sure, but whatever it was Jos looks worse for it than she did when she left." They both watched intently as Jos and the goddess approached.

Artemis nodded to Raven and Cam as she stepped aside allowing Jos to join her friends once again. Catching Jos's wrist as she walked past, Artemis sent her a stern look. "Remember, keep what we discussed to yourself." Shooting a glance toward her brother who was speaking with Ales and his parents, she whispered. "Especially here tonight." Releasing Jos, Artemis moved her attention to Raven. She nodded over to Jos as the girl joined Cam. "Will the two of you be joining the hunt tonight?" Her eyes traveled to Jos and Cam then back to Raven. "If so I'd be more than glad to shift you both to wolf form for the night."

Raven masked her surprised skepticism as she shook her head. "Thank you, but I believe we'll be heading out for the night." She sent the goddess a charming smile. "It's past this one's bedtime anyways." She winked as she patted Jos's head teasingly, laughing hardily as Jos tried to push her hand away.

Feeling uncomfortable about the pinched, calculating expression on the goddess's beautiful face, Cam chimed in. "Though I hate to hear your leaving early, it's probably for the best anyways." She nodded toward Ales and his parents. "The king and queen are a bit upset that Fern didn't come to the coronation and has yet arrived for the hunt." She shrugged. "If I had to guess, judging from his words the night Ales took on the alpha form, I'd say he's still off licking his wounds and being butthurt."

Raven nodded, glad to have a break from the charged stare of the goddess. "More than likely, he seems weaselly from what you've told us." She bowed to the goddess. "Good night, My Goddess. May your hunt be prosperous." She turned and patted Cam's shoulder. "Good night, Princess. I'm betting on you ladies tonight, so don't let me down!" She sent her a teasing wink. Before removing her hand from Cam's shoulder, she lifted the red fabric of the robe Cam wore and chuckled. "All you're missing now is a hood on this thing..." She released the fabric and tapped her arm playfully. "Don't be eating any grandmas tonight, ya hear." Nodding toward Jos, Raven added. "Leave that to her."

Cam giggled as Jos sputtered indignantly, darting her wide eyes around the large crowd scattered across the lawn and gardens. "I'll try not too, but I can't make any promises for any of the other 'big bad wolves' here tonight." She made air quotes with her fingers as she said big bad wolves. Still laughing and shaking her head in amusement she turned to Jos and gave her a tight hug. "Thank you for coming today. I know it was a lot of me to ask, and it put you in an uncomfortable position but it meant the world to me you came."

Jos wrapped her arms around Cam's waist returning the hug. "Tell us all about the hunt tomorrow. I'll be excited to hear!" Jos gave her a warm smile as she pulled away. She began walking toward the back gates of the garden when a hand caught her wrist again. Jos glanced from the beautiful, long fingers wrapped around her wrist up to the goddess with questioning eyes.

Artemis leaned down toward Jos and in a hushed whisper said, "If you do happen to recall... anything pertaining to what we discussed please contact me." She slid something small and cool into Jos's hand with her other before releasing Jos's wrist.

Jos stared down at the trinket in her hand. It was a lovely silver crescent pendant. Nodding she moved her attention from the pendent back up to the goddess, new anxiety weighing heavy in her eyes. When a hand clasped around her shoulder, she quickly turned her troubled gaze to Raven.

"Alright, well... we should probably be going before the island becomes overrun by excited wolves. It was nice meeting you, and I'm sure if Jos here can be of help she would." Raven bowed her head dismissively to the goddess. "See you tomorrow, Princess." Raven called as she tossed a hand up in a wave to Cam who was still watching intently.

Artemis stood in silence for several seconds before finally nodding her head and with a pinched expression dismissed Raven and Jos. "Have a pleasant trip home." She turned on her heels and walked back toward the waiting guests.

Raven urged Jos toward the gates quickly, sending Cam one last questioning glance. When the princess only frowned and shrugged back, she picked up pace urging Jos along as quickly as her form's tiny legs could move without running. Once the palace was far enough behind them, Raven asked. "What in the world was that all about?"

Jos frowned as she opened the hand that was gripping the pendant. "She was wanting information about... HIM... or rather THEM, most particular whichever one was Orion."

Raven arched a brow. "And what did you tell her?"

Jos shrugged still studying the pendant. "The truth... I know very little about either of them and what I do know, I have no way of knowing which the information involves. All I've ever known either of them by was Sir or Rion and apparently that was a name they shared... but I don't think she believed me." Jos moved her troubled eyes away from the pendant and up to Raven. "I just want to forget it all, Raven... I've tried my hardest to forget. I hate that I can't provide her more information, but I don't want to think about either of them any longer. Too much of my life has been spent mourning the things I've lost instead of enjoying what I presently have." She handed the pendant to Raven as she sent her a pained smile. "I know you'll more than likely go back to your own people and wife once your work here with me is over, and Cam will most likely outgrow our friendship as she ages and takes on more responsibilities..." Her troubled eyes moved up to the bright moon overhead before moving back to Raven, a sad smile spread across her lips. "But I'm going to enjoy the now... embrace what time I do have with you guys and forget as much of the past as possible..." Her brows furrowed. "Shouldn't be too hard, my memories are so distorted and fogged anyways..."

Raven nodded a heavy frown spread across her lips. She had no plans of ever walking away from some form of friendship with the gloomy person walking beside her, and she doubted Cam ever would either... but she figured it was best not to argue the matter. Jos wouldn't take her word on it anyways. A thought occurred to her causing a giggle. "You think Cam and Ales have banged yet? They both seem a bit extra glowy when they came back hand in hand from changing." Raven nudged Jos's arm suggestively.

Jos snarled her nose up in disgust. "I do not what to think of my friends doing THAT." She scrunched her brows. "Besides they are both still very young."

She let out a sputtered giggle. "Jos, not everyone waits until thousands of years to lose their virginity. It's not uncommon for humans and even some Sups to have... relations... at their age." She shrugged. "If anything it's normal adolescent hormones."

Jos frowned as her mind conjured memories of the giant tattooed man she'd let possess so much of her body and soul. The image of bright, adoring blue-green eyes with sunbursts of yellows scattered throughout haunted her for a second time tonight. Gazing up at the stars and moon, she couldn't help wondering. {Where are you tonight? Are you staring at the same moon and stars as me? Do memories of me ever cross your mind?}


Cam struggled to keep the disdain out of her voice as she gave Reighley's hands a reassuring squeeze. "I'm sure Fern is fine. He's probably only still upset is all." No matter how glad she had been to hear Fern still hadn't arrived, the worry it was causing the queen caused her heart to ache. She racked her mind for more comforting things to say, but nothing would come. She let out a sigh of relief as the crowd surrounding them fell quiet and the two twin gods began speaking. She gave Reighley a reassuring smile and another light squeeze of her hand. "It's almost time. We should join our party." Cam led her toward the all-female group gathered around Artemis as she searched the male group gathered around Apollo for Ales, smiling and sending him a low, shy wave before turning her focus on the goddess.

"The winner will receive the tusks of the boar as a trophy to display proudly and in honor of the special night!" Artemis lowered her bow she'd been holding triumphantly high in the air. Smiling out over the pack she nodded toward Cam. "As the ceremony has been for generations, you Princess, shall lead our pack by my side." She motioned for Cam to stand by her side.

Cam glanced over to the other group on the opposite side of the heavily decorated gardens. Ales was now standing beside Apollo and lowering his robes. She watched in amazed appreciation as he shifted into a beautiful red wolf.

"If you will lead the shift, Princess." Artemis said, a hint of impatience and eagerness in her voice.

Cam nodded and unfastened the ties of the robes allowing her body to easily shift as the robes fell around her. The familiar howl of Ales filled the night's air quickly followed by the other wolves in the group gathered around him and Apollo where the god himself now stood bare-chested and cupping his hands over his mouth in a long loud howl as well. Cam sent a glance up at Artemis and when the goddess nodded, Cam turned her attention to the group around her as nervous excitement began to fill her. tilting her head back she began to howl and all the other now shifted female wolves joined in along with Artemis.

When the howls ended both gods each dipped the tip of one of their arrows into a nearby torch and shot the arrows into the night sky at the same time, sending them both soaring high into the air like shooting stars. "Whichever group has brought down a boar by the time the arrows fall back to earth shall be the victor!" Both gods called out to their groups in unison.

With a nod the beautiful red wolf shot toward the woodline eagerly followed by Apollo and the rest of his group. Seeing this Cam quickly followed suit, racing toward the woodline breaking through the thick foliage only seconds behind Ales. And the hunt was on!

Cam focused on recalling all her training as she led the group deep into the forests leading away from the cliffs and toward the center of the island. She barked out her command for the group to begin fanning out. The faster more nimble seekers shot out in opposite directions with their noses pressed close to the ground and their ears raised to full attention. The warriors spread out taking point on the far outer bands of the group making sure to be able to protect any member whether they were leading the search or lagging behind as catchers, the last line of offense in case a creature was able to escape past the rest of the group. Several guards were spread out throughout the configuration as protection for the queens and other higher-ranking members along with the goddess and Cam herself. The takedowns were tagging along in high anticipation directly behind the seekers.

Soon, excited yaps could be heard from the left, indicating the seekers on that side had found a target. Cam gave a loud howl informing the outer pack to change direction and close in as she quickly shot left herself. Two more shorter howls let the group know the chase was now on and the outer lines needed to begin circling. Cam could feel the excitement as the boar came into view and the rapid organized movements of the outer bands of wolves began closing in on all sides.

The massive wild beast cried out in fear and anger as its options of escaped began to dwindle. The pale cream of its numerous long tusks reflected the moonlight giving emphases to each of their razor-sharp lengths. When the animal was finally stopped by the tight circle of wolves, Cam gave the takedown howl, and several large wolves leaped forward into the center of the tight circle with the boar.

Artemis wasted no time lifting the bow and taking aim. Dropping the beast before it had a chance to use its deadly tusks on the excited wolves. Everyone howled in excitement as they pranced eagerly around the creature waiting on the retrieval team to join the circle.

Though Cam knew the wolves were probably disappointed they were not the ones to bring down the wild beast, she gave the order to have it hauled back to the gardens. The call of other howls filled the air the closer to the cliffs and castle they came. Ales's pack was on the trail of their prey and was about to have their own takedown. Cam shot Artemis a concerned glance. When the goddess gave her a firm nod, Cam gave a quick bark to instruct the team to pick up pace. They broke the woodline only seconds before Ales's takedown howl was given. Cam sent Artemis a pleased, wolfish smile as the boar was dragged into the gardens marking them as the winners. She threw her head back and let out a long triumphant howl, and all the other wolves of her group joined in letting Ales and the boys know they had lost.

The flaming arrows hit the ground one after the other as Ales and his group emerged from the woodline toting an even larger boar. Many of the female wolves ran to their partners of the other team and yelp and nipped at them, bragging wolfishly of their win. Cam pranced over to Ales nudging him sweetly with her snout, instead. He gave her a warm, pleasing smile and licked her cheek.

They sat happily near the woodline as the goddess declared her team victors and pulled her arrow from the ground, leaving her brother to carve the tusks from the beasts. As Apollo presented the tusks to his sister, Ales nudged Cam with his snout and nodded toward the woods. She sent him an eager smile as she stood and followed him toward the thick foliage, glancing around the lawn to make sure no one was paying them mind.

As soon as the sounds of the party were no longer as audible, Ales playfully bumped into her. Cam darted in front of him letting her muzzle brush through the thick fur of his neck and chest before rolling onto her back and kicking gently out at him as he stumbled over her. He turned and playfully nipped at her fluffy tail as she quickly got to her feet and pranced away from him. He followed close, pouncing as soon as he was close enough to take her to the ground without injury. He pinned her down but was surprised when instead of continuing their usual games she licked him instead, her eyes gleaming up at him.