Forever yours

CHAPTER 35: Forever yours

Cam forced herself to concentrate as Ales held her against his naked body. "So...ah..." She cleared her throat. "So, what's the plan?" She studied his eyes as she forced her hands to remain as still as possible around his bare waist.

His eyes narrowed as a harsh smile curved his lips. "Force him to admit what he's done, then banishment..." He tightened his hold on her as a new hunger filled his eyes. His gaze moved over her lips and down her neck resting on the shoulder where the scar of the mark he'd left those four years ago still remained. "But first... there's something else I've been delaying that needs done..." He lowered his lips to hers. "I want you, and It's high time I stopped trying to hide that fact."

Cam pushed her hands up between their bodies, enjoying the tight, warm muscles they moved over as they went. She wrapped them tightly around his neck and pulled him deeper into the kiss. [Finally!] "I want you too, Ales. I have for so long!"

He pulled away enough to smile down at her. "Then we should make haste to our bedroom, don't you think?"

Cam swallowed past a lump in her throat, put there by the sudden excitement his words were causing her. She nodded as she pulled the rest of the way out of his arms and moved toward the ladder. She climbed ahead of him, but the thought of his naked body just below her and that he would finally be hers tonight had her stopping and turning on the ladder. "Ales..." She sighed out his name longingly. Her heated gaze scanned the rippling muscles of his back, arms, and shoulders as he made his way upward toward her.

His eyes locked with hers, and he pulled himself up against her body as he held the bar with one hand and brought her lips to meet his with the other. "My gods, I want you." He said as he pulled away from yet another desperate kiss.

Her hand brushed down the front of his stomach coming in contact with the head of his shaft pressing upwards just below his navel. Memories of his hot seed spilling over her hand the night of their coordination caused liquid to pool between her thighs. She let her finger tease the tip as she pressed her mouth against him again.

He let out a deep growl as he switched hands, he was holding the bars of the ladder with. He let his free hand slide down the length of her back before cupping her ass tightly then giving it a shove upwards. "Get on up there before I'm too tempted to take you right here on a ladder in a dank passageway."

She nodded her head as she gave one last rub of the head of his cock. She quickly turned and hurried up the ladder and through the narrower passageway. She sat on her bedroom floor and watched with hungry anticipation as Ales's body shifted inch by inch as it emerged from the hole. He was still on all fours as he moved toward her. She let him guide her to the soft carpet, tangling her hands in his messy hair as she went. "I love you." She murmured against his lips as their kisses grew more feverish. "I love you so much."

"And I, you." He whispered against her neck as he kissed and nipped her there. He kept himself propped up over her with one hand and worked the buttons of his old dressing shirt with the other. "My wife... My love... My life... I love you." He continued working his way down her throat and across her shoulder as the shirt fell open. He leaned back and studied her bare breasts for the first time. "Beautiful..." He whispered as he reached out and traced a fingertip over one pale pink, taught nipple. He couldn't resist the urge, he lowered his mouth to the nipple and sucked it into his mouth drawing out a moan from Cam.

"Ales..." She called out his name as he moved to the other breast sucking it into his mouth as well. This time he gave it light nips between sucks as he slid his hand across the swell of her other breast before trailing it downwards over her stomach and to the waistband of the trousers.

He made quick work of the makeshift belt and buttons of the pants. His eyes widened in appreciation when his fingers were met with her bare mound. She hadn't worn undergarments beneath his trousers. He shifted his weight onto his knees, wanting to get a good view of her as he slid the pants off. Her cheeks, neck, and chest were red from a deep blush, redder in the places he'd spent more time nipping and sucking. "You look so amazing right now... I wish I could capture this very sight and always have it to look upon for the rest of my life." He stroked his hand over his painfully hard cock, hoping to give it a bit of relief. He'd touched himself often enough over the year, thinking of what she might look like when this time finally came... But no amount of imagination nor anything he'd read in the books he'd found hidden at the back of his father's personal library could have prepared him for how magnificent she actually looked.

Cam bit her lower lip as she ran her hands over her breasts. She'd meant to cover them as he stared down at her, but the brush of her fingers over their sensitive flesh made the heat pooling between her legs build causing her to press her thighs together, instead. "Ales..." She whispered pleadingly.

He tugged the pants free of her legs and tossed them to the side. The scent of her arousal driving him mad as he did so. He lowered himself over her for more deep, passionate kisses as he ran his fingers through the pale blonde curls between her thighs before dipping them into her moist folds. He growled his pleasure against her lips biting down on her swollen bottom lip as his cock nearly exploded. He moved his mouth down to her breast as she arched upward into him. He slid his fingers against her folds, letting her movements and different pants and gasps guide his touch. Her hands moved feverishly over the vast plains of his body. "Cam..." He whispered her name huskily. "The bed..." He whispered, his breath catching as she kissed and nipped his throat.

"Hum?" Cam murmured breathlessly as she ran her hands over the corded muscles of his back and shoulders.

He forced himself to set back onto his calves as he struggled to control his breathing and the impending eruption of his cock. He nodded toward the bed as he ran a teasing hand over the soft swell of her breasts, trailing his hand with his eyes. "I don't want our first time to be on the dirty floor." He watched as she bit into her bottom lip while she nodded in agreement, her head thrown back, chest arched into his palm, and eyes squeezed tightly closed. A half grin spread across his lips as he shifted to lift her into his arms and moved their love-making to the bed.

She went into his arms eagerly, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck and kissing every available inch of his exposed flesh she could reach as they walked the short distance. When he set her on the bed, she stopped him from moving. She let her eyes roam over his beautiful body, drinking it up. Her hands trembled slightly as she reached out to trace the ridges of his well-sculpted abdominals before sliding farther down.

Ales held his eyes tightly closed, fighting for control of his body as Cam's torturous exploration continued along the sharp V of his hips. When her hands left him only briefly before wrapping around his hard shaft, his eyes shot open, and his cock jerked against her grip. His arousal grew as he watched her stroke his length. "Cam..." He panted her name, but almost wished he hadn't when her heated, passion-filled eyes met his as she lowered her mouth to the head of his cock resting just above her encircling hand. "Ca... Ahhhh..." His body involuntarily bent forward as he lost control and shot his seed all over her face. He could feel the heat burn his cheeks as he forced his eyes open. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to... do that... yet..."

Cam licked her lips as her gaze moved from his now soft cock up to his beautiful face. The deep red of the blush made his cyan eyes look even bluer. She wiped at the corners of her mouth with the back of her hand. "It's alright, most of it went into my mouth..." Her cheeks heated herself as her gaze moved back to her hand where his cock jerked back to life with her words. Her eyes shot up to meet his gaze. "Ales?"

He ran his fingers lightly across her lips as he licked his own lips. "I've... never... with anyone... besides you..." Embarrassment colored his words, but it was dimmed by the carnal undertones of his voice.

Cam pushed up onto her knees as she gripped the hand that had been teasing her lips. "As I have only ever been with anyone but you..." She glanced down at his growing erection. "I don't mind that you... in my mouth... I... I enjoyed it... actually..." Her tiny tongue darted out to lick her lips.

"Cam..." He growled as he cupped her face and pulled her in for a rough, hungry kiss as he pushed her down against the mattress.

She could feel the press of his hardness as she wiggled against him, tangling her hands into his hair and her legs with his. She struggled to hold him into place as she fed hungrily from his mouth like a starved animal making tiny moans and whimpers as she explored the depths of his mouth. "Ales, please!" She begged desperately without any idea what it was she wanted... need from him. She moaned in disappointment as she tried to cling to him, but he was finally able to push away from her.

Sitting back on his heels between her legs, Ales drank in the magnificent sight of Cam's wiggling body against the soft pink frill of the bedspread. She bit into her swollen bottom lip as she ran her hands across the sensitive planes of her body where he'd touched, kissed, and nipped. He ran feathery light fingers across the flat, smooth skin of her stomach letting his hands move across each hip teasingly, before making his way down the pale flesh of her inner thighs. His eyes radiated with desire when they finally met her, and a wolfish smile curved his lips. "It's only fair that I get to taste you now..." He didn't give her clouded mind time to register what he meant, instead, he swiftly bent and scooped his arms beneath each thigh and hooked his arms over their tops holding her into place against his mouth. He lapped his tongue against her already moist folds experimentally as he held her hot, confused gaze. When her eyes widened and her mouth formed into an O, he smiled against her center and began to taste her more brazenly. When she moaned his name as she arched her hips against his mouth, he increased the speed and directions of the movements.

Cam bit hard into her bottom lip as she curled forward and tangled her fingers into his messy hair and tugged. "Ales, please!!!" She cried out desperately. "I need you!"

He released his hold of her legs and lifted his head to meet her trembling lips. He balanced himself on his knees as he tangled his hands into the curls at the back of her head and guided her downward as he met each teasing, tasting lap of her tongue against his mouth. He reached between them guiding the head of his cock to her hot, wet entrance. He pressed into her but there was little give. Releasing himself he began stroking his fingers against her. When she was wiggling and writhing against his hand, he began pushing his smallest finger inside her trying to stretch her entrance. When that finger could easily move in and out, he switched fingers repeating the same movements until there was no more resistance. This time he pulled back from her lips and watched her face as he carefully forced a second finger inside.

Cam clamped her eyes tightly shut and bit into her lip as she dug her fingers into his arms. The fingers he'd been moving around inside of her hand left her feeling full and stretched but this time there was more pain and a near tear instead of stretch... and this was only his fingers... "Ales kiss me, please!" She begged wanting all the distraction she could get before he tried inserting anything larger.

Ales could read the discomfort in her pleading words and expression, but if this was causing this much pain now his shaft was sure to be unbearable. He pressed his fingers deeper inside so that he could reach her most sensitive bud with the pad of his thumb. As her body began to relax around his fingers, he leaned forward and reclaimed her lips. She moaned loudly against his mouth, even biting painfully into his lower lip as he pressed his fingers deeper inside this time meeting resistance.

"Please just do it now so the painful part can be done and over with!" She growled against his ear as she curled upwards against him.

Ales let out a nervous breath as carefully pulled out his fingers and guided the head of his cock back to her entrance. The dew-covered tip throbbed with anticipation as he stroked it against her. "Are you sure? We don't have to go all the way tonight... We can simple tell the kingdom that the marital act has been... preformed... We have the rest of our lives it..."

She leaned back to meet his worried gaze. Shaking her head, she replied. "No, I want you now. I don't want to wait a minute longer to have you... all of you and you all of me!" She pressed herself against his tip encouraging him to continue.

Ales nodded as he continued to tease her folds with his hard tip. "And I want you, my love." He bent and captured her lips as he slowly pressed into her trying his best not to cause her any undue pain as he met resistance once again. The head had barely made it past the tight outer wall when she let out a sharp gasp. Instead of meeting his lips for more kisses, her mouth moved to his shoulder. He could feel her teeth scrape against the flesh there as he continued to press deeper inside her. This time as he met an even stronger barrier, he pressed her face into his shoulder and held her in place. "Bite me as hard as you need." He huffed out with shaky breaths... and she did.

They both cried out as he pressed past her maidenhead, and there was no doubt, they would both be bleeding. He stilled his movements giving her time to adjust to his length being just past her virgin's barrier. He released his grip on the back of her head hoping that she would, in turn, release the deep, penetrating hold her teeth had on his shoulder, and she did until he pressed deeper inside her. "Dear gods, Cam, you are unbelievably tight..." He moaned against her ear as he struggled to move inside her. Her body clamped down around him with tense apprehension, causing him to reconsider their actions. "Relax, love." He whispered as he reached between them and began rubbing her bud again until she began to relax and moved against him on her own. He smiled down at her. "That's it." He whispered taking her hand and guiding her fingers to replace his and he braced himself on either side of her and began thrusting in rhythm to her movements.

Soon, they were both moving wildly against one another coming closer to ecstasy with each thrust. He clamped his mouth over hers as she cried out her orgasm as the tight clamping around his shaft forced his own release. "I love you, Cam." He breathed against her ear.