Cards on the table

"Well, that was nearly a waste... What now?" Ry asked from the back seat of the car as Giorgos drove toward the palace.

"All we can do is go to the addresses and hope that they either still live there or whoever does will know where to find them..." Poseidon said with an exasperated sigh. "Until then, I guess just hope Fern is gullible enough to go along with this next plan."

"If not, we could always go with my idea..." Ry through in.

"If that really was the old omega, shouldn't he know where we could find them? I still think the old bastard is holding something back." Russ said returning to his earlier argument.

"Nah, an omega wouldn't interact too much with warriors." Giorgos replied as he pulled into the back entrance of the palace. He chuckled, "You have got to be the only person I've ever dropped off at this entrance other than workers my entire career as a driver." He shook his head as he pulled the car into a parking spot and shut the engine off. "You're not like any royalty we've ever seen around here, even when your parents were alive. Don't get me wrong, they were super friendly and charitable... but they had an air about them... You knew the instant you talked to them; they'd been born into royalty."

Poseidon shrugged. "You'd be surprised how down to earth some rulers can be." He ignored Ry's muffled snort from the back. "Alright, so everyone understands the plan?" He asked with his hand rested on the door. Everyone in the car nodded as they all pushed open their doors.

Ry and Russ immediately began staggering as Poseidon and Giorgos made their way to the trunk and took out several cases of beer and a few bags from the trunk. They made their way toward one of the downstairs offices making as much noise and drawing as much attention as they could as they went. When one of the maids came to see what the commotion was, Russ asked in a faux slur. "Is my uncle home by any chance?"

The maid rang out her hands nervously as she bowed her head and replied. "No, Your Majesty."

"Could'cha send him our way when you see him?" Russ asked sending her a wink as he popped open one of the beers Poseidon had set out on the table. Russ kept up the pretense as the maid left the room. He rolled his eyes. "This is never going to work." He lifted the beer and chugged its contents. "The least I can do is work up a real buzz. Hell, all I have to do is a quick shift then back as good as new anyway... such a waste really..."

"Speaking of a waste, can you do the thing already? I'm thirsty." Ry said as he took the two decks of cards out of the bag and began shuffling them.

Poseidon grabbed one of the cans and held it for a few seconds before handing it to Ry. "Done, enjoy."

Ry arched his brow. "It's not going to be piss, is it?" He looked down into the beer can before moving his gaze skeptically back to his father.

Poseidon chuckled, "No, but great idea, maybe next time." He said rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

Giorgos arched a brow as he opened a can of his own. "I'm not following... Am I missing something?"

Poseidon reached out and pressed his hand to the can Giorgos was holding then smiled as he watched the man lift it to his lips. Giorgos's brows furrowed, and his eyes shifted in amazed confusion between the can and Poseidon. "What is that apple juice? Cool trick... but um... could you turn it back to beer? It's been a long time since I've had a nice cold one." Poseidon chuckled as he pressed his hand to it again.

Voices sounded from down the hallway before the doors to the room were opened. Two young men looked curiously around before asking. "Mind if we join? We heard the commotion... and to be frank, this stay has been rather boring." The man's smile widened. "Aside from your elaborate introduction the other night." His smile widened more, revealing gleaming white teeth as he bowed slightly.

Russ fought against the urge to roll his eyes or glare, instead, he forged drunkenness as he pushed a can of beer forward. "You're just in time... we were just getting ready to go over the rules of the game." He intentionally slurred some of his words.

The two men walked cautiously toward the table and pulled out seats. Before sitting, the man that had done all the talking so far held out his hand. "I'm Drake and this is my... friend Mattie."

The other man rolled his eyes. "Just Matt, come on dude, you know I hate that name..." He grabbed a can and popped the tab taking a large drink before placing it on the table and leaning back in the chair. "So, what game are you guys playing?"

Russ clenched his jaw in irritation. {Are the bastards really just going to sit here and act like we're not fucking mortal enemies?} He forced a smile but knew it probably look sardonic. "Waterfall... or maybe better known as Kings..." He took the deck and flipped them all upward facing. "Due to our current level of intoxication..." he paused as Ry and Poseidon sputtered out a laugh and lifted their drinks. "We are keeping things simple, red it's yours black you give it away." He selected a random numbered card of each color and held them up. "Red three, I take three drinks. Black eight, you drink, or I can split the drinks between more than one person." He tossed them down and selected a mixture of black and red face cards. "All the jacks are socials, everyone drinks. If you draw a red queen players, ask a question. A black one means you can either choose one person to ask a question or ask everyone. Anyone not willing to answer has to chug the drink in the center of the table. Kings are all rules, you draw one and make a rule like anyone who says drunk has to drink. Aces are waterfall, whoever draws the card starts drinking, then the next person, and so on. He can't stop until the last person to start drinking stops. And last but not least, jokers." He nodded to the can in the center of the table. "Anyone who draws either of these has to chug the center can."

Mattie and Drake exchanged looks before nodding. "Sounds simple enough," Drake said as he took one of the cans.

Russ gathered the cards and gave them one last shuffle before spreading them out around the can in the center of the table. "Ladies first." He said to Ry.

Ry scoffed, "Don't mind if I do." He drew a black five. Tossing it to the table he glared across the table to his father. "All five to you, Don..." Poseidon smiled as he lifted his drink and took five generous gulps, sending his son a wink once he was finished.

"I guess I'm next?" Mattie asked as he selected a card. He frowned down at the card. "It would seem luck's not on my side already..." He tossed the red ten to the table as he lifted his can.

Drake chuckled as he selected his card. A smile curved his lips. "Nine to you... Your Majesty?" He arched a brow at Russ as he said the title.

Russ shrugged as he lifted his drink, masking his irritation. "Just Russ is fine. I'm not big on titles. The power isn't in the title... it's in the man." He bit out coldly.

The smile curving Drake's lips widened. "I get the feeling there's an intriguing story within those words to be told."

Russ shrugged again as he set his can back on the table. "Hope for a queen then... If you want to hear it."

Drake studied the prince. "I will be... for sure..."

"My turn!" Poseidon said as he rubbed his hands together in excitement. He let his hand hover over the deck before selecting a card. "Ow! Must be my lucky day, an ace."

Giorgos rubbed his chin. "Wouldn't that be bad luck... for both of us?"

Poseidon forged drunken confusion as his gaze moved back to the card. "Shit... you're right..." He tossed it to the table and sucked in a large breath before blowing it out. "Welp, let's get it over with... still three more of these lil bastards." By the time Drake had lowered the can from his lips all six of the men were crushing empty cans and tossing them to the side.

Giorgos burped loudly as he hit his fist against this chest. "Guess that means I'm up..." He pulled a card. "Ah thank fuck! I don't think I could stand another drink right now. To you, man, you're too sober." He pointed toward Mattie.

Russ didn't bother to wait until the vampire had finished as he selected his card. A smile curved Russ's lips as he flipped the queen of clubs toward Drake. "Question... for you. What are you doing here at the palace?"

Drake shrugged nonchalantly. "Same as you, I figure."

Russ arched a brow. "What exactly do you mean by that?"

Drake shrugged again as he took a long drink from the new beer. "Obligation for the most part... and seeing that the same mistakes of my past predecessors aren't repeated." He shifted his gaze from Russ to Ry. "So, are we here for an interrogation, or are we playing a game. Who's turn?"

Ry lifted a card and tossed it in irritation back to the table. "Well hell... Hand me a beer..." He flicked the ten of hearts onto the table and waited for Poseidon to reach him the switched drink.

The game continued over the next hour. Russ had to admit, he was beginning to feel the alcohol... but he could tell the vampires were as well. He grimaced as he flipped over the last queen, the queen of diamonds. "Well ask away..." He growled.

"What was it like to fuck the Kraken?" Mattie asked, his quiet demeanor of the night replaced by the liquid courage provided by the alcohol.

Russ narrowed his eyes. He could feel his jaw tick as he gritted his teeth, but before he could answer the door to the room opened and Fern stepped inside. "Great question, I too would like to hear the answer to it." Fern said, his gaze trained on Russ.

Russ bit back the blinding rage that threatened to over-spew at any second. He nodded toward the few cards remaining on the table. "Have a seat and join us then... but if I'm going to talk about my failed sex life then I'll need something stronger than this." He said finishing off the can in his hand before crushing it and tossing it onto the table in disdain. "You got any more of that scotch from the other night?"

Amusement colored Fern's face. "You want more of that scotch?" His lips turned up into a triumphant smile as he lifted his hands and clapped loudly. A servant came rushing in within seconds. She didn't speak, only lowered her head in a bow as she stood by the door waiting on his order. "Retrieve the scotch from my office, would you Dear." The servant simply nodded and deepened her bow before turning and making haste out of the room.

Drake arched a brow as he watched the servant flee. "It never fails to amaze me how households are run in these older establishments... simply archaic..."

Fern turned a quizzical brow toward the young man, "Compared to what, the utter chaos of your modern establishment? I think not... You children would do well to take note."

Drake frowned as he lifted his beer and took a long drink. "I'd rather not." He shifted his gaze to Russ. "What about you? Traditionalist or new age?"

Russ shrugged, "I wouldn't know. I haven't been subjected to this lifestyle since I was a toddler."

"Hum..." Drake murmured as he pushed away from the table. "If we're waiting on the liquor before continuing with things, I think I'll step out for a few minutes. I need to check my messages." He pushed up from the table and made his way out of the room.

Mattie's gaze shifted nervously from the door to the other men in the room. "I think I'll join him... let you guys have some privacy before we pick this back up."

Ry nodded as he gathered the remaining few cards on the table and mixed them into the discarded cards they'd already used. "Alright, don't be too long if you want that answer."

Mattie's eyes moved nervously from Ry to Russ. "I'm not sure I want it if he's going to be drinking the same stuff from the other night..."

The corner of Ry's mouth raised in a half grin. "Don't worry, kid, we haven't had nearly enough alcohol to make us that red." He nudged Russ with his elbow. "Besides, hopefully, there won't be any reason for it tonight... unlike the other night." His accusing eyes moved to Fern.

"I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about." Fern replied as he glared back at Ry. Little else was said until the maid returned with the decanter of liquor and a tray of glasses, followed by the two young vampires. Fern smiled as he eagerly took the decanter and glasses.

Poseidon took the first glass as soon as Fern had poured it. "You pour, I'll serve." He said casually as he passed it over to Giorgos. "Keep it going on around." He sent Ry a wink. "I guess it would only make sense if you served your guests on your far side over there." He said as he took the fourth glass and watched as two more were poured and passed straight to the vampires. Poseidon arched a brow when Fern moved to replace the cap of the decanter. "Aren't you going to have a drink with us?"

Fern gritted his teeth as he glared at Poseidon. "I'm sorry, what was your name again?" His eyes shot to Giorgos before moving to Russ. "My nephew seems to be making so many friends lately it's hard to keep track."

Poseidon grinned as he extended his hand. "Don, I was sure I introduced myself the other night... Must have been too wasted to remember properly." He shrugged as he lifted the glass to his lips and took a sip of the amber liquid. "Ah... Now that is some good scotch. Surely you'll not be passing it up so dismissively." He forged a frown. "It's poor manners not to, you know..."

Fern's lip snarled upwards. "Better than my wine, I hope..." Fern begrudgingly poured the last glass half full before replacing the cap. He knew well what was inside and prayed they would all be passed out long before he was forced to drink the damnable liquid.