Drowning in your Love

Arei smiled as he rested his chin atop her head. "Hum... it's nice, isn't it? I almost forgot how beautiful this place was."

"Me too..." Jos pressed a kiss to his neck. "But... we really should go unpack... It's getting late and I'm getting sleepy..."

Arei smiled down at her. "Hopefully not too sleepy." He winked.

She giggled, "Well, maybe not that sleepy..."

His smile widened, "In that case." He pushed her upwards carefully as he stood. He caught her around the waist bringing a round of giggles from her. When she tried to pull away from him, he caught her and tossed her over his shoulder. Her laughter vibrated her vocals as he sprinted toward the cottage.

"You're crazy, you know that?!" She called out as she tried to push herself up pressing her hands against his flexing gluts. Her focus quickly shifted from his playful actions to the firm cheeks below her hands. She gave both sides a tight squeeze before slapping them. "You know... this might not be the worst view..." She teased with another loud pop of a slap.

Arie only paused for a few seconds as he pulled the door open. He didn't waste time scaling the stairs to their room either. Flopping her over his shoulder and onto the bed, Arei followed her down. His lips found hers as his hands tangled into her hair pulling her deeper into the kiss. He could feel the soft feel of her hands exploring his body as she moved against him. "Ummm, kitten. You have no idea how much pleasure I get out of feeling your hands on my body."

"As much as I get out of touching it, I hope?" Jos whispered against his neck as she pressed a lingering kiss there. She worked the buttons of his shirt free and slid her hands inside the warm material, running her hands over the velvet-soft flesh encasing the hard rippling muscles of his ribcage.

Arei pulled back slightly, searching her love-fogged eyes. "Are you sure? You're not still sore from the last time?"

She smiled up at him. "I feel fine... better than fine, Arei. I want this. I want you." She dug her fingers into his flanks and tugged him more fully onto her, tightening the hold her feet already had around his legs.

He chuckled. "Well, you know, if you do what this," He bent and placed a teasing kiss on her lips. "you're going to have to release me at least long enough for us to undress." The faint blush that spread across her face widened his smile more, causing his eyes to crinkle at the corners. To emphasize his point, he slid his hand under her shirt flattening his palm against the gentle dip of her stomach.

Her breath caught as his hand made its way slowly over her ribs and his fingers began teasing the lace of her bra. "Arei..." She breathed his name as she knotted her fists into the fabric of his shirt and tugged his mouth back down to hers. Once her tongue was happily entwined with his in a passionate dance, she released the front of his shirt and slid her hands under the collar pushing it away from his broad shoulders.

He chuckled against her lips as he worked his arms free of the shirt one arm at a time. He caught her hand and brought it down to his belt. Breaking the kiss only long enough to smile wickedly down at her, he said. "This has become my favorite piece of clothing. Watching your impatient frustration is the absolute sexy-cute thing I believe I've ever seen."

She narrowed her eyes. "You just like to torture me..." She struggled to remember how the complicated latches worked as she glared up at his twinkling eyes and radiant smile.

"Only as long as it's something that will bring you pleasure in the end, kitten." He bent and nipped her pouting bottom lip. Once she'd finally managed to work his belt free he lifted from the bed tugging her to edge with him. He planted his feet on the floor in a wide stance, her feet still hooked around his thick thighs. Running his hands over the tight jeans she wore, his eyes burned into hers. "Though I can't begin to explain how sexy I think you look in these, right now I think they would be the sexiest in a pile on the floor." He skillfully worked loose the buttons and zipper before tugging them off her hips then pulling them free of her legs and tossing them to the side. Jos sat up and lifted her arms. Without any further invitation, Arei lifted her shirt over her head and tossed it atop the jeans. "Ummm." He growled in appreciation. "I'm tempted to leave these on you." His eyes moved hungrily over the matching lacy undergarments.

"I would be fine with that." Jos replied wantonly. She laid back onto the mattress running one hand over her lace-covered breast as she slid her other hand slowly over her stomach and across her lace-encased mound. She bit into her lip as she watched his eyes trail her hand as she tugged the leg of the panties to one side bearing her slick folds to his hungry eyes.

"My gods, kitten..." He murmured with a deep husky growl as he tugged at the buttons and zipper of his own jeans, kicking them off impatiently. He was back over her in a flash, feeding ravenously from her mouth as his fingers replaced hers against the moist lace of her panties. He worked her already tingling bud with the pad of his thumb as he slid a finger inside her tight core. "You're already so wet." He whispered gruffly against her lips. He trailed kisses along her neck as she tossed her head back with an arch, the first waves of pleasure began to shatter her body.

"Ahh!" She cried out as his wet mouth sucked her nipple through the thin lace of her bra. Her hand moved rapidly to the back of his head. Her fingers dove into his thick hair, holding him into place. She worked her hips frantically against his fingers, reaching her first orgasm with a squirt of release. She used her grip on his hair to tug his mouth back to hers. Digging her heels into the back of his thighs, she ground her clit against the hard bars running the length of his cock. She slid one hand down his side, forcing it between the tiny space separating their bodies as she continued meeting his almost frantic kisses. She slid her hand between his body and his thick cock, cupping it and stroking its smooth length as she pressed the biting bars more firmly into her own folds. She moaned into his mouth as her pleasure built once again leaving an aching need burning inside her core. She shifted her hips maneuvering the head of his shaft to her entrance and pressing herself against the piercing of the tip. "Arei!!!" She called his name, begging for him to take her.

He hadn't thought, he was too caught up in her passionate response and his own need. He pressed his cock into her letting her guide his way with the needy strokes of her hand and wiggle of her hips. It wasn't until she was throwing her head back and wincing against the stretch of his thick cock that he remembered the bottle of lubricant and... the condom... {Fuck!} He scorned himself mentally as he quickly pulled out of her and pressed away from the bed. He searched the room frantically. "Shit..."

Worry mingled with wanton as Jos scrunched her brows together. "What's wrong?"

His troubled eyes moved back to her. "The condoms and lubricants are still in the bag in my suitcase..."

Jos's sex clouded brain processed his words as she looked around the room. "Down... stairs..."

He nodded as he sat up and moved his attention to the nightstands on either side of the bed. {Peg and Andy had been here earlier and staged the room for a romantic first night... maybe...} He pulled open the top drawer and sure enough it was loaded with various condoms. He quickly grabbed one and tossed it to the bed before closing that drawer and opening the one below. A smile curved his lips as a wide variety of lubes and other smaller, packaged toys were inside it. He shook his head in appreciation as he removed one of the bottles and closed the drawer back. "Thank the gods for perverted brothers and their equally perverted, overprepared wives." He retrieved the condom and tore open the package as he slid it over his shaft and squirted a generous amount of lube onto it. He then turned his attention back to Jos as he squirted out another generous dollop onto his fingers. "Now, let's see if I get you worked back up to where you were before." He slid the lube slick fingers along her folds, circling them around the entrance of her core before plunging two thick fingers in and out as he lowered his lips to her lace-covered breast. He watched from vailed lashes as she began coming undone under his oral and digital assault of her body and senses. "Beautiful." He murmured as she arched against him. He carefully replaced his fingers with his thick head, working with more ease this time as he slid slowly into her. "Remember, if it hurts too much all you have to do is say so. And I don't mind if you bite me or anything else you'd like to do."

She wiggled impatiently against him as she mumbled an incoherent reply.

He bit back his hesitation and began to push forward. He took her inch by delicate inch working with the arching and movements of her body as he did. He watched her face with intense concentration looking for any sign of her discomfort or displeasure.

"Please stop being so goddamn perfect and FUCK me!" Jos growled as she pulled him down atop her. She regretted the action the second his full length was plunged into her but there was no turning back now and no reason to stop. "Please!" She begged as his tense body remained unmoving over her.

"You always have to take the hardest path, don't you kitten?" He murmured against her hair as he hooked his arm under her neck. He held her tightly as he began moving. Her kisses and nips to his neck and collarbone sent tingles running down his spine, activating a primitive need to drive harder and deeper into her. Holding back was no longer an option as her fingers traced and teased his nipple rings while she continued licking and nipping any available skin. Soon enough her body bucked up against him, her hands went still against him, and her head fell back against his arm and the mattress. The clenching of her walls and the flood of fluids around his sheathed shaft drove him made with his own need. He cupped her head in his wide palm and brought her lips up to meet his, crashing his mouth over hers. He swallowed her cries as he pumped harder and faster into her. He could feel the bite of her heels into the backs of his knees and her nails into his back as he shifted his hips rolling into her, extracting out more pleasure for them both. His body went rigid, and she gripped him tighter to her as he emptied his seed at last. He struggled to keep his weight off her as the last drops shot against the perforated tip of the condom.

He released her lips and rested his forehead against her, panting. He supported his weight on one arm as he teased her sides and stomach with the soft sweep of his fingers. "I know we still have a long way to go to get back to that place we were once before... but in all honesty, I prefer the route we are taking now." He met her questioning gaze, and a smile curved his lips. Rolling off her and pulling her into his arms, he replied. "One of my biggest fears before was that you would discover the true me and not want that man... now because of all we've been through I no longer worry about that discovery. In fact, for the first time in my life, I'm excited about the idea of sharing that person with someone else."

Jos raised a hand to caress his smooth beard. "And I look forward to learning all about that man and sharing all of myself with you as well." She circled his neck with her hands and tugged his mouth down to hers. She released him with a heavy sigh as she rested back against the mattress. "With that being said... we should probably unpack soon...ish..."

A half-smile curved his lips. "As much as I'd love to argue that you're right..." He sat up and tugged her into a sitting position beside him. The corner of his lips turned upwards as he looked away, a slight blush visible just above the scruff of his cheeks. "You're probably going to think I'm being too overprotective... but I was also thinking we may not want to leave Shelly alone tonight... being that it's her first night in a new place, and the first night she's spent alone in some time..."

His sweet, consideration caused her heart to miss a beat. She nodded as she struggled against the tight lump that had formed in her throat. "That would be great... She'd really like that."