Best Steps Forward

Jos let out a heavy sigh as she set the bags she was carrying on the counter. She looked around the empty house. "It's so..."

Arei chuckled as he set his own bags down and came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her. "Quiet?"

Jos frowned as she turned in his arms. "I was going to say lonely."

Arei smiled down at her. "Yes... maybe so, but..." He sent her a playful smile as he lifted her onto the kitchen bar. "We can also do this now without worrying about getting caught." he pressed between her knees as his lips lowered to hers for a teasing kiss.

"I never realized getting caught was a concern of yours." Jos chuckled as she unfastened the top buttons of his shirt and placed a kiss on the center of the tattoo running from collar to collar. "I feel like if we're going to be together, and I'm going to be a part of your father's court I should get one of these too..." She tugged his shirt to the side and placed a kiss to the brand on his chest.

"Hum... There's no rush." He lifted her finger and placed a kiss to the ring she wore. "This is enough for me, for the time being." He tugged her arm around his neck as he brought his lips down to hers once again. "I love you, kitten."

Jos smiled happily up at him. "I love you." She wiggled toward the edge of the counter wrapping her legs around his waist.

"I'll never get tired of hearing those words from your lips." He whispered against her lips.

"Nor I from yours." She murmured between kisses.

With a guttural growl he lifted her off the counter and toward the stairs. Shooting a glance toward the couch, he laughed. "I'm tempted to gather supplies and come back down to break it in."

Jos followed his eyes over to the couch. Her eyes widened as a blush crept up her neck. "Umm... Is that really a good idea? I mean in case Rin and Shelly do decide to take us up on our offer?" Her lips turned into a questioning frown. "I mean... I don't think I could set a baby on a surface we've had sex on without properly cleaning it first..."

Arei's laughter rumbled through her. "Well since you put it like that..." His mouth lowered to hers as he began up the stairs."

Once he stepped into their room, he paused. "Would you like a shower or bath first?"

Jos's eyes lit as she giggled. "Would it be us if we didn't start in water of some kind?"

"Haha, I doubt it." With that, he headed toward the bathroom.

"I'll never get used to your abilities to run through such mundane tasks without putting me down." She commented as she tightened her hold on his neck.

His lips curved into a wickedly sexy smile. "It's never mundane if you're in my arms." As soon as steam began to fill the shower, Arei stepped inside and under the warm water cascading down from the showerhead.

She spurted out in disbelief as she slapped his chest. "You could have let me undress first! Our clothes-"

"Will be fine." He murmured seductively as his lips lowered to hers. Water streamed down their faces as he drank hungrily from her sweet lips. He pressed her back against the cool tile of the shower, holding her back to watch the black lace of her bra become visible through the white cotton shirt she wore. He held her firmly as he let his mouth lower to one hard peek tenting her shirt, before moving to the other.

Jos dug her fingers into the tight knot of his hair as he sucked her sensitive nipples through the shirt. "Arei, please."

His eyes met hers, but his mouth barely lifted from her breast. "Please what, kitten?"

"It's been such a long day..." She grumbled. "Don't make me wait any longer..."

The corner of his lips raised exposing straight white canines as he gave her a crooked grin. "Have you been wanting this that long, kitten?" He let one hand slide under her thigh, seeking out the now-soaked cloth of her panties. He glided his finger across the wet material, watching as his touch drew a gasp from her. "I love watching your arousal grow." When she only moaned in response to his touch, he found her lips with his own pinning her harder against the wall. He quickly worked the belt of his jeans loose along with the button and zipper, working himself free. He glided the length of his cock against the wet lace of her panties, careful not to snag one of the bars in the delicate material.

"Arei..." His name came out as a pleading moan. One of her hands was still tangled in his hair as the fingers of the other slid under his button-down and dug into the hard muscle of his shoulder. Her entire body was pulsing with need as his mouth moved over her neck, nipping and sucking the tender flesh. "Tease..." She huffed as the hard ridge of his shaft left her.

Arei smiled against her lips as he pushed the lacy panties to the side and slid himself against her hot, wet folds. "Teasing you is the best part, kitten." He pressed the ball of the piercing going through the head of his cock to her clit as he stroked against her causing another loud moan to escape her parted lips. Her eyes closed and her head rolled back as tiny shudders traveled through her body. He'd learned her body well over the past weeks they'd been back together, and this was his opportunity. His hand moved to her hip, holding her into place as he pressed his tip against her core. When she wiggled impatiently against him, he pressed just inside.

"Ahhh! Yes! Please!" She cried out as she wiggled needily against him.

"Be patient, kitten. You'll get what you want." He chuckled as he pressed more of himself inside her. "You've begun adjusting to my size. There's less resistance now. Does it hurt less yet?" He asked as he maneuvered yet another inch inside her.

Jos nodded her head that now rested against his collar. "It doesn't hurt... just feels... ahhh... like I'm being overfilled... over...ahhhah... stretched... but in a goooood wayhay, ah."

"I'm fully inside now, you can relax." He coached her.

"I'm fine... it's just that... well I understand what you meant when you were explaining that your piercings were for the opposite reason than what was given to slaves and servants..." She pressed her lips to his collar letting the soothing warmth of the water wash away the tension she had been holding in her shoulders.

He chuckled, "Yes, I'm glad you've begun to like them." He carefully and slowly began moving inside her.

"Like them... ah... I love...uhhh... them!" She bit the smooth skin of the base of his neck bringing a moan from him.

"Good..." He said on a husky breath. "I hope it's as much as I love being inside you."

Her reply died off in a moan as he began moving faster inside her. She began working her hips against him as she tightened her hold around his neck.

Arei couldn't deny the pleasure that was being bare inside her, but as their pleasure built, he knew it was time to make their way toward the bed. The moment he felt her internal walls begin to clench down around him, he shut off the water and carried her over to the vanity. He begrudgingly withdrew from her, his cock pulsing painfully in protest, as he pulled her drenched shirt over her head. He pushed off his own, letting it fall to the floor with a soggy plunk followed quickly by his jeans and belt. He guided her back against the mirror as he lifted her hips and tugged her dress and panties off. Tossing them to the floor with his own clothes he lowered to a squat in front of her, pressing her thighs apart. He tugged her hips toward the edge of the counter and began kissing and nipping his way along her inner thigh. He lapped at her creamy center, her release evident. "Cum for me again, kitten." He murmured against her sensitive flesh, letting the rumble of his words vibrate against her folds.

"Umm!" She moaned as she tangled her fingers into his hair again and holding his mouth against her.

"That's it, ride my face, kitten." He murmured huskily as she moved her hips against his mouth. His cock ached for release, but he wouldn't let it... not yet. He fumbled in the bottom drawer of the vanity with one hand as the other moved skillfully inside her in rhythm with his mouth. Finding a condom, he then stood and scooped her into his arms. He carried her into the bedroom, gently lowering her onto the mattress. He quickly tore the packaging open with his teeth as she panted beneath him. His mouth nipped and teased the high arch of her hips, the gently muscled plains of her stomach, and her tightly pebbled breasts as he worked the condom over his length with his free hand. This had quickly become their norm. He would get her off as many times as he could with his hands, mouth, and cock before finally giving in to his own need, but not before finding a crafty way of sheathing himself.

She arched against him, pressing more of her breast into his mouth as she felt him begin to push into her again. Letting out a hoarse moan, she maneuvered against him trying to accommodate his girth. "Just do it already, please!" She whined as he continued to tease her with only the tip.

He let out a chuckle. "Always so impatient, kitten." He bent and molded his lips over hers as he pushed deeper inside her. Once was buried to the hilt and she was gasping too much to return his kisses, he chuckled again. "What will I do with you?"

"Love me..." She murmured between gasps as she ran her hands over his well-sculpted chest.

A wide smile spread across his handsome face. "With pleasure, kitten."


Jos woke in a cold sweet. Panting hard, she searched the dark room frantically, the deafening beeping of her watch hurting her ears.

"What is it, kitten?" Arei murmured in a low, sleepy voice as he stroked her back soothingly.

Jos struggled to get her heart rate under control. "Nightmare... again..."

"Ok, well it's over now, kitten. Can you remember any of it?" He asked as he sat up and pulled her into his arms.

Jos pressed into the familiar warmth that was his thick arms as she shook her head. "Not a thing... again..." She struggled to meet his gaze from the tight cocoon of his embrace. "Why can't I ever remember them? It has to mean something, right?"

"Sh... It's alright, kitten. It's not uncommon for people to forget what they've dreamed. You know that. Calm down." He continued to stroke her hair and back as he gently rocked her in his arms. "What do you say, I go down to the kitchen and get you a glass of water or cup of herbal tea?"

Jos nodded, "Yeah... that would be good..." Her troubled eyes met his. "Thanks..."

He smiled down at her. "Not a problem, kitten." He placed a light kiss to her brow before lifting from the bed.

Jos watched as his thick, rounded butt cheeks flex as he walked from the room. {Gods, how I love that man...} She couldn't help but gawk as he sent her a wink before disappearing out the door. {But why can't I get rid of this feeling... as if sudden doom is upon us...}

She'd barely thought the thought when the first pull of the curse struck her. She tried to fight against it as she got up from the bed and ran toward the door Arei had just gone out of. Another strong pull had her nails digging into her palms as she fought against it. "No... not tonight... not ever again!" She cried out over the loud beeping of the watch. {The tranquilizers! I got to get to them... or at least to Arei!} She struggled out the door and toward the stairs, stumbling as she tried her best to hurry down them. Her eyes quickly searched the kitchen. "Arei!" She cried out as his silhouette came into view, but it was too late.