Life and death *Harsh content warning*

Rin spun on the filthy floor and was just about to run his blade through the other man's chest when a rough, female voice from the corner stopped him.

"He's telling the truth..." The voice cracked in a weak stoic tone.

Rin let the sword fall to the ground beside him as he hefted the other man's weak body off him. He turned his attention to the shadowed girl in the corner. "If this isn't what I think then why is that bastard feeding from a girl?!" His hateful glare moved back to the blonde vampire, who had begrudgingly released the dirty-haired blonde girl he'd been feeding on. Rin's anger flared more as a flash of Shelly shot across his mind. His lips snarled over his teeth as he bit out. "The bastard's killed her no doubt." He kicked the vampire hard with a booted foot.

"She was already dead..." The stoic voice answered.

Ry bent by the girl and Mattie. He nodded his head. "Looks like she's been gone a few days..." He turned his attention to the two vampires laying side by side on the ground and held his hand out to them.

Drake shook his head. "We're too weak to walk out of here. Take Mattie first... then the girls... You can come back for me."

Ry arched a brow as he lowered into a squat. "I'm sure you don't mean that."

Drake nodded weakly. "I do... you don't understand the horrors inside this room."

Ry looked around. Though it was dark he could still hear the scurry of rodents, could hear the raspy, shallow breathing of those still alive inside. "Yeah, I get the gist..."

Russ held one hand out to Rin as he held his shirt to his nose. "What is this?" He asked as he looked around.

"Hell..." The stoic voice answered.

An overhead light flashed on, revealing a fragment of the room. Russ forced his eyes to adjust to the room. The more of it he saw the more red-tented everything became. "What the fuck..." He murmured. There were at least thirty girls of various ages chained to the walls and not all of them were living. They were covered in their own waste, surrounded by rotting scraps of food and putrid water. It was hard to decern which of the prisoners were alive and which had passed. Many looked as if they were caught in a hellish in-between, their weak bodies being devoured by malnourishment, rot, and...rodents. He felt a sickening roll in the pit of his stomach as he took in several maggot-covered bodies that hung from the chains by decaying arms. He caught movement in the corner of his eye as Jos stepped into the room. "NO! Get her out of here!"

Arei's hand shout out and pulled Jos against him, hiding her face against his chest. "Holy fuck..." He muttered as his eyes traveled around the dark room in disbelief. He caught Gigi's hand and began backing away from the cellar, but the wolf girl pulled away.

"No... I... I've been where they are... it's fine... I want to help..." Gigi answered.

Arei nodded. He tugged Jos away from him and pressed his phone into her hand. "Go out into the stairwell and call for backup. Call Peg, he'll know who all to contact." Arei brushed a hand over her hair. "Don't come back in here alright... Please."

Jos nodded as she clutched the phone to her chest. She didn't fight against him as he nudged her toward the door.

Arei waited until she'd stepped outside before turning back to the hellish dungeon the others were now inside of. Light radiated from the room now, but it didn't make the horrors inside any less disparaging. He made his way over to the two vampires who were now resting against the wall of the cellar. He held his arm out to them. "Here, feed. We need all the able-bodies we can get in this hell hole."

Drake sent him a skeptical look. "Your friend nearly killed us for feeding off a dead girl... You think we're stupid enough to-"

Rin tossed two bottles of blood roughly at them. "You were feeding off a girl that looks nearly identical to my wife... a wife your uncle tormented," He kicked Mattie's leg bringing a whimper from the vampire. "tormented my wife on numerous occasions and KILLED me." He gritted his teeth as he glared down at the men.

Drake sent him a questioning glare as he worked open the bottle and took a large drink. "You look well for a dead guy..."

Arei caught Rin's hand as he drew back for a punch. "We have other things to deal with, yeah?" He stood and cupped Rin's shoulder. "I know how you feel man... I do... but your grudge isn't with these boys."

Rin nodded begrudgingly as he stepped away. "Don't make me hate them any less..." He growled as he turned back to the hellish room.

Arei moved his attention back to Drake. "What can you tell me about this room?"

"Only what the one girl told me..." Drake shook his head. "I'd heard about it growing up... but I never expected it would be like that... I'll never get those images or smells out of my brain no matter how long I live..."

Arei nodded. "You're probably right about that..." He arched a questioning brow. "You feeling better yet?" When Drake nodded, he held his hand out and tugged him to his feet. "Alright... As much as I hate to ask this, at least some of the girls seem to trust you. We're going to need your help."

Drake nodded. "After two weeks in there, I guess we built a kind of comradery." He followed Arei back to the dungeon but froze at the door. He shook his head. "I... I don't know if I can go back in there..."

Arei nodded in understanding. "That's fine. Just stay here and help the girls out into the main room as we free them." His eyes moved back to the room. Regardless of her words, Gigi was nearly as frozen as Drake. He cupped a hand on her shoulder. "Do you think you could help by finding some blankets and water for the girls?"

Gigi nodded hesitantly. "Yea... yeah..."

Arei forced a smile. "Good, see if Jos can give you a hand, alright."

He turned his attention back to the room. A weak girl spoke as softly as her hoarse, stoic voice would allow to the other girls unwilling to leave the room, though her wrists were now free. Ry and Russ were each lifting girls into their arms as Poseidon broke the chains. He nodded to Rin. "Can your magic break the chains without hurting the girls?"

Rin nodded. "Should... Do you want to take this side with me?"

"Might as well..." Arei was about to step forward when a hand caught his arm. He turned to see the smaller of the two vampires.

"I want to help..." Mattie whispered.

Arei searched the young vamp's eyes, but finally gave in and nodded. "Alright... We'll take that side..."

Drake swallowed hard. Squeezing his eyes tightly closed he stepped forward. "Count me in..." He nearly vomited as he followed the others through the room, stepping over what remained of some of the older corps.

"Hold it together, kid. You'll not do anyone any good if you hurl up that blood." Arei coached as he handed the first limp but living girl to Drake.

Drake nodded and slowly worked his way back toward the door. He couldn't help the sick shutter that crept up his spine as the crack of brittle bones crunched under his feet. He was thankful when a strong arm tugged him forward, shaking his mind back into the present.

"Come on kid. We can't just stand here, some of these girls are going to need medical attention asap." Ry ordered as he balanced one frail body in the crook of his arm as he continued tugging Drake toward the door. A deafening roar echoed the walls, bringing Ry's attention back to inside the room. "Fuck!" He shoved the tiny body he'd been carrying to Drake as he pushed him the remaining few feet across the threshold. He whirled back into the room in time to see Russ shift into the hybrid beast. "Dad, do something!" He yelled as he ran forward.

Poseidon spun from where he knelt over a girl barely breathing and flicked his wrist toward Russ, bringing him to his knees as he continued to struggle against the alpha form. Ry slid to his knees in the filth beside Russ cupping his face and shaking his shoulders. "Pull it together, kid! Think of the girls."

"That bastard has to pay for this! A quick death isn't good enough... He deserves torture..." Russ said angrily between panted growls.

"We have to help them first, then you can seek out your uncle." Movement from the far corner caught his attention. Ry lifted his head to see the older girl who had remained in the room shift into a wolf form then back painfully slow. Her glowing Jade eyes glared into him and Russ.

A strange calm fell over Russ as he watched her stand and walk toward them, not phased at all by her now lack of clothes as if what she had on before had been much. She glared down at them both as she stepped past and knelt beside Poseidon. "Hand her to me... She's my little sister..."

Poseidon frowned as he lifted the barely living girl upward. "We need to get them to the hospital..." He replied.

Rin stepped over and nodded in agreement. "I can take two at a time if you want me to start teleporting them out."

Poseidon nodded. "I can take as many as can touch at once." His gaze shifted to the other girl. "Your sister needs professional care. I can take you with her." He stood and held his hand out to her. "What is your name child?"

Her beautiful eyes glowed radiantly from the caked-on muck. "Jaden... and this is my sister Gwendolen." Her eyes shot to Russ before moving back to Poseidon. "I... I know who you are... And you..." Her eyes moved back to Russ.

Russ pushed Ry's hand away as he stood, not bothering to brush the filth from his pants. When she took a step back, he froze in his steps. "I..."

She shook her head. "I said I know who you are... I didn't say I liked you..." She turned her attention to Poseidon. "I will let you take us to the hospital... after I see to the others..."

He nodded. "I can take them as well..." His attention moved around the room before meeting Rin's.

Rin nodded with a frown, answering the question in the sea god's eyes.

Poseidon turned to Ry. "Can I leave the rest to you and Arei?"

"Yeah..." He followed them out into the main area, surprised how crowded the room had become over the past hour. His eyes sought out Jos and Gigi who were now tending to as many girls as they could, giving them water and cleaning wounds as best as they could. Arei was in a heated discussion with several members of the council. He caught Russ's arm and nodded toward them. "Here's your first chance to show your authority here. Come on, they'll need our statements." Peg nodded to them as he stepped past them with a tablet in his hand.

Peg bent beside Jos and Gigi. "I have the names of the girls who have gone missing over the years. Do you think you can help us identify any of them?" He asked Gigi. To his surprise, one of the girls stepped forward while Gigi continued to hesitate.

"I can... I know... knew them all..." Jaden said in a raspy stoic voice.

Jos grabbed one of the blankets and shot to her feet. "Here." She said trying her best to wrap it around the taller girl's shoulders. She bent and retrieved one of the many bottles of water they'd brought down and handed it to the girl. "How... how long have you been down here?" Jos couldn't help to ask as she searched the girl's dirty face.

With head held high and only a barely noticeable tremble to her body and voice, Jaden answered. "That depends... what year is it now?"

Tears streamed down Jos's face as she reached out to the tiny girl in Jaden's arms. "What... did they do to you all?"

Before Jaden could answer, Lamia stepped forward. "Yes, we need an official statement, and considering you are the only one remotely capable of speaking in the wretched place..." Lamia held a recorder out toward the girl.

Jos pushed between them. "Can't you see, she's in no state to answer your questions!"

"I have to agree." Russ's harsh voice rang out from over Jos and Jaden's shoulder. "We are dealing with a tragedy. We are trying to save lives. If you can't help with those two things, then get the fuck out of my palace."

Lamia arched her brow at the three. "Your palace? That's rich coming from you, Prince Boosilis... considering you wanted nothing to do with it only weeks ago."

Russ stepped forward. "Yes well, as you can see, I've changed my mind considerably..." He risked a glance behind him. "And as you can also see my people need me now, they need their representatives to show they give a shit as well. So, if you're not here for that-"

"Yes, get the fuck out... I heard the first time..." She rolled her eyes.

Gigi swallowed hard as she stood up from the floor and stepped forward. "I... I can answer most of the questions you have about this place."

Lamia arched her brow. "You? Ha... Well, this should be interesting." The sound of duel growls reverberating in the hollow basement caused her to stop her next words. Her eyes moved up to the radiant glare of a pair of red and a pair of Jade eyes. Her lips fell into a flat line. "Fine... shall we?" She motioned to a less crowded side of the room.

Russ followed them with his eyes, before turning his attention back to Jos. "How are the others?"

Jos frowned, clenching the bottle of water in her hands. Her eyes moved to the slight girl in the other wolf's arms. "I... I'm sorry... I wouldn't call many well... and the others..."

Russ nodded in disappointment. "I see..." He cupped her shoulder. "Thank you... you didn't have to help... but you did... I... I'll never be able to repay you for... everything..." Just as he was about to pull her into a hug Jaden swayed on her feet. He quickly grabbed her as Jos struggled to support the smaller girl in her arms. "Rin! Can we get some help over here?"

Rin hurried over, the first signs of exhaustion showing on his face. "Yeah, man? Oh... Um here..." He held his arms out and took the weight of the girl. "This will probably be the last trip for me tonight... I... don't think I can do anymore..."

Russ nodded. "It's cool, man. You've done more than enough. I'll stop by when this is all over." He clapped Rin on the back and watched as the man disappeared with the two girls. He let out a sigh as he ran his dirty hands through his hair. He didn't turn his gaze to Jos as he asked. "Did you know about this?"

Jos shook her head rapidly. "I had no clue. I hadn't heard any of it until recently. Why? Why would you even ask that?!"