Birthday Surprise

Jaden hadn't had any problems finding the girls. They were in their usual spot watching the training down below. She arched her brows as she neared the window and looked out as well. Her eyes caught the gleam of light from the silver-haired man as he sparred with Russ. A sharp pain gripped her chest that she couldn't explain as she watched the two move fluently around in a strange familiarity. It was as if they were two dancers who'd trained together for a lifetime... knowing... anticipating one another's moves and being able to perfectly adapt to one another.

"Oh wow! He's not only beautiful but a great fighter as well." April murmured, her eyes trained on the newcomer. She rested her chin on the hands that were crossed over the window seal, an enchanted smile curving her lips. "I've never seen anyone move with such grace and elegance. You'd think they were practicing for a play or something instead of training for actual fighting."

"Hum... yes well, don't forget, he's also gay..." Mia countered as she rubbed her chin thoughtfully.

April shrugged, her head still resting on her arms. "So? I'm only looking, it's not like I'm trying to find a mate."

Jaden frowned, her eyes still focused on the two men below. "He'll be the one training us..." She tilted her head as she watched the almost feminine approach to sword fighting. "Maybe that's why they asked him..."

"Oh, you're back?" April lifted her attention toward Jaden.

Jaden narrowed her eyes. "You're just noticing?"

A guilty smile curved April's lips. "I mean they are pretty distracting..." Her gaze moved back to the newcomer. "Gay or not, I'm not sure how focused I'll be if he's training me..."

Jaden arched her brows. "How can you even think such things... after..."

April's smile faded as she shrugged her shoulders. "I didn't say I'd be throwing myself at him... I only said he's distractably handsome... I am still a woman... I have eyes... and needs..."

Her words caused a strange tug in the pit of Jaden's stomach and another clench of her chest. "Yes... I suppose you're right... Um... anyway..." She held out the phone. "The prince said I should go ahead and show you these now before we head down."

April's eyes were wide with excitement as she grabbed Jaden's wrist in one hand and Mia's with the other. "The pictures can wait! I want to start training!" She pulled them down the hall followed by the other four girls.

"But wait!" Jaden tried to argue, but it was no use. Once April had made up her mind about something, she couldn't be dissuaded.

Russ was tugging off his shirt and wiping the sweat away from his brows as the girls enter the training area. Hushed whispered sounded from both sides, the girls and the guards. Ry and Arei's booming voices echoed through the courtyard as they forced the other men's attention back on training. Russ tossed the shirt over one shoulder as he approached them. "Sorry, I didn't think things out too well. Next time we'll try to schedule something separately. I just wasn't sure what my friend's availability would be." He nodded toward Jos.

Jos lowered the bottle of water she'd been drinking and walked over to the small group. "It's nice to see you again. I look forward to working with you all, though I have to apologize. I really don't have any practice in training others... I myself have really just learned the more practical skills."

Russ chuckled. "We'll all learn together." He winked at the smaller group. "We'll leave the deathmatches to those guys." He nodded to the group behind him that had gone back to training already. "Ready?" He asked making his way over to the swords and gathering enough for everyone.

Mia arched a brow as she took one of the weapons. "Are there even practical uses for such things in today's world?" She held it out examining the shiny yet dull blade.

"Rin used one the night we fought beside you guys." Russ commented as he handed out the last one.

"Yes... but we're wolves. We are stronger and better fighters in our shifted forms." Mia retorted.

Russ frowned as he struggled to answer but was relieved when Jos did instead. "It's easy to rely on a natural ability, especially a shifted form... but to allow that to be your only defense against an attack is reckless. The goal in this kind of self-defense training is to teach you to use every possible measure available against your attackers." She turned her attention to Russ. "Attack me."

He nodded and came at her with his sword. Even in the male form, it was hard to go on the defensive against the alpha strength Russ was beginning to exude even out of his hybrid form. Just as she was about to lose the match she let a tentacle slip out from the bottom of the loose tee-shirt she'd borrowed from Rin. The tentacle shot out and pulled Russ's leg out from under him and tossed him into the air. It then caught him around the waist and planted him safely on the ground. He was still stroking the tentacle around his waist when she turned her focus back to the shocked faces of the girls around them. "It's better to save shifted forms as a final form of defense." She could feel a blush creep up her cheeks as all the girls except Jaden and April joined Russ in stroking the tentacle.

Mai tilted her head as she studied it. "But wouldn't it be easier to just shift if you were strong enough to beat most things?"

Jos shook her head sadly. "Being extremely powerful is an even greater reason to hold back..." She began to retract the tentacle when April darted out.

Her violet eyes held the stunning aqua eyes of the man before her. "M...may I touch it too?"

Jos cleared her throat as she looked away. "Yeah... sure..."

Russ chuckled as he walked over and clamped a hand on Jos's shoulder. He leaned close to her ear and whispered. "Tell me, is it easier to have girls fawn over you?" He could feel her shoulders go rigid under his touch. "Don't worry, I'll not say anything..." He stepped away. "Ready?" He asked the group as they fell back into line.

It hadn't taken long for the girls to pick up on the basics of swordplay. "Alright, next we'll teach you some hand-to-hand techniques. Once you guys feel comfortable enough with what you'll learn here today, we'll pair you off with some of the guards so you can test your skills." His attention moved to Jaden as he considered what would be required for this next step. "Would you like to pair with me for this one? It... will require physical contact..." She nodded and walked over to stand beside him.

Jos flushed red as she looked out over the girls. "I... I could just instruct the others as they pair with each other..."

April stepped forward. "I don't mind being your partner." She gave Jos a wide smile.

Russ sent Jos an amused look. When she nodded nervously, he turned back to the girls. "Alright... well then, we'll start with escaping holds." Just as he was about to slip his arm around Jaden, he quickly changed his mind. "Actually, we'll demonstrate it first, then pair off." He stepped behind Jos and wrapped one arm around her waist and the other across the front of her now flat chest. "This feels different." He chuckled quietly into her ear.

Jaden couldn't pull her gaze away from the telltale blush spread across the smaller man's cheeks. Unwelcome images of these two men in an intimate embrace accosted her mind.

Jos cleared her throat as she fought against the growing discomfort being in Russ's arms was causing. "First, you want to bring your heel down onto the top of his foot. The second his hold loosens you want to drive your elbow into his sternum." She repeated the motion slowly a few times, thankful for the space between them required for this part of the demonstration. "Next, pivot, kick their groin then grip the back of the head and drive your knee into his nose in an upward motion. Gravity is your friend on this part. His downward motion will help you."

Russ cupped himself and stepped back several steps. "I'm not sure I'm willing to trust you just yet on that part of the demonstration. I'm sure they get the gist." He nodded to Jaden who reluctantly stepped over to him.

April stepped in front of Jos and turned her back to her. "I'm ready."

Jos swallowed hard as she awkwardly positioned her now larger frame around the tiny, emaciated girl.

April caught Jos's arms as they fumbled loosely around her. "It's fine..." She guided Jos's hold around her more firmly drawing a chuckle from Russ. "I... I'll need you to hold firmly if I'm to learn how to really do this, right?" Her violet eyes gleamed in the afternoon sunlight.

"I... I guess..." Jos swallowed hard as she tightened her hold and the lessons began.

After nearly an hour had passed Jos called out for a break. "O...ok, that's enough for now! Go take a break."

Her face was blazing red as she made her way over to her water bottle, feeling the heat of several pairs of eyes on her back.

Russ chuckled as he flopped down on the ground beside her. "I think they like you."

Jos could feel her embarrassment and anger build, but before she could say anything another familiar laugh echoed in her ear.

"I'd say they all have a little crush... should I be jealous?" Arei laughed as he wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed the back of her neck.

Russ sent him a confused, questioning look. "You don't find it weird kissing her like that?"

Arei shrugged. "No, why would I?"

"Hum... no reason, I guess..." He laid back against the grass and crossed his arms behind his head. "I guess you and your brother have more in common than I initially thought..." He murmured more to himself than anyone else.

Arei narrowed his eyes. "Tell me, kid, what exactly happened between you and my brother in Athens?"

Russ's easy demeanor faded away. "I'm surprised he or Peg haven't told you..." He forced his anger aside as he unclinched his jaw. "Maybe you should ask him yourself... He's the only person that can explain his actions... not me..."

Arei frowned. "I've tried, he won't talk about it. Which only makes me that much more curious." He moved over to sit down beside Russ, but the kid shot quickly up as soon as he was close.

"I'm going to go see which of the guards would be best to pair up with the girls. I'll meet you back over there in 30." He said stepping past Jos.

Jos tilted her head as she watched him leave. "What was that about?"

"My guess? Ry's done something stupid again... All Peg would tell me was that he got smashed the first night they were there and showed his ass. I'm sure you remember how he used to be when he drank." Arei caught her hand and tugged her down beside him. He guided her head to his shoulder, but she pushed away from him. "What? Is it because you think it's weird too?"

She laughed. "No, I'd forgotten about that. It's hard to remember I'm in a different form around men as large as you and Russ. It's only when I'm around them that it gets... awkward."

A crooked smile lifted the side of his lips. "You do seem to have a bit of a fan club now." Their gazes both moved to the giggling girls across the court. He tugged her closer again, but she pushed him away again. "Are you sure it's not because of that?"

Jos giggled, "No! It's because you're sweaty!" She gave him a playful shove, but he caught both her arms and rolled her onto her back.

"Oh?! Is that so?" He began rubbing his sweaty face all over hers as he tickled her sides.

"Ok, ok! Stop already!" Tears ran down her face as she laughed breathlessly.

His hands stopped but didn't let go of her as his expression became serious. "Give me a kiss, and I'll stop."

She frowned as her eyes darted around them. Many of the guards and girls had stopped what they were doing and were now staring at them. "Arei... everyone is watching..."

"So? I love you, not this." He pointed to her heart before indicating her entire body.

Jos reached up and tugged him down for a kiss. When he pulled away from her, she continued to tangle her fingers into the damp strands of hair that hung around his ears and forehead. "I love you too."

Jaden's confused eyes burned into the screen of the phone resting in her palm. She'd been holding it as the others took turns swiping through the pictures. It hadn't taken long to realize they'd gone past the pictures taken in Athens, but the animated faces smiling back at them from the prince's phone had captivated them all. He seemed to be friends with several handsome, exotic-looking men. But it hadn't been a picture of a man that had caused a shocked silence to fall over the group. It had been a woman... Everyone else was now staring at the silver-haired man as he lay on the ground in another man's arms, but Jaden's eyes were locked on the picture. Now familiar aqua eyes stared back at her with an odd bashful, seduction. Disheveled silver hair fell around the delicate features of the ethereal woman. A few of her upper teeth were visible as she bit down into her kiss swollen lower lip. Everything suddenly made sense now... everything except... Her blurry eyes darted up to the two men across the court. Several other people were staring at them now as well. Her eyes stopped as they found the person she'd been looking for. Russ's eyes met hers and quickly darted away as if to hide the expression currently playing across his handsome face. There it was... the truth she'd been searching for since the night she'd seen the passionate look on his face as he'd spoke with the silver-haired man... no the silver-haired woman... "I'll be back I need to talk to the prince in private..."