Grave Matters

Jos pushed up from the floor and held her hand out to the young vampire. When he only stared at her and her extended hand, she said. "Come on, get up. You should get going before your brother begins to miss you."

Mattie stared up at her dubiously. "That's it? You're just going to let me go with nothing else said? Nothing else done..."

Jos lifted her brow. "If you're in agreement, I believe enough blood has been shed between the two of us. You said yourself you changed your mind." She nodded toward the letter opener beside him. "You may go if that is still the case. I'll not say anything to anyone else about this either."

He tilted his head, studying her. "What about Drake?"

Jos let out a sigh. "If your brother feels differently, let him take it up with me directly... You know, never mind. I'll have a word with him before the two of you leave."

Mattie's brows furrowed. "And you don't have any hard feelings toward him?"

Jos shook her head. "No..." With a sudden thought, she chuckled. "Other than his poor attempts to hit on me." She wiggled the fingers of her extended hand. "You know, my hand's getting a bit numb..." She sent him a weak smile as he finally reached out to take her hand. She tugged him to his feet and gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. "I'm not sure why you chose to spare my life... but thank you..."

Mattie swallowed hard. "I could ask you the same... Why didn't you kill me at the mansion?"

Jos searched his face. He looked so much like Dante that it was haunting, but there was a softness to his features and expression. "I'll not lie... It had crossed my mind... but you're not like them... your brother isn't like them... And I'm sorry for my part in Xavier's death... maybe he didn't deserve it either..." She pursed her lips, deep in thought. "He wasn't entirely innocent... but death was too harsh a punishment..." Her sad eyes held Mattie's. "I would like to find a way to make up for my wrongdoings to you and your brother. If you'll allow it."

Mattie nodded. His eyes trailed down to their feet before finally meeting her bright aqua eyes once again. His cheeks were bright red this time. "I believe you when you say that... You are a good person, I think... deep down where it counts... I know what happened to you was bad, even before your recent abduction... I wish I could have helped you in some way... but..."

Jos gave his hand another squeeze. "There would have been little you could have done. I can only imagine you were ill-received after the death of your parents."

Mattie nodded, but before he could reply the door pushed open gently.

Arei backed inside the room, a large tray balanced on one hand. His eyes moved quickly from Mattie to Jos. "You're awake... I didn't realize you had a guest... I can come back, if you'd like." He replied as he continued studying them. His eyes moved down to the letter opener on the floor, and his brow went up. "That is as long as this is a friendly visit..." His eyes locked on Mattie, a silent threat reflecting in their depths.

Jos gave the young vampire's hand another squeeze. "No, it's fine he was just leaving." She sent Mattie a warm smile as she nodded toward the door. When he moved to retrieve the letter opener, she quickly added. "Don't worry about it. I'll return it in a bit."

Mattie nodded and quickly scrambled out of the room.

Arei's eyes followed him as he left. He waited until the door was closed before turning back to Jos and asking. "What was that about?"

Jos let out a sigh. "An apology on both our parts... I suppose..."

"Really? Hum... That's odd... I would have figured it would have taken him longer to get over what happened." Arei shrugged and carried the tray over to the window seat and set it down. He turned back to Jos and studied her as she made her way toward him. "How are you feeling, kitten?" He held his arms out for her and waited for her to step into them.

Jos smiled at him as she wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed her cheek against his chest. "Alive..." She tilted her head back to meet his warm gaze. "It really puts things into perspective you know... being on the brink of death as an 'immortal'... especially as many times as I have been just over the past year..."

A smile lifted the corners of his lips. "Yes, I'm sure it does." He cupped her face in his massive hands and bent to place a light kiss to the tip of her nose. "It puts things into perspective for those of us who love you as well..." He let out a deep sigh. "I thought I'd lost you, kitten..."

Jos pressed up onto tiptoes and gave him a reassuring kiss. "I'm right here..." She held on to his forearms for balance as she pressed her forehead against his. "I love you."

He kissed her back softly. "I love you too, kitten." He forced himself to step away from her, turning his focus to the food he'd brought instead. "Here, have a seat. You have to be starving by now."

Jos nodded as she licked her lips. "You have no idea!"

He helped her up into the window seat and handed her a glass of orange juice. His mind went back to the joking from Peg and Ry in the kitchen... and to the events of last night. "Jos..."

"Hum?" She asked around a bite of toast, her eyes moving from the large spread of food up to him.

Arei cleared his throat. "You... you'll tell me if you miss your cycle... right?"

Her brows furrowed as she set the toast down. "Yes, of course. Why wouldn't I... but..." Her brows knitted as she took in his sunken expression for the first time. "Arei... what... what will you do if... if I am..."


Poseidon tapped his foot in irritation as he checked his watch yet again. Zeus had bypassed fashionably late nearly thirty minutes ago. Meanwhile, Hades was so busy texting and laughing at the replies he couldn't be bothered either way. "Is it really that entertaining of a conversation?"

Hades glanced up from his phone, a smile curving his thin lips. "As a matter of fact, it is. Kore and I were deciding on what we'd like to visit during our trip to the surface. After all, it's been oh... what three... four hundred years?"

Poseidon arched a brow. "She visits her mother yearly, does she not? Or has that changed as well?"

"She does, but I rarely get a chance to accompany her." His attention was glued to the phone as he replied.

"You are hopeless..." Poseidon rolled his eyes as he leaned back in the chair and resumed thumping his foot.

Hades glanced up from the phone. "You know, not everyone has to be as miserable in marriage as you and our brother... It is an actual happy situation for most."

Poseidon frowned. "Maybe for most... but not for all..." Before his thoughts could reflect back on his own failed marriage Zeus came slamming through the doors. Poseidon shot up from his seat. "Finally! Is this a joke to you?"

Zeus held up his hands. "Not at all. I simply got held up is all. I'm here now, so let's begin."

"Woman-en problems?" Hades murmured distractedly, his fingers still typing rapidly.

Zeus sent him a sideways glare before turning his full attention back to Poseidon. He held his arms out wide. "I'm here, am I not? So?"

A nerve twitched in Poseidon's jaw. "Things are falling down all around us, and you must stand here and ask what is wrong? You're joking, right?"

Zeus arched a brow. "I see that you are still upset. I agreed to leave the Kraken alone for now, did I not?" He walked over to a cabinet in the corner of the room and pulled open the doors. "What else would you like from me brother? Were my words not enough, you needed me to repeat them in front of Hades as well?" He continued as he selected a bottle of aged scotch and three glasses.

"I called both of you here because this matter involves the three of us, among others." He watched as Zeus poured the drinks. "You must know the council is all but useless at the moment." When Zeus didn't reply or take his focus off the liquor, Poseidon added. "After all, you have personally corrupted at least one of the members, if not two..."

Zeus forced the harsh lines of his face to relax as he turned back to face his brother. "What are you accusing exactly?"

Poseidon narrowed his eyes as he took the glass Zeus offered. "I'm not accusing you of anything. I'm stating facts. Selene has not been seen in Athens since the day you and I last spoke. I also have it on good account that Lamia has taken an extended leave of absence and that Ambrosia has been freed after all this time. Must I spell out those implications?"

Zeus sent Hades a questioning glare. "And you? Do you have accusations to add, or will you simply spend the meeting fiddling with your phone?"

Hades arched a sharp brow as he glanced up from his phone. "I shall continue 'fiddling' until the conversation between the two of you becomes at least as interesting." He gave a shrug. "Besides, my opinions have never had much impact on your arguments, and I do retain the least amount of knowledge revolving around the current topic. So, if you'll excuse me." He didn't wait for their response as his gaze returned to the screen and his smile reappeared.

"You have done nothing but think of your own selfish desires, your own gains, and unfounded paranoia! It is time you step up and be the god you claim to be!" Poseidon snapped.

"Or else what? You'll take over my claim?" Zeus snapped back.

With an irritated growl, Poseidon slammed the glass on the side table. "If I've told you once, I've told you a million times. I do not covet anything which is yours! I'm perfectly content with what I have and only ever want you to keep your scheming and seductions away from those I care about."

"I've not done any such things."

Hades arched a brow as he glanced up once again. "Really? That's the story you're going with?"

Zeus's head snapped over to Hades. "I thought you said you were remaining out of our discussion?"

Hades shrugged, his attention already back on his phone.

"You are constantly interfering in the lives of those important to me! Look at all you've done to my children both directly and indirectly!" Poseidon bit out.

"I have done no such thing!" When Poseidon and Hades both sent him cold, knowing glares; he cleared his throat and backtracked. "Besides that incident with Charybdis, but I remedied it quickly enough..."

"Only after seeing what devastation your curse would have on those you backed!" Poseidon fired right back.

Zeus held up his hands. "I'll admit to that wrongdoing, and I did my best to right it."

"And what of the others?" Poseidon could feel his blood pressure rise as he thought back to all the pain his children had endured that could be directly linked to this man.

"I assure you, I have no idea what you speak of."

Hades let out a sarcastic laugh. "I'm sure you don't."

"And what is that supposed to mean? Have I personally offended you recently as well?"

Hades set back in his chair and crossed his long legs. The bright light of the phone cast shadows across the king of the underworld's pale, sharp features. His cold gaze held a glint of intimidation. "You have affronted at least every one of us in one way other the other at least once, little brother. Shall we fill the room with each and every one of them or..." He tilted his head. "Shall we draw straws to see who can speak out against you first?" Hades sat his phone on the table and lifted the glass of scotch he'd ignored earlier. He held his brother's gaze for several long moments before finally speaking again, this time turning his attention to Poseidon. "If we can put the personal affairs to the side momentarily, I believe you mentioned the council?"

Poseidon nodded, equal parts glad and irritated that his usually quiet brother had decided to speak up. "There is only a handful of members left, and out of those there may still be a mole."

"You are referring to the events revolving around Arei's lady friend, I assume."

Poseidon nodded again, bracing himself for Hades' reaction to his next statement. "The recent events have brought several problematic situations to the surface. I have footage of the children of Nyx."

"Impossible." Hades declared not considering it enough of a concern to bother discussing.

"Possible and true." Poseidon pushed. "Or at least their projected forms." His gaze moved to Zeus. "Because of your constant interferences, Jos was taken and tortured by those bloody vampires. Her experiences while trying to free herself were enough to draw their attention."

Hades turned his full attention to Poseidon. "You are serious then?"

"I am, why else would I call you both here? It sure as hell wasn't to catch up with this asshole."

Zeus snarled at Poseidon. "Watch yourself!"

Poseidon sent him a glare. "Or else what, you'll punish me to manual labor for another hundred years?"

"I don't know, do you plan to cross me again? Is that why you are determined to protect and collect such powerful beings?" Zeus snapped back, stepping toe to toe with Poseidon.

"Enough!" Hades called out in a level, commanding voice. "Are you gods or children still?" He adjusted the tie of his designer suit. "I will see to your claims. The underworld is my domain as are the residents within... I will leave the accumulation of new council candidates to the two of you..." He arched a brow at Zeus. "Please see that no one you've bedded makes it onto the list this time." He adjusted his cufflinks, before adding with a light smile. "Now if the two of you don't mind, a very special lady is waiting for me." With that, he vanished.

Poseidon and Zeus both frowned at the empty spot where Hades had stood seconds ago. Zeus turned his attention to Poseidon. "Have you truly seen the children of Nyx in this realm recently?"

"I have... and I'll wager it won't be the last... They seem to have taken a special interest in Jos..."

Zeus frowned. "Then maybe it is best that you cut your ties with the girl as well... If you truly mean to see to your son's future happiness, that is..."

Poseidon shook his head. "Even without considering Arei in this, I must do what I can to protect her."

Zeus shook his head. "I can't understand your attachment to the girl if not for her powers."

Poseidon sent his brother a dubious frown. "I owe her my protection. It has nothing to do with her powers and all to do with my involvement in her life both past and present." He glared a Zeus. "You should want to do more for her as well. She is your great-granddaughter after all, and it was your orders to send her father away that caused her cursed state to begin with... Just as it was my anger and need for revenge that brought Odysseus to Calypso in the first place..."

Zeus let out a huffed laugh. "And you call me the self-serving one... You play at her protector all while being the only one benefiting." He patted Poseidon on the back. "Regardless of what you continue to tell yourself, I doubt we're all that different after all, brother."