Good girls don't cry *harsh content warning*

"What is it, love?" Rin asked in a low soothing tone, a sleepy Cam resting in his arms.

Shelly looked up from her phone and the pictures Jos had sent. A warm smile brightened her troubled expression as she took in the adorable sight of father and son. "Nothing, why do you ask?"

Rin chuckled lightly as his gaze moved from the magical solar system he'd manifested from Cam to his wife. "You've sighed at least twelve times within the past few minutes."

Shelly's breath caught as her husband's pale, brilliant eyes met her gaze. She swallowed past the sudden lump in her throat. It always surprised her how this man could unnerve her so much with just one look.

Rin chuckled again as he pushed himself up from the floor, leaving Cam asleep in his swing. He stalked over to the couch where Shelly sat and sank to the floor between her legs. He rested one arm on either side of her hips and placed a kiss on the top of each of her knees before brushing his short beard against her thighs. "Now that look I know well what it means." He teased as he gently caressed the swell of her belly with one hand.

She giggled as she ran her fingers through his short curly hair. "You, sir, are incorrigible."

"Um… I should hope." He purred as he pressed up against the couch and captured her lips. He quickly but carefully switched their positions pulling her into a straddle on his lap as he sat in her place. He searched her bright blue eyes as he massaged her hips. "Now are you going to tell me what is bothering you?"

Shelly let out another sigh. "I'm just worried about Jos…"

Rin leaned forward and placed a kiss on her collar bone. "She sent you pictures, didn't she?"

Shelly sighed again as she retrieved her phone from the couch cushion and rested her head against his chest as she pulled up the pictures. She held the phone so he could see it as well. "See what I mean?"

Rin frowned as he watched her flip through the pictures. "I don't… I'm sorry. She looks happy enough."

She shook her head against his chest. "No… That's the same smile she always uses when she's trying to hide her pain."

Rin wrapped his arms tighter around her. "Well, she is going through quite an ordeal, and that's only based on the little bit Russ knows about."

Shelly nodded as she blew out a long breath. "There's more to it, and I know it… I wish she'd just talk to me… to anyone…" She shook her head sadly. "But I know she won't."

He kissed the top of her head as he stroked her hair. "And what makes you so certain? Seems to me she's with good company. There are no two people who could relate more to her than Charybdis and Scylla."

Shelly sat up and held herself at arm's length against his hard chest. "That is what bothers me most. They are too similar. Jos always said that it was us: me, Russ, and Raven that kept her grounded. What if she loses that… what if she somehow loses her humanity?" Tears began to build in her eyes. "I could never sit back and watch while Jos fell into darkness and completely lost the thing she'd been struggling for so long to hold onto."

Rin caressed her cheeks, wiping away the trail of tears that trickled down them. "I'm not sure what all she's gone through or what she's currently going through, but I can bet that if she knew how worried you were for her right now it would only cause her sadness." He pulled her closer and placed a light lingering kiss to her lips before resting his forehead against hers. "How about this, text and find out when a good time would be, and we'll go visit her. You can see for yourself how she is doing."

Shelly nodded against him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and snuggled against him. "Thank you." She placed scattered kisses along his neck, teasing at first but growing more wanton as she continued. His grip tightened around her waist, and they soon found themselves in their bedroom.


"Do you want to play a game, sweetie?"

Jos nodded as she struggled to keep all traces of her true feelings hidden as the sick man bent to a squat in front of her and tugged her braids free. She clenched her fists into the many layers of ruffle and frill running the length of her dress as he brushed her hair out with his long, calloused fingers.

The man's hands slid gently down her arms as he studied her delicate, cherub-like face. "Relax, sweetie. I'm sure your mommies will be here in a few minutes." He waited for her to nod again. A smile curved his lips as his hands coxed her fingers free of the fabric. "Good girl. Here let me help you get comfortable." His hands slid down the thick lace ruffles of her legs until he found the hem and lifted it to show her glittery shoes. He tapped her calf to get her to lift her foot, but she shook her head.

"Mommy will be mad if I take them off." Jos said in a sheepish, girly voice.

He smiled brightly up at her once again. "But my friend is buying this house, isn't he? He wouldn't like it if you were wearing shoes in his new house."

She frowned and shook her head as she let him slip her shoes off. She bit into her bottom lip when he took his time, caressing her calves with each shoe. Her eyes moved with faux nervousness toward the door. "Where is mommy?"

"Shh. They'll be here in a few minutes, sweetie. You want to be a good girl don't you?" When her eyes didn't move away from the door, he caught her chin with one hooked index finger and brought her attention back to him. "Are you a good girl?"

Jos swallowed as she nodded. "Y-yes… I wa-was just-"

He pressed his fingertip to her lip. "Shh…" He licked his own lips as he felt the soft swell of hers under his finger. "Why don't we play a game of Simon says while we wait?" His hands moved down to clasp her tiny hips as he waited for her to answer.

Jos nodded again forging worry. She could feel the monster within roll under her skin. She knew her restraint was waning. She followed along with his simple requests as he began the game; but soon, as expected, his requests became more grotesque. When she was asked to remove her dress, she did as she was told stepping out of it slowly. She kept her gaze averted as she lifted it and folded it before carrying it to the closet and placing it inside.

He tilted his head as he watched her tiny body move timidly across the wall-to-wall mirrored room. "What are you doing sweetie?"

Her gaze stayed focused on the frill of the socks she wore as she clasped her hands behind her back and slid her toe against the tile nervously. "My mommies will be mad if I ruin my new dress…" She muttered sweetly.

The corner of his lip curved upward. "How thoughtful." He began working the button and fly of his jeans free with one hand as he held the other out for her. "Come here, sweetie." When Jos didn't move, he repeated himself and wiggled his fingers impatiently. "Now, come on, sweet-eee" His words died off as her gaze lifted to his. Cold, white eyes had replaced the beautiful aqua, but his lust-fogged mind didn't have time to question them as the girl's sweet smile continued to widen until it too was replaced by a menacing smirk. Her lips peeled back to reveal razor-sharp teeth.

Jos tilted her head, pleased to see the sick bastard's horniness for a five-year-old girl quickly replaced by fear. "But Simon didn't say…" She cooed sweetly. A tentacle shot out past her and encircled his throat before jerking him quickly back to her. She studied him, letting the sharp barb of the tentacle drag across his throat as he cried out in pain. "It's my turn. Simon says don't pull out anything you don't want bit off." She licked the trail of blood running down his throat to emphasize her point before pushing him to the ground. Another tentacle tugged his unfastened jeans down to his knees as he struggled to keep them pulled up. Jos tilted her head letting the soft locks fall across her face innocently. "What's wrong, you seemed so eager to be rid of them seconds ago?"

"W-what are you?!" He asked in a strangled voice as the tentacle around his neck tightened, his hands frantically clutching his jeans.

Jos licked a drop of blood from her lips. "What am I? What are you?" She asked as she ran her finger across her lips thoughtfully, smudging more blood across her lower lip. Her wicked gaze held his. "I fear we are both the same… monsters." The word rolled off her tongue with a devilish purr causing him to struggle against her hold. Two more tentacles shot out capturing both wrists as two others pinned his legs wide apart on the floor. She stepped between them and ran her tiny hand over the front of his boxers. Tilting her head with a questioning frown, she asked. "What's wrong, sweetie? You were so aroused just moments ago." He cried out loudly as her finger hooked in the waistband of his boxer and began to tug them down torturously slow. She smiled as they both watched another tentacle move slowly over his thigh and toward her hand.

"NO! Let me go!" He shouted as he fought a losing battle against the tight grip of the tentacles. Relief filled his gaze as the bedroom door opened and his partner shot through the room toward them. "Oh thank gohhh-" The air was squeezed from his throat as the tentacle there tightened.

Jos tilted her head toward the newcomer. "Simon says freeze." When he continued forward. "You're cheating." She said in a childish pout. A tentacle shot out catching him mid-sprint and pinning him against one of the mirrored walls. A puff of air left his lungs as his back made contact with the mirror hard enough to shatter the glass. A tsk from the door brought her attention away from the two men, drawing their attention as well.

"HELP!" They called out in unison.

Chary shook her head, her arms crossed over her chest. "Look at this mess… It took me half the day to hang all those." She muttered as she walked over to inspect the shattered mirror, ignoring the begging men. She turned back to Jos. "What have I told you about playing with your food?"

"F-food?" Both men shrieked in raw fear.

Chary grunted as she pulled open the closet. "Yea, of course." She murmured distractedly as she gently set the dress up on a self. "Well, at least you didn't get your dress dirty…" She tugged two chairs out of the closet before pausing and looking around the otherwise empty room. "Now where did that plastic go…"

The click of heels sounded before Scylla entered the room. "Is this what you're looking for, honey?"

Chary smiled as she took the plastic from Scylla's outstretched hand. She tossed it to the side and took Scylla's hand instead. She spun her as she pulled her toward her then dipped her romantically. "I can't get past how beautiful you look in this outfit today."

Scylla giggled girlishly as she regained her balance and righted her clothes. "I'm glad you like it…" Her gaze moved around the room. "I'm also glad I chose red…" Her brow arched as she took in Jos's disrobed child-like form. "You know you didn't have to let it get so far before you restrained him, dear."

Jos nodded. "Yes, I suppose… but I was curious to see exactly how such a sick fuck worked…" The words sounded strange even to her in the sweet childish voice.

Scylla shrugged as she helped Chary spread out the plastic. "I suppose… but are you staying like that?"

A wicked smile curved Jos's lips. "I am… and I'd like to lead the interrogation. What better end can a pedophile receive than by a child he tried to victimize?"

"Very well, dear, but keep in mind we need to know where to other victims are before you kill them." Her words brought more screams of terror from the two men. She frowned as her attention moved to the man who had targeted her and Chary. "This won't do." Her heels clicked as she walked over to him. Her eyes moved meaningfully over the tentacle that had him pinned by the neck to the mirror. She traced his lips with the tip of a well-manicured finger before she pressed the sharp tip of her nail into his mouth, piercing the tip into his tongue. "You realize, your tongue is not needed to convey the information we need… Nor are both your lives." Her gaze moved to the other man meaningfully.

His eyes widened in raw horror as the beautiful, angelic child smiled wickedly up at him. He struggled against the tentacle but quickly realized it would be useless. They'd finally met their match in these beautiful creatures. "If we tell you, you'll release us?"

Scylla shook her head. "No, but the faster you tell us the less torture you'll endure."

A smile curved Jos's lips. "Let's play a game."