Good step forward

With a resigned groan, Russ slammed his head against the desk. "I'm never going to understand any of this."

Jaden ran a timid hand over his shoulder. "I'm sure you will. It just takes time and practice…"

He tilted his head against the desk and stared up at her. "You really think so?"

She sent him an awkward, reassuring smile. "Y…yeah, sure…"

He frowned. "That wasn't convincing at all." He rested his forehead back against the desk. "You don't have to try making me feel better, I'm a dumbass… I already knew this…"

Peg leaned back in the chair he'd been sitting in and crossed his arms over his chest. His eyes moved back and forth between the two. He masked his smile behind his usual serious exterior. "You were taking college classes before leaving the states, right? You should probably re-enroll. There are some other grants as programs I can enroll you both in through the Embassy." He stroked his chin. "Come to think of it, there may be some programs for some of the others here as well."

Russ lifted his head. "The others?"

Peg nodded. "Leadership courses. It could do some of the others good as well. So, they can better support you." When Russ just stared back at him, he arched a brow. "You know, like your beta." He looked around the room. "Where is he today anyhow?"

Russ sat upright. "He had to work his other job."

Peg's brow arched. "You're not paying him for his work?"

Russ shrugged. "Well, I tried but he refused it. Said to use it to help the orphans and homeless."

"I see…" Peg leaned forward and gathered the papers he'd scattered in front of him. "Well, as generous as that is of him, he'll need to quit and focus on supporting you as much as possible. I recommend him applying for the grants and courses as well. We'll also need to look into continuing education courses for your guards and staff."

It was Russ's turn to arch a brow. "What do you mean continuing education? Ry and Arei both have been working with the guards, and Ry even taught the kitchen staff some tricks."

Peg let out a sigh. "It would be courses specific to their jobs. Things that would certify them in those specific areas." His eyes moved to Jaden. "It could probably do you some good as well. You're still young, and I'm sure there are still plenty of things you could learn."

Russ's expression fell into a frown as he sent Jaden a questioning glance. "I mean, that would be great… but what about right now? I need the knowledge now… I need to already know how to do this shit."

Peg sighed again as he pushed himself up from the armchair. "I understand, I do… I'll see what I can do for you. I recommend hiring an accountant, steward, or someone with similar skills."

Russ ran his hand over his hair and tugged the band from his messy bun. "That's fine… but where would I even start?"

Peg squeezed the bridge of his nose as he blew out a breath. "I'll see if I can gather you some information. For now, you may what to try looking within the village here. See if there is anyone already familiar with the management and running of the palace. You'd be surprised how helpful former maids or butlers could be." He gathered his things. "I'll leave the rest of this to the two of you for today. Keep your phone close, I'll call when I've got some information for you."

"Thanks," Russ muttered. He and Jaden watched in silence as Peg saw himself out. Once the door was closed, he removed Jaden's hand from his shoulder and guided her around to stand in front of him. He tugged her closer and rested his head against her stomach. "I'm sorry…" His words came out muffled against the soft fabric of the dress she wore.

"For what?" Jaden couldn't help running her fingers through his long loose, golden locks.

"Um, that feels good." He moved his head around as she massaged his scalp with her long nails.

Jaden frowned. She released his hair and pushed him away. She held his seeking gaze as she lowed down onto his lap. She cupped his face in both her hands. "What's wrong? Why are you apologizing to me?"

He wrapped his arms loosely around her waist. "Because I'm such a useless leader… I don't get any of this… and most of the work today fell to you… because I'll have to rely so heavily on your skills and knowledge to do my job…" His pleading eyes searched hers. "It's not too late, you know… You're not being forced to marry me…" His hold on her tightened involuntarily as the words left his lips."

Jaden pulled his lips to hers. She savored the tender kiss for several long seconds before finally pulling away. She held his troubled gaze as she answered. "I'm not going anywhere. Besides, you've already declared yourself mine, have you not?"

He nodded. "If you'll have me."

She smiled as she quickly shifted herself on his lap. "Then maybe we should make it official." She brushed his long hair back and placed light kisses on his throat.

"Umm ha…" Russ moaned as he tilted his head to give her better access. He could feel his body grow hard as she nipped her way down his neck. When she tugged the collar of his shirt to the side, he released his hold on her and leaned back. With one quick tug, he had his shirt off and tossed to the floor.

Jaden couldn't hold back a giggle. "You don't waste time, do you?"

He massaged her hips, holding her gaze as he answered. "The opposite actually… I've wasted enough time. Don't you think?" He tangled one hand in her hair and tugged her lips to meet his. His other hand slipped under the hem of her dress and along her thigh. He shifted below her pressing himself against her. He swallowed her moans as the passion began to grow more heated between them.

Jaden released her hold on him and began working loose the buttons running down the front of her dress. She didn't try hiding her arousal as she leaned back, giving him access to her own neck and chest. She tangled her fingers into his hair, holding him against her chest as he sucked her nipple into his mouth. She'd never enjoyed being with a man before, but his administrations were quickly changing that. She moved against him, pleasure building with each rub of the rough, hard bulge of his jeans against the soft cotton of her panties.

Russ slid a hand between them and began to unfasten the buttons and zipper of his jeans. His surprise was offset by the sudden spike of arousal as Jaden's hands pushed his away and slipped into his jeans. "Ah…" He moaned against her sweet lips as her hands circled his shaft and began moving against him in slow, long strokes. "Gods, I want you."

"Then take me." She whispered hungrily against his lips between kisses. Her arms moved quickly to his neck as he lifted her.

Russ's pants fell around his ankles as he stood. Her legs wrapped tightly around his waist, their kisses growing more passionate. He was just about to set her on top of the desk when the office door burst open.

"Hey bro, guess who-woo! Shit, sorry!" Naru quickly covered his eyes with his hand and turned to leave the room but ran directly into the person behind him.

Rin grabbed Naru and pulled him from the room. "We'll wait downstairs." He yelled as he pulled the door closed.

Jaden's ears perked as she sniffed the air. "Who was that?" She tilted her head in confused intrigue. "And what is he?"

Russ let out an annoyed breath as he rested his forehead against her shoulder. "That was one of my friends from the states… I forgot they were coming today… He's a were-cat, ocelot to be exact."


"Yeah, a Brazilian cat. It's kinda like a small panther. Finally regaining control of the beast and his body, he stepped away from her and tugged his pants back up.

"Oh… ok…" She muttered as she continued to stare at the door in confusion.

He stepped back between her legs and placed a kiss on her forehead. "Sorry about this… I didn't mean to put you in this kind of situation." He began buttoning her dress. He let out another sigh as he reached the buttons that would cover her pert breasts. He released the dress and brushed the pad of his thumb over one rosy bud, watching as it hardened under his touch. "I'm tempted to leave the waiting…"

Jaden giggled. "You'll not hear any complaints from me on that front."

He lowered his mouth to her breast and gave it one last suck followed by a light nip before righting himself. He reluctantly fastened the last of the buttons, before sliding a hand into her hair at the base of her neck. He lowered his mouth to hers. At first, they were teasing kisses and nips but quickly grew into a hungry dance as each devoured the other. With a heavy sigh, Russ broke their kisses. He rested his forehead against hers. "To be continued?"

She nodded unable to speak around the heavy pants their kissing had caused. She clung tightly to his forearm as she struggled to regulate her breathing and heart rate.

A delighted smile curved his lips as he released his hold on her head. "Ready to go meet some of our wedding party?"

Jaden nodded again as she slid to the edge of the desk. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he lifted her off the desk and sat her on her feet. Instead of releasing her hold right away, she searched his eyes. "I want this." She cupped his cheek. "Stop doubting it. I'll admit, at first I agreed for selfish reasons… but now…" She lifted onto tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his lips before lowering and smiling up at him. "But now, I want to be here for you… with you. I… I… care… for you."

A soft smile curved his lips. He clasped her hand against his cheek and turned his head, placing a kiss against her palm. His eyes shimmered with warmth as he admitted. "I care for you as well, very much in fact."

Jaden swallowed hard, the words he'd whispered against her hair the night before. 'I love you' It had taken every ounce of her willpower to not react to his words. They had both warmed and broken her heart at the same time. She realized at that moment there wouldn't be anything she wouldn't do to keep him by her side.

Russ's smile faded he laced his fingers into hers and wiped her tears away with the other hand. "What is it? What's wrong?"

Jaden shook her head, a warm smile curving her lips. "Nothing… nothing at all. I'm perfect… you're perfect." She stepped closer to him leaning her head against his bare chest. She tugged her hand free of his and slid them around his waist.

He hugged her back, rubbing her back soothingly as he did so. He pressed his lips to her head. "As are you… In more ways than you'll ever know." Knocking sounded on the door, bringing their attention to it.

"Come on man! I haven't seen you in damn near a year!" Naru shouted through the door.

"Goddammit! I told you to leave them alone!" Rin's voice echoed from down the hall. "You said you had to go to the bathroom, idiot!"

Russ rolled his eyes, a smile curving his lips. "It's fine. You can come in now." He held Jaden against him as she struggled to push away. He placed a kiss to the top of her head and waited for the door to open.

"Sorry guys, I tried to keep him downstairs… but after going through all your shit, he got bored…" Rin said as he followed Naru in. He nodded toward them.

Naru rubbed his chin as he eyes Jaden up and down. A wide grin spread across his lips. "I'll admit when I first heard you were getting married, and it wasn't to-" His words were cut off as Rin cupped a hand over his mouth.

Jaden could feel her cheeks burn. "It… it's ok, Rin… I… um… already know…"

Rin sent Russ a questioning glance. When Russ nodded, he released his hold on Naru. He stepped away with a slight bow. "You must forgive our idiot friend. He's used to speaking freely."

Naru arched a brow. "Why wouldn't I?" He turned his attention back to Russ and Jaden. "Nice digs by the way. It's almost like a castle or something…"

Jaden's shocked eyes shot up to Russ when he simply nodded and chuckled.

Russ shrugged. "I told you. I spent my life hiding my identity."

Rin rolled his eyes. "I hadn't gotten a chance to explain… things…"

Russ laughed. He was about to reply when one of the guards stepped inside. The man bowed deeply, before addressing them. "Sire, Your grace, please excuse my intrusion, but there is a matter of importance in the training area that requires your immediate attention, Sire."

Russ blew out an irritated sigh. "How many times do I have to tell you, it's just Russ… Please."

The guard bowed again. "Sorry, Sire-ur… Sir Russ."

Russ rolled his eyes. "No sir either, just Russ." He squeezed the bridge of his nose. "I'll be down in a few minutes, alright." When he opened his eyes, Naru was staring at him with wide eyes and a gaping mouth.

"Sire?! The fuck dude?!"

Rin clasped Naru's shoulder. "Have a seat, we have a lot to discuss."