from the kettle to the frying pan

Present day

Jos blew out a heavy sigh as she followed Arei off the plane. "Why do I get the feeling it was me Prince Gaslight was looking for?"

Arei chuckled. "I suppose it could be possible, but very unlikely." He retrieved their bags and gave the flight attendants and pilots a parting farewell. He nodded toward a waiting vehicle. "We're over there."

Jos frowned as she took her wheeled luggage from him and began to follow. "Why unlikely? It seems very likely to me. I've accidentally sank hundreds of thousands of ships… It could have been me."

Arei rolled his eyes as he chuckled again. "How do I know? Aside from the fact that there are numerous other creatures in the seas sinking ships daily aside from you, you also have to take human lifespan into consideration. If he'd claimed to have seen and remembered the sinking of his parents' ship then he would have had to be at least four or five in human years, and he was no more than thirty, give or take, when he met Ariel." He glanced back at her, a nostalgic smile curving his lips. "You would have been with either Ry or I at that time."

Jos's brows furrowed. "Oh… I suppose you're right… I didn't think about that." She recognized Peg sitting in the driver's seat of the black SUV as they neared. She sent him a wave and a nervous smile before continuing her line of questions. "Ok, so… Sabastian went home…" She snickered in laughter. "I still can't get over the fact that he was not always a crab as the cartoon made him out to be."

"Creative liberties and all that." Arei replied, his voice suddenly stricken.

"Anyways, he went back to Oceanus's palace… and I assume told Ursula what was going on, then what? Did they finally tell your brother what was happening, or at least Yuri? Why didn't they just tell Triton from the beginning? I feel like as stubborn and grouchy as he is even now, he would have understood and found a rational way of dealing with things…"

Arei let out a heavy sigh. "You're probably right, but Sabastian was still a young boy only a year or two older than Ariel. I guess he thought she'd think he'd betrayed her or something if he told. Ursula… well, I'm not sure why she didn't go to Yuri and Triton sooner. It could have saved a few lives had she…" He nodded to Peg and waited as the back hatch of the SUV opened.

"A few lives? Who all died? I know you said Ariel and Yuri did… were there others?"

He placed the bags inside and closed it back before continuing. "There was… We'll talk more about it when we get settled in the room. Peg still holds some guilt over the whole situation himself and doesn't like talking about it."

Jos's frown deepened. "I see… How about you? Do you feel guilty over what happened to them?"

Arei shrugged. "I did… In a way I guess I still do… but unfortunately when you live as long as us, there will always be things you have regrets over that can't be changed." He turned and pulled her close. "Even if I could go back and change things, I probably wouldn't." He brushed her hair behind her ears. "I wouldn't change a single thing that led me here to you." He bent and kissed her lips lightly before whispering against them. "I told you once before, I'm not the hero you like to paint me out to be. I'd burn the world and enjoy every second of it if I thought it was what would make you happy." His troubled eyes held hers as he continued. "The next few days will be rough. There are plenty of people who have been watching and praying that you fail, that you do something else… have one tiny slip up… but I'm here for you… with you. I'm by your side through it all, regardless the outcome." He sent her a warm smile. "And don't forget it, alright."

Jos nodded. Tears burned her eyes as she pulled him closer and wrapped her arms around him. "I'm sorry… I've felt trapped by our relationship… I've second guessed my feelings… yours… I'll probably end up hurting you again before the end of this… for that I'm also sorry…"

Arei hugged her tightly. "You have nothing to apologize for. It was my actions that gave root to your doubts in the first place." He held her out at arm's length. "Let's just get through these next few days then we can work on us again. Sound good."

Jos nodded and followed him into the backset of the SUV.

Peg arched a brow at them. "What do you think this is some kind of lift company?"

Arei sent him a wide smile. "Come on, you know you prefer to drive. If I'm moving up front, I'm taking the wheel."

Peg snarled his nose. "Fine… Just know, if the two of you start making out back there, I'm slamming on the breaks and sending you flying."

A mischievous smile curved Arei's lips. "That's fine… If you do, I'll tell Andy what happened to her favorite rose bushes."

Peg's eyes widened in stunned disbelief. "You wouldn't!"

"Oh, I would, little brother." He lifted his phone from his pocket. "In fact, I may just text her right now."

"What happened to them?" Jos asked, looking back and forth between the brothers as Peg flung himself over the center console toward the phone in Arei's hand.

Arei's smile widened, and his eyes danced with amusement as they locked on hers. "He got drunk and-awh-!"

Peg hit the gas hard before slamming on the break, jarring Arei enough to cause him to drop his phone. Every time he moved to retrieve it Peg would slam on the break causing him to hit his head on the back window. Jos covered her mouth with her hand trying to hide her laughter.

"Alright! Enough already! I'll not say anything as long as you stop hitting the damned breaks! At this rate we might as well fly the rest of the way!" Arei barked out as he rubbed his forehead.

The rest of the drive to the Embassy was short and uneventful. The brothers exchanged light banter and conversation, keeping the mood inside the SUV calm and enjoyable… but it wasn't enough to keep Jos's anxiety from growing and taking deeper root the closer they got to the Embassy. By the time the huge building came into view, she was all but trembling. A warm, familiar hand cupped her and squeezed gently causing her focus to move from the building up to waiting haze eyes.

"What is it, kitten?" Arei lifted her hand and placed a kiss on the back of it.

She swallowed hard as the SUV stopped in front of the grand entrance. "This is probably going to go bad… I really messed up…" Her eyes moved from the foreboding building up to Arei. She tightened her grip on his hand. "Promise me if it does, you won't do anything foolish this time."

Arei frowned. "I can't promise that, and you know it." He gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. "Let's not think about that right now. Let's get signed in and go up to our room. We'll kick back, order some takeout, and watch a movie or something."

"You'll finish the story, right?" She whispered as they got out of the vehicle.

Arei sent Peg a wave as he pulled away heading toward the parking garage. "I said I would, didn't I. There're a few things we'll need to do first, but after, I promise I will pick up exactly where we left off."

As they made their way through the familiar building, Jos could feel the pounding in her chest increase. She clutched her stomach as her pace slowed. "Arei… I… think I'm going to be sick…"

He frowned as he backtracked back to where she'd stopped. He sat down his luggage and tugged her against him. "You have nothing to worry about. I promise, I'll handle whatever situation arises."

Jos nodded as she pushed against his hold. "Can we go to the room first?"

Arei sent her a reassuring smile. "Of course. I must let dad know when we get here anyways. He wants to speak to you first before you go in front of the acting council."

Jos swallowed hard. "That only worries me more…"

He tried to hide his worry as he led the way to the elevators. "I'm sure it's nothing. You know how he is." Arei could feel the build of his own nervous energy, but he tried his best to hide it from her. As the elevator doors opened, he could feel his own heart drop. An ominous aura came pouring out. His father and uncle both wore equally grim expressions. Poseidon's tired eyes met his before moving past him to Jos. Arei instinctively stepped in front of her, blocking their view of her.

Poseidon frowned as his gaze moved back to his son's. "Good, you're both here." He nodded to Hades. "You uncles had feared you may try… avoiding or prolonging the review."

Arei's eyes darted to Hades who remained silent. "Why would you think that? Why would it even concern them?" He nodded back to Jos. "We were hoping to rest a bit beforehand, however. If that would be alright with you."

Poseidon arched a brow. "You rod the private jet over, correct? Seems like adequate rest to me." He let out an irritated sigh as he stepped past his son and examined Jos. He took her hand. "How are you feeling dear?"

Jos swallowed hard. "Nervous… tired… I… I would like to rest just a bit… Please."

Poseidon blew out a sigh. "Very well." As he released her, his hand moved to his face. He squeezed the bridge of his nose as he turned his attention to Hades. "One hour seem far to you?"

Hades studied his nephew silently before finally nodding. With a quick glance at his black diamond crusted watch, he replied. "We shall be able to afford two. If that is adequate enough for the two of you."

Arei released the breath he hadn't realized he was holding. He instinctively reached for Jos, gipping her hand tight. "Thank you, Uncle. We'll be down in precisely two hours."

Hades nodded. "Very well. Come rested, it may be a long endeavor." The two gods didn't waste another second as they both turned and made their way down the wide hall.

Jos clung to Arei's hand, her eyes locked on the backs of two well-tailored suits. "Wh-what do you think that meant?"

Arei blew out a breath. "Hard to tell. Come on, let's not waste our time trying to decipher their words."

Once they'd made it inside the room, Arei sat down his bags and flopped down on the sofa. He washed his face with his hands, letting his head rest on the back of the couch. When he reopened his eyes, he found Jos. He held a hand out to her. "Come sit down and relax for a while." He caught her hand as she neared and pulled her down on his lap. He wrapped his arms tightly around her and held her firmly against his chest, resting his cheek against the top of her head.

Jos wiggled against him. "Are you sure this is the best time for cuddles or whatever it is you're up to?" Arei's chuckle rumbled through her bringing her comfort and causing her to tighten her hold instead of pushing him away.

"If history has taught me anything, it's to hold on to that which we love most as tightly as we can for as long as we can." He placed his lips against her soft hair. "I don't plan on letting you go any time soon, regardless of what happens in the next few hours. I'll fight to keep you by my side if I must… so don't worry too much, alright."

Jos could only nod, choked on her own emotions.

He glanced down at her, a smile curving his lips. "Do you want to hear the rest of the story now?"

Jos shook her head. "No… not right now… Could… could you just hold me for now…" She leaned back and smiled up at him. "It will give me something to look forward to when this is over today."

Arei's smile faded. "I'm not sure if it's a happy enough tale to look forward to…"

Jos let out a sigh. "I know… but it's nice to learn about the things that shaped you and your family into the people you are now… even if it's sad thing…"

Two hours passed quicker than either could have wanted. A light tap on the door caught their attention. Jos wiggled sullenly off his lap, and Arei made his way over and pulled open the door.

Peg was leaning against the wall. "Dad asked that I escort you guys down."

Arei arched a brow. "Why?"

Peg glanced past Arei to Jos. "The others were afraid she'd resist and that you would give in…"

Arei's brows knitted in anger. "You know that's bullshit. Neither one of us has ever backed down. Why would we start now?"

Peg shrugged. "You know how it is when Zeus is involved…"