Uncertainly in Love

"OMG! I can't believe this is finally going to happen! I'm so excited!" Andy all but bounced with excitement. "What do you guys have planned so far?"

Chary glanced nervously around the room but kept silent as she poured herself a glass of wine.

Jos swallowed hard, shooting Arei a troubled glance. "We really haven't planned anything yet. We've been too busy dealing with…" Her eyes moved to Arei once again, being for help, but he remained silent. "Other matters… to really talk about it."

Chary poured two more glasses of wine and brought them over handing Andy one first then Jos. "Here girl… You look like you need this."

Jos nodded and took the glass before muttering her thanks.

Andy took a sip, then quickly set her glass on the table. She clapped with excitement. "I have a perfect idea!" She pulled out her cell phone and began flipping through the app she'd opened. "Here! Pinterest has tons of wedding planning boards with soooo many wedding gowns!" She turned the phone toward Jos and pushed it into her face. "You'd look beautiful in something like this!"

Chary almost choked on her wine as she shot Arei a startled look. She mouthed the words 'help her', but Arei shook his head as he poured himself a glass of wine.

Jos stared blankly at the photo unable to process the image she was being shown.

Chary cleared her throat. "Perhaps you should show her… something else…" She glared at Arei as she nodded toward Jos, but he ignored her as he offered Peg a glass.

"No, thanks I've got to drive…"

Andy frowned, "So… I guess you don't like that style, huh… Such a shame, it would look great on you." She drew the phone back and began flipping again. "Ew! What about this one! The tighter fit would show off your figure perfectly!" Andy shoved another picture of a wedding dress toward Jos. When Jos didn't react any differently this time Andy protested louder, drawing the men's attention.

Peg bent over his wife's shoulder from behind the sofa. He rubbed his chin as he looked from the phone to each of the two women, then back to the phone. He could tell Jos's mood was not that of excitement in general. {Odd for someone who has just announced their engagement.} He glanced up to Arei who silently shook his head. With a nod of understanding, Peg pasted a smile on his face and clasped his wife's shoulder. "Andy, babe, don't you think they should pick a venue first before a dress? I'm sure that aspect of fashion hasn't changed over the past 500+ years."

Chary breathed a sigh of relief as she added. "Great Point, Peg. You wouldn't want to wear something that would drag the sand if you did it on a beach… or have scant fabric if it were done somewhere cold. Which means you'd also have to consider dates before dresses."

Andy's excitement deflated slightly. "You're right…" Her eyes lit back up as she shot onto her knees to better see Arei. "Do you guys have anywhere special in mind yet?"

Arei shrugged as casually. "We haven't… there are several meaningful places for us. It could take a while to narrow them all down." When Andy's attention moved back to Jos, he decided to indulge her himself to take some of the burdens off Jos. "Tampa perhaps… or one of the springs." His eyes burned into the back of Jos's head as he continued. "The amphitheater ruins here in Greece or perhaps one of the temples… I wonder if the statues are still there?"

Jos swallowed hard as she turned to face Arei as well. The memories of each place as he named them off tore at her already raging emotions, but before she had a chance to speak Andy continued on in excitement.

"I know some beautiful spots here in town! There are several beautiful island spots you guys could use, or have you considered Poseidon's palace? There are plenty of picturesque areas. Or even the backyard of your home! Have the repairs been completed yet?"

Arei held Jos's watery eyes as he answered. "No… there are several repairs still awaiting Jos's approval." A warm smile spread across his lips. "She's been away, you see… and I wanted to make sure the house was something she could feel at home in as well."

Peg nodded in agreement. "I have to say the original design was nice, but it defiantly lacked the touch of a woman. It looked more like a modern office or showroom of some kind rather than a home." He gently massaged Andy's shoulder. "Speaking of home, we should probably head that way. What do you say? I could finish this massage?"

"Aw yes!" Andy's excitement faded along with her wide smile as she turned to face Jos. "But I still had so much to show you…"

Peg chuckled. "I'm sure Jos would love it if you'd send her the links… for now anyhow… until she and Arei work out some of the more basic plans." He sent Jos a wink.

Chary couldn't help a light chuckle as she watched Andy rumble on clueless as to what had taken place over the past few weeks.

Jos forced her mind to focus on the conversation at hand and nodded almost too enthusiastically. She quickly clasped Andy's hand to negate her seemingly over-eagerness to be rid of her. "I'd love to see what ideas you have…" She swallowed again as she sent Arei a quick glance. "Perhaps things more suited for the outdoors."

Arei walked over and gave Jos's shoulders a reassuring squeeze. "Just what I was thinking. If you run across anything you think I'd be interested in, shoot it my way as well."

"I will! I can't wait! I'm so excited!" She clasped Jos's hands. "I'm here for you any way you need me! Just say the words!"

Jos forced a smile. "Alright. I'll be sure to let you know."

Arei forged seriousness as he stepped around the sofa and gave his sister-in-law a parting hug. "Just don't expect anything solid too soon. We still have a lot to discuss and another wedding to attend."

Andy's hand flew to her mouth. "Oh! I about forgot about that. I don't know how as much as Peg has had to help out recently."

"Are you guys going?" Arei asked, intentionally moving to conversation away from his own nuptials.

"Yeah, but we won't be acting as anything more than guests." Peg replied.

"Same." Added Chary as she set her now empty glass in the sink.

"Such a shame too. I'd hoped to help out with things more, but things have been so busy here…" Andy blew out a sigh. "Anyways… I suppose we'll see you guys tomorrow. Do you think they'll be finished with deliberation by then?"

It was Peg who answered. "Doubt it. They're still having trouble with the new council selection."

Arei chuckled. "No surprise there. Let me guess, father and Zeus can't agree on anyone?"

"Facts!" Chary threw in as she made her way to the door.

Peg groaned as he nodded. "Nailed it…" He slipped his arm around his wife and guided her toward the door Chary was holding open. "We should grab dinner one night while you guys are in town." His attention moved to Chary. "You and Scylla too, if you're up for it."

Chary shrugged. "Maybe... I'll have to see how she's feeling. You know how tiring human form can be for her."

"True..." Peg said before turning back to Arei. "Can I count on you guys?"

"Sure thing, hit us up tomorrow." Arei replied as he stepped behind Jos and sent them away from over her head. Once the door was shut and they were alone in the room he gently turned her to face him. "We don't have to go through with this if it isn't what you want. I only made the announcement with the hope they would have more lenience with you this time around."

Jos blew out a long sigh. "I don't know what I want yet… Like you said, we haven't gotten a chance to really talk about things… especially where we stand as a couple right now…" She pressed her palms against his stomach with the intention of pushing him away but found herself curling her fingers into the fabric of his shirt. "My feelings haven't changed… I still love you. I know that I do… If I didn't the torture of these past weeks would have been as hard to bear… but I also have a lot to think about as far as you and I are concerned." Her eyes stayed focused on the buttons of his shirt. "I don't think it would be fair of me to make any decisions on my… our… future until the deliberations are final…"

Arei wrapped his arms around her and pulled her tightly against him. "I don't care what decision they make. "I know where I belong and that is with you… by your side… for better or worse." He gave a light chuckle as he kissed the top of her head. "I'm sorry, but you're stuck with me."

His words brought a frown to her face. She uncurled her fingers and pushed him away. "That's part of the problem…" her eyes burned into his. "I don't feel like I have a choice in any of this…"

He blew out a sigh. "I understand… I can see how it would feel that way with everything that has happened… and I'm sure my words… or joy regarding the matter doesn't help things." He searched her face, reading the many emotions written there. With another resigned sigh, he released her and stepped away. "Why don't we get comfortable, order in some dinner, and have a drink or two? I can finish telling you the story about Triton's youngest daughter… The gods know I'll need a drink to finish the rest of that tale." He ran his hand over the back of his head and down his neck. "Do you want to look something up on your phone or order from the restaurant downstairs?"

Jos forced the lump that had built in her throat down. "The restaurant here is fine, probably the fastest as well. If you'd like to order something for us… I… I would like to shower and change…" Jos swallowed nervously as she glanced down the hallway of the one-bedroom suite.

Arei frowned. "What's wrong?"

Jos gulped down her emotions as her mind recalled her last stay here in the Embassy. "It… nothing… um… pasta… I'd like some kind of pasta…"

The corner of Arei's lips lifted. "We're in Athens, I'm sure 'some kind of pasta' won't be a hard thing to come by." His smile faded. "Enjoy your bath. Your bags should already be in the bedroom. Just yell if there's anything else you need."

"I should be fine…" Her eyes trailed over him as she fidgeted with her hands. "Arei… thank you…"


Her eyes met his briefly before falling back to his buttons. "I know everything you did earlier was done with the best of intentions. I know you wouldn't actually try to trap me into being with you if it wasn't something I didn't want..." She cleared her throat and gave him a slight nod before heading for the hall, but Arei stopped her. Her gaze moved from the hand clamped around her arm to his heated eyes.

"You're wrong about that… I've told you… I'm not the good guy you think I am. There isn't much I wouldn't do to be with you. Had you answered me differently in court earlier, I wouldn't have announced my intentions to marry you… but I would have still found a way to keep you by my side. The past weeks have been hell for me as well." His eyes burned with a dangerous mix of desire and angst. "Time, I have… take all that you need… but I'll not give you up without a fight."

Jos swallowed hard as she nodded and backed toward the bedroom. "I…I'll keep that in mind…"

He released his hold on her begrudgingly. "Don't take too long… I'll worry…"

Jos nodded again before turning and all but running down the hall. Once she was inside the bedroom, she located her bags and carried them both into the bathroom before locking the door. With a heavy sigh, she collapsed against the bathroom door. She let her body slide to the floor. She drew her knees up against her chest and wrapped her arms around them. Her eyes moved around the bathroom to the large mirror spreading across the entire wall over the sink. "I don't know what to do anymore… As crazy as this sounds… I could use someone to talk to…"

She waited but when several long moments passed without a response she finally pushed herself up from the floor. She rolled her eyes at her own reflection. "You dummy… The Embassy has protection up everywhere. There's no way for him to be here…" After sending herself another irritated glare, she did what she'd come into the bathroom to do finishing as quickly as she could so Arei wouldn't have a reason to come in after her.