Desperate Despair

Ariel bit her bottom lip as she stared at her reflection in the mirror anxiously. "But… are you sure this will be alright? If it is true, the people of this world do not know of my people… then perhaps it would be better to… I don't know… keep it a secret…"

Eric hid his irritation as he ran his fingers across the fine jewelry the maids had laid out across the dressing table. He selected a strand of pearls and stepped behind her. He slid the necklace over her head and adjusted it against her exposed chest. "Do you doubt me, love?" His eyes held hers in the mirror.

Ariel quickly shook her head. "No, never!" But the conviction of her words did not reflect in her eyes.

He sent her a disappointed frown as he turned her to face him. "But?"

Ariel lowered her head. "Well… it's just…" Her timid gaze met his. "It's fine for you to know, I'm sure… but… do we really have to tell all these people? Besides… What if they don't believe us?"

He sent her a reassuring smile. "That is why we shall show them, love." He pressed his lips to hers to cut off any more of her protests. Once he felt the tension fade from her petite frame, he let his hands fall away. He stepped away from her and held his hand out. "Shall we, love?"

Ariel swallowed hard as she nodded and held a trembling hand out to him.

His smile brightened. "Very good." He guided her through the back corridors until they arrived at a guarded stage. He greeted the guards and gave them instructions. He bent toward her. "I shall step out and greet the guests. When the curtains lift, you shall step out and join me at center stage. Once the introductions are done and the guests are properly enthralled, you will walk as we have practiced toward the tank." He adjusted her pearls with a teasing finger and his voice dropped to a husky purr. "You shall disrobe as we rehearsed."

Ariel clasped her hands to her chest as she swallowed nervously. "But…"

His expression became stern. "Are you not wearing the garments I set out for you?"

Her cheeks heated with embarrassment as she nodded. "Yes… but…"

His lips fell into a grim frown. "Are you refusing me this? Now?"

She forced down a whimper. "N…no…"

He pressed a finger against her lips. "Then I shall hear nothing further on this matter." He turned back to the curtains and adjusted his suit. "Prepare yourself. You shall be the star of the night."

Voices began to echo from the other side of the curtain causing Ariel's anxiety to grow. She could feel the tremble of her hands spread through her entire body. Eric sent her a wink before stepping through the curtains.

Ursula sipped the champagne the young gentlemen had taken from a server as they'd passed by. Her troubled thoughts had blocked out most of what he had been saying over the past half hour as she tried working out a plan. Something he said caught her attention. She moved her gaze to him. "Pardon?"

He nodded toward the growing crowd. "It appears our prince is about to make his appearance." He held his hand out to her. "Would you like to move closer?"

Ursula nodded as she took his hand. He guided her skillfully through the growing crowd until they were close to the enormous tank. "Thank you." She called out over the low roar of the others.

He leaned in, a bright smile spreading across his handsome face. "My pleasure." His attention moved back to the stage as a pair of guards stepped out onto the stage and held the thick red curtains back for the prince to walk through. His smile faded as the prince began greeting the growing group of guests. "Still a narcissist, I see…"

Ursula tilted her head as she studied the prince. She could see why her niece was interested. He was handsome… though not quite as attractive as the young man beside her. "Is he really that ill-received?"

"Ah yes, and then some. He's made quite the nasty reputation for himself since his parents' death." He nodded toward a group of people standing along the upper balcony overlooking the stage and tank. "I should guess this is all in the hopes of regaining His Majesty, King of Spain's, approval."

Her brows furrowed as she followed his gaze. "Why would he need that?"

He nodded toward the young lady with dazzling jewels that could be seen from as far away. "Before the prince's parents' passed, they'd arranged a marriage between the two. Very prosperous for this kingdom without a doubt… but once the King and Queen passed and the prince began ranting about sea monsters and whatnot, the Spanish King rescinded the arrangement."

"…And now without further ado, I would like to introduce the lovely Princess Ariel of the Mer-people!" Eric's eyes were locked on the upper balcony, a manic glimmer barely masked within them.

Everyone watched as the timid girl stepped nervously out onto the stage. Ursula gasped as her fears became a reality.

The man beside her shook his head as he leaned toward Ursula. "Such a pity really… I hear he's been keeping her here with promises of love and a future by his side." He continued shaking his head a disapproving frown marring his handsome face. "The only chance that girl will have by his side is as the entertainment…"

"We should all hope someone ends this before it gets too out of hand." Ursula muttered as she continued to watch helplessly as Ariel was escorted down the walkway leading to the tank. When the over-eager prince began forcing Ariel's dress over her shoulders, the entire crowd began to gasp and mutter among themselves. "This has to be stopped!" Ursula's feet were already moving before she even realized it. She handed the half-full glass to the young man as she tried to push her way through the crowd.

He caught her hand. "Are you deft? The prince will have you arrested and thrown in a cell before you even make it to the stage."

Her frantic eyes met his. "I have to try! That is my niece!" She'd already turned when strong arms circled her waist and lifted her off her feet. Her eyes shot back up to the man.

He smiled, though worry still reflected in his mesmerizing eyes. "Allow me. After all, what kind of prince would I be if I did not assist a beautiful lady in need?"

Ursula gasped in surprise. "Prince?!"

His smile widened revealing sparkling white teeth. He pressed the finger of his free hand to his lips as he glanced around the room. "Our secret, yes?" He waited for her to nod, before giving her a mischievous grin and a wink. "Then allow me to escort you this way, lovely." He held her tightly against him as he pushed his way through the room and down a narrow service hallway.

Ursula studied him as she struggled to keep up. "I... I apologize, but I don't believe I caught your name earlier..."

He sent her a smirk as he continued quickly through the hall. "I was wondering how long it would take until you asked." He stopped in front of a heavy door and pulled it open. He stepped through, guiding her along with him. They were outside in the servants' courtyard. Several boxes of goods that had been brought in for the event were piled up all around. He released her hand as he began searching through the boxes. "Ah, here we go!"

Ursula tilted her head as she watched and waited for his reply. She watched in silence as he pulled a box of matches from his pocket and struck the entire box. "Wha-"

His smile widened to a toothy grin as he dropped the matches into the crate and ran toward her. "We must run now!" He laughed as he scooped her up and ran back inside, kicking the heavy door shut behind them. He fled farther down the hall and into another doorway.

Ursula couldn't see in the dark room, but she could tell it was tiny. He barely had room to lower her to the ground. The second her feet had been set on the ground, the man's hands were cupped tightly against both her ears. Though his hands held firm, she could still hear the loud explosions erupting outside. Her eyes moved to his in question in the faintly lit room.

He grinned down at her as he bent closer to her so she could hear him. His hands slid away from her ears to her shoulders, where he cupped them instead. "Not to worry, it's but fireworks." His grin widened. "Just all of them at once, I'm afraid." He sent her a wink. "A sure way to clear out the guests. Once they are preoccupied, we shall retrieve your precious niece."

Ursula pressed against his chest but could not put much space between them before her back found a shelf. With a resigned sigh, she replied. "I do thank you for your help in all this, but I must ask. What shall you get out of helping us?"

One of his hands moved to her face and traced her features with his fingers gently. "If not the admiration of a beautiful maiden then at least I shall be please to see my deranged cousin have one less thing to be made a fool over..." His eyes held her a shimmer of kindness and empathy radiated from them. "And one less person for him to hurt."

Ursula's hand moved involuntarily to his as she leaned into his palm. "You are truly kind... but you have yet to give me your name... I am skeptical to trust someone I do not know..."

He leaned closer to her, his lips nearly touching hers. "I should say the same for you, my lady." His thumb stroked her cheek as he held her gaze. As the loud explosion of fireworks echoed through the palace nearly drowning out the frantic shouts and screams of guests caught off guard, his lips found her. His lips remained scant millimeters from hers as he whispered. "Johnathan Howard Clements-Ashmen, Duke of Touraine... Second in line to our dear Prince Eric here..."

Ursula's wide eyes held his as understanding sank in. "I see..." He was not merely helping her as the gentlemanly thing to do... no... He had his own agenda.

He straightened and cocked a brow in her direction as he lifted her hand to his lips. "I've introduced myself and yet you still withhold the beauty that shall be your name."

"My name... it is Ursula..."

He continued to wait, but when she said nothing else he chuckled. "Surely there is a last name... a title by chance?"

She cleared her throat as she glanced toward the small window. "Just Ursula... My last name and title is of little importance..."

His smile faded slightly. "I see. Well, Just Ursula..." He placed another kiss on her hand. "I find it unique and charming just as its owner is." His lips curved back into a smile as he sent a quick glance toward the window as well. "Shall we find your niece?"