The scent of Poppys

Arei glanced down at his watch for what seemed like the hundredth time. With a long sigh, he tossed back the glass of champagne he'd been sipping and set the empty glass on the table. "Guys it's been fun, but I think it's about time we call it a night." He gave Russ a pat on the shoulder as his eyes moved around the crowd.

Russ chuckled. "If you're looking for Jos, I haven't seen her all night. I figured she's still avoiding everyone."

"Too bad too, I was looking forward to seeing her again." A wide, teasing smile curved Naru's lips as he added. "She gives the best belly rubs."

Russ rolled his eyes. "Sorry, not going to bother me this time…"

Arei sent the young man a crooked grin. "Keep it up, I'll find someone to give you those belly rubs." He narrowed his eyes with mischief. "Someone with nice big hands." He Held out one of his hands and flexed his long, thick fingers.

Naru swallowed nervously before trying to laugh it off with a shrug. "Could be nice… Ya know someone who likes cats?"

Arei sent him a wide grin, but before he could say anything else Rin stood as well.

Rin's eyes moved around the crowd. "I don't see Shell either. She probably had to go inside to rest. Jos is most likely with her."

Arei continued scanning the crowd. "Probably…" His brows arched when he spotted Drake. He'd obviously been headed toward their group before getting stopped by a smaller group of guests. It was odd that April was nowhere near him. Usually, where one was, the other wasn't far behind. His eyes scanned the crowd again. Movement from the far side of the lawn caught his attention. A slight breeze caused the trees lining the forest to rustle along with the fine chiffon of a familiar party dress as it vanished within the darkness of the forest. His eyes narrowed as they moved back to Drake as he made his way toward them. He held out his hand to the young vampire as he neared. "I hadn't gotten a chance to thank you since the hearing. Your speech was quite possibly the winning factor."

Drake shrugged with a slightly nervous smile, his eyes moving over to Russ. "I only stated what I've observed myself…" He pulled his hand away from Arei and ran it through his hair as he sent Russ another nervous glance. When it was obvious Russ wasn't going to mention Jos, he finally released a relieved breath and held his hand out toward him. "Beautiful party. I can't wait to see what tomorrow will be like." Drake glanced back to where April had been and frowned. "Um anyways… I just thought I'd come over and say my congratulations before we head out…" His eyes moved toward the palace.

Russ arched a brow. "Lost your girl, too? Seems to be going around tonight."

"Huh? Oh! Yeah, no. She said she was going inside to tell Shelly and Jaden goodnight."

Russ arched his brow, his gaze moving between Arei and Drake. "Ah… I see…" He nodded toward Arei, getting the massive man's attention. "Well, ya see, Arei was just looking for Jos as well… You… haven't seen her, have you?"

Drake laughed nervously. "You wolves and your noses…" He brushed at his clothes as he shifted his gaze hesitantly between Russ and Arei. "I ran into her out by the cliffs." He quickly lifted his hands in surrender when Arei's heated gaze moved between him and Russ in question. "We just had a quick chat, nothing else." When Russ arched his brow higher, Drake added as he took a step back. "She slipped and I caught her."

Arei furrowed his brows. "Russ, what's he talking about?"

Russ crossed his arms as he stared at Drake. "Her scent is all over him."

Arei's eyes shot back to the path leading through the forest to the cliffs. "April…"

Drake tried to laugh off his anxiety. "Yeah, she seemed a little upset, but I figured-"

Arei grabbed Drake's arm. "She's more than upset. She 's gone to confront Jos."

Confusion, then realization lit Drake's eyes. "We need to hurry!"

Glasses clanked against the table as chairs were pushed away from it. "I'll go with you." Russ said as he came up on Drake's other side. His worried eyes moved to Rin. "Could you make sure Jaden and Shell stays inside the palace with you?"

"No problem." Rin said before vanishing.

"I'll go with you guys, too." Naru chimed in.

Russ shook his head. "Stay here. Trust me, you don't want to be around when a wolf loses her cool." He shuddered reflexively as he thought back to the night they'd ripped Fernando apart.

"What about me?" Georgos asked.

"Get your family inside, then order the guards to end the party." Russ ordered as he followed Arei and Drake across the back lawn.

Georgos nodded. "You come with me, cat."

Naru stuck out his tongue but still followed behind the other man.

Drake finally spoke up as they stepped onto the dark path. "What makes you think April's out here? And that Jos is in danger for that matter?"

Arei let out a low groan. "I saw her come this way right before you came over… and I'm not worried about Jos's safety… You've seen what she can do…"

Drake gasped as he picked up his pace. "You… you don't think she would hurt April… do you?"

"Not intentionally." It was Russ who answered this time.

The insinuation had Drake all but running toward the clearing. His feet froze as the last traces of a thick black fog lifted from the cliff top. His eyes widened as they fell on April's still body laying on the ground. "April!" He hurled himself toward her at superhuman speed, pulling her into his arms instantly. He pressed his fingers to her throat and let out a relieved sigh when he felt her strong pulse. "She's still alive.

Russ and Arei exchanged looks. Russ let the wolf's senses take over as he scanned the area for any traces of Jos. "She's not here." He whispered. "But there was someone… something else here with her."

Arei's attention was trained on the thick fog. "Do either of you smell blood?"

Russ and Drake both shook their heads.

Arei followed Russ over to a weathered tree. "Do you smell anything else?"

Russ let his head shift fully into the wolf as he sniffed around the tree more. "Flowers… of some kind…"

"Fuck…" Arei grumbled as he retrieved his phone from his pocket. He selected a number and waited for it to be answered. "Dad, can you come back to the palace real quick?"

Poseidon appeared on the cliffs with his phone still in hand. He took in the scene around him. "What's going on here?"

"Can you produce a poppy, by chance?" Arei asked.

"Sure. Any particular type?"

Arei nodded as he rubbed his temple. "Yeah, the ones that grow near the Lethe river…"

Poseidon frowned as he flicked his wrist producing a few red poppies. He pulled them away when Arei reached for the flowers. "I hope you don't intend on using these. You know the implications, surely…"

Arei nodded as he snatched them away and held them out to Russ. When Russ nodded, Arei's expression became turbulent. "I know exactly what the implications are." His angry gaze moved to Drake. "April is in a deep sleep. Take her back to the palace and put her in one of the beds. She'll be perfectly fine by morning but will most likely have no memory of tonight… or at least of coming out here."

Drake's brows furrowed as he nodded. He didn't waste time asking for an explanation, instead, he lifted April into his arms and stood. "Will you come back to the palace once you find Jos?"

Arei shook his head. "I'm not sure yet… but I doubt it. We'll talk more tomorrow." He turned his attention back to Russ. "Call Raven as soon as you get back and tell her to place a protection on your palace… one that can prevent god's from teleporting inside."

Russ sent a questioning glance toward Poseidon.

Poseidon nodded. "Do as he says for now. We'll work through the details later."

Russ clenched his jaw. He nodded toward Drake. "Let's get her back, first." He paused, his troubled eyes lifted to Arei. "Will you at least text and let me know once you find her…"

Arei blew out a sigh. "Yeah, sure kid."

Poseidon crossed his arms as he looked around the cliff. "Well… how do you plan to find her? If you're right… she could be anywhere, above or under the world…"

Arei clenched his jaws as he worked his tie loose. He made short work of the buttons of his shirt. "Then I should make fast work of the search…"

Poseidon arched a brow. "Do you want me to bring Peg? He's not as effective as Ry, but he's still better than most."

Arei shook his head. "If he's coming to her in person and not just in her dreams, then there's only one place he would take her… But you can call Hades. I believe it's time to ask for his help in this."

Poseidon narrowed his eyes. "You know for a fact it's him?"

Arei nodded. "Yes, she's admitted as much… But she's always assumed it was only in dreams…"

Poseidon pondered his son's words. "If you're right, you'll be going up against one of the oldest of gods… are you sure you wouldn't like backup of some kind?"

Arei shook his head. "No… If Hypnos meant me ill intentions, I'd known before now." He rolled his shoulders as his wide black wings sprouted from his back. His eyes held his father's. "Besides, he and I have fought on the same side once before… perhaps we're on the same side of things once again." He didn't wait for his father's response as he shot into the air.

Poseidon shook his head as he watched his son disappear into the night sky. "These kids… they'd watch the world burn around them before they'd ever acknowledge their own inner demons…" He teleported over to the werewolf palace, wasting no time in finding Shelly and baby Cam. He held his arms out for the nervous werewolf as she wobbled toward him the second he appeared. He pulled her into a tight hug. "What is the matter, dear?"

Shelly sniffled as she gazed pleadingly up at him. "Will Jos be alright? Russ… told us what happened."

Poseidon nodded. "Arei is on his way to her as we speak." He gave a light chuckle. "You know well, there is no power on this earth that could ever keep those two apart."

Shelly nodded as she forced a smile up at him. "Thank you for coming."

He smiled down at her. "Of course." He glanced around the room. "Now, where is my grandson?"

Shelly giggled as she led him toward the crib set up in the guest room. "Learning to walk has worn him out for the night."


Arei's wings vanished the second his feet were on the sand. He could feel the pressure of strong, primordial magic before the lagoon had even come into view. Whatever spell Hypnos was currently using was like a beacon… but why. Why would someone as careful as the sleep deity risk exposure now? He rattled the tiny front door of the cavernous home, but a magical force seemed to be keeping it closed. With a determined grunt, he spun into a full roundhouse causing splinters to spray all around him. He didn't wait for his eyes to adjust to the faint light as he stepped over what was left of the door. His eyes searched the room for any sign of Hypnos or Jos. A low moan caught his attention as he moved farther into the room. He moved toward the sounds of movement coming from the tiny daybed in the corner. Relief settled over him as he moved closer. "Jos…" He settled down onto the cramped bed beside her and lifted her into his arms. "You're here and you're alright…" Her confused, sleep-heavy eyes fluttered as he scanned her for any signs of injury. "Nothing… Thank the gods…" He murmured as he pulled her tighter against his chest, wrapping her in a tight hug. "You're safe…"