Love and marriage

Jaden nodded her head. "Yes, amends…" She held Jos's puzzled gaze. "You are important to him… as he, I'd thought, is to you…"

Jos could feel tears welling up in her eyes as she nodded. "He is…" She shook her head as a smile curved her tear-streaked face. "But not in the way you would assume given what you have probably been told of our past."

Jaden stood quietly, simply studying Jos as she spoke.

Jos shrugged. "I love Russ and Shelly equally. I would do absolutely anything for them… and that willingness to do anything to make one of them happy almost caused me to lose them both…" She shook her head. "You're right. I don't want to walk out of their lives now… but if it would make things easier on them… on you. I will do it… but if you're asking me to stay…" Her words trailed off as her eyes fell to her hands.

Jaden tilted her head. "You are worried those you love will continue getting hurt?"

Surprise reflected in Jos's eyes as they lifted to Jaden. "Y-yes… I allowed things… I should have never… It can never be undone, and there will always be a heavy cloud of those things lingering over our heads."

Jaden took a step closer and placed her lace-covered hand on Jos's arm. "Then we shall all bring umbrellas." She let her hand slip away from Jos's arm as she walked over to the railing. Her eyes moved over the crowd below. "I look around and see very few faces that I recognize. It is unnerving until I happen to find Russ in the crowd and realize he is also lost in all of this with very few familiar faces around him." Jaden turned back to Jos as she scanned the crowd below. "You are the only person who can tell him about his parents, about these lands… about his heritage…" Her hand moved to her flat stomach. "You would be the only one who could tell our children these things…"

Jos's eyes widened. "Are… are you…"

Jaden quickly shook her head. "Not yet… but I do hope…"

Jos couldn't stop herself. She pulled Jaden into a tight hug as sobs shook her own body. "I'm so glad. I've only ever wanted this for him." Jos suddenly pulled away. She held Jaden out at arm's length. "I'm sorry. I'm messing up your wedding dress and hair." She brushed out her skirts and adjusted her hair.

Jaden clasped her hands over Jos's to still her busy work. A warm smile curved her lips. The more she got to know this strange woman, the easier it was to understand why everyone seemed to love her so much. It had nothing to do with curses or any other supernatural phenomenon. It was Joslyn herself… The sweet, caring person who always seemed to put everyone else first. "I'll not lie… I'm a bit nervous… Would you mind walking down with me?"

Jos's smile brightened. "Yes of course!" She offered Jaden her arm as she sniffled back happy tears. Jos's smile widened as they descended the stairs. "I remember walking with Camilla down these very stairs on her wedding day. My only regret in life is that I couldn't do more for her in her greatest time of need… so that she could be here to see this day as well…" Her smile faded as she thought back to what Hypnos had shown her, his words echoing in her mind.

"I do not know hardly any of the faces here, and despite that, I'm more comfortable than if I'd been able to recognize each and every one of them. One thing I've learned over the years… family is not always what you were born into, but rather those you meet and bring together along the course of life and life experiences." Jaden gave Jos's arm an affectionate squeeze. "I shall be glad to call you family after today."

Jos couldn't hold back her feelings as she pulled Jaden into a tight hug. "And I you…"

Arei stepped out from the crowd accompanied by Cheri, Scylla, Peg, Andy, and Poseidon. Each gave their congratulations to Jaden before Poseidon stepped forward and took her hand. "I cannot help but notice the absence of your parents and family…" He searched Jaden's eyes, easily reading the discomfort there. "You need not explain it to me, or anyone else here today…" He sent her a warm smile as he placed her hand under his arm and hooked it to his forearm. "Perhaps instead, you'll allow me to walk you down the aisle?"

Jaden's cheeks reddened, and her emotions grew to the point of nearly overflowing. She swallowed hard as she nodded, unable to form words after the sudden surprise.

Poseidon smiled warmly down at her. "Thank you, dear." He nodded toward the main reception area. "Then, shall we?"

Jaden nodded, still in shock by his caring offer. Her eyes widened as he lifted his arm, and her hand to his lips. He placed a light kiss to the back of her gloved hand. The sounds of clapping filled the crowded space as they slowly started forward.

Jos laced her arms around Arei's waist and rested her head against his firm chest. "She's so beautiful." She lifted her head to meet his gaze. "She said that they are trying to have children…" A warm smile spread across Jos's lips. "I can't wait to see them… I remember when Russ and Shell were babies. They were the absolute cutest things you'd ever seen."

Arei could see the sadness Jos was trying to hide behind her overall joy. He ran his large hand through her hair. "You may never become pregnant and carry a baby, but I assure you, you're life will never be lacking in the pitter-patter of children.'s feet." His eyes moved ahead of Poseidon and Jaden to where several of the orphaned werewolf children tossed flower petals along the aisle from tiny baskets. It had been another odd request Russ and Jaden had made. They wanted the children to be treated as a part of the royal family. To be included as if they were their own flesh and blood.

Jos smiled brightly. "You're right… And I can't think of a happier outcome. I'm glad they decided to not only take in the children but to treat them as family, instead of…" Her words trailed off.

He tightened his hold on Jos. Whether she realized it or not her influence could be seen all around them in each life she'd affected over the years. "Instead of orphans?"

Jos nodded her smile fading. "Yes… They deserve love and happiness, too…"

He brushed back a loose strand of silver hair. "And who better to show them that love and guide them toward happiness than someone else who understands what it's like to be orphaned…" When she didn't reply, lost in thought over his words, he added. "Shall we head in as well?"

Jos nodded, not releasing her hold around his waist. She followed the others to a smaller group at the front of the reception hall, releasing her hold on Arei only when baby Cam's arms extended out toward her. Jos took the child immediately as she sat down between Shelly and Arei. "Who's missed their Nin?" Cam cooed at her as he reached out for a handful of silver curls.

Arei chuckled as he wrapped one arm around the back of Jos's chair and used the other hand to detangle the baby's chubby fingers from Jos's hair. "Now, now. Let's not mess up Nin's hair, little buddy." When Cam promptly moved his attention from Jos to Arei, Arei scooped him up and began bouncing the little guy on his knee while asking him about his day and complimenting him on his fine bib and other accessories.

Shelly giggled as she leaned over and rested her head on Jos's shoulder. "I swear, some days I wonder if he doesn't like you guys more than he does us."

Jos couldn't help the slight tug at her heart as she watched Arei interact with Cam. "He would make such a wonderful father… wouldn't he…"

Shelly felt a twinge of pain as she nodded. "You would both make great parents…" She stroked her belly as she continued. "You know… there are other ways to have children."

Jos nodded. "Yeah… I'd thought about helping out with the orphans here, but it seems like Russ and Jaden have already stepped in and taken over where they are involved."

Shelly grinned. "Yeah… surprisingly enough, Drake and Mattie have as well. They said they felt responsible for all the harsh deeds of their family and have vowed an eternal pact with the wolves… though some have not forgiven them and currently refuse to accept any help from vampires…" Her eyes saddened as they moved to the groomsmen. Rin, Drake, and Naru stood beside Russ. "It's funny isn't… if you really think about it…" Shelly clasped Jos's hand and gave it a loving squeeze. "A werewolf, Gin, Vampire, and werecat… I have no doubt had Ry been here, he would have also been up there by Russ's side…" She nodded to the row of seats in front of her where Raven and Isha sat. "There's probably never been such an odd pairing of individuals under one roof… all calling ourselves friends… family…" Her eyes moistened as she turned to Jos. "And in part… it's all because of you. You are the glue that has held this weird, crazy family together."

Raven glanced over her shoulder. She let out a chuckle. "See, this is why I hate weddings. Everyone is always so deep in their feels." She sent Jos and Shelly both a wink. "But… I guess you're not wrong…"

Jos wiped at the happy tears that trailed down her cheeks, but before she could say anything arms flung around her shoulders from behind.

"Aw! You guys! Y'all are just so stinking cute! I want in on all the family cuteness!" Cheri pushed her head between Jos and Shelly, arms around them both. She took turns rubbing her cheeks against each of them.

Giggles could be heard around them as Andy and Scylla tried pulling Cheri's large frame back into her seat. As she patted Cheri's thick arm, Shelly couldn't keep from laughing either. "See?! This is what I'm talking about. Russ and I would have both been left orphans just like those kids had it not been for you and all the people we've met because of you!"

Jos sniffled as she wiped away her tears. "As touching as all this is, I believe it is about to start…"


Russ's nervous eyes were locked on the aisle just past the giggling children that made slow work of tossing out pedals and golden confetti. His breath had caught the instant Jaden had stepped out into the pedal-covered path that led straight to him and their future together. He swallowed hard as his wide eyes took in her beautiful yet simple dress, his mark clear beneath the thin lace of the upper portion of the garment. By the laws of wolves, she was already his and he hers… though the mark she'd left on him would only be known to other wolves, hidden by the simple tailored uniform he now wore. A uniform that would represent his position as ruler of this kingdom and its new alliance with the god of the sea. As much as he'd fought it, protested, and cursed it; he now stood proud of his people, his lands, his position, and the protection it provided for so many others. He smiled as he bent and ruffled the children's hair as they bounced by him to stand in front of the bridesmaids. As he lifted his eyes met Jaden's, and he became lost in them.

Poseidon cleared his throat with a chuckle. He lifted his hand, Jaden's resting lightly atop it, and bowed slightly over it. "King Russell Alesandro Boosilis, Fifth ruler of the Mooncliff clan," He gave a slight nod of acknowledgment to Apollo and Artemis who stood behind Russ at the altar. "Great clan of the wolf god and now a united clan of the court of Poseidon, I present to you, your bride." He placed a kiss to Jaden's hand before taking Russ's and joining Russ and Jaden's hands. "Shall your marriage have the blessings of the gods."

Russ and Jaden both gave Poseidon a respective bow before he turned away and took the nearest seat. They then turned to Apollo and Artemis and gave them a bow as well. Once the formalities were completed, they lifted and faced each other, hand in hand. Russ couldn't keep a smile from curving his lips as joy began to flood every fiber of his being. Every sound, body, and decoration blurred together in his peripherals, his eyes only seeing Jaden, his ears only hearing the soft lull of her responses to the ceremonious mutterings. He mechanically recited the words he'd practiced, his excitement and joy rising with each syllable. Once he'd finally slid the thin band of the diamond-crusted ring onto Jaden's hand and she'd slipped a plan titanium band onto his, he didn't waste a second. He pulled her into his arms, his lips claiming hers for all to see. He pulled her tighter against him, deepening the kiss as her arms wrapped around his neck. The sounds of people lifting from their seats and applause echoed around them, muffled by the bubble that seemed to exist around just the two of them, holding them snuggly in that moment. It wasn't until several hands began slapping Russ's back that he begrudgingly pulled his lips away from his new bride. He barely acknowledged the many congratulations around him as he stared down into her beautiful face. "Thank you…" He brushed the delicate ringlets that framed her face away.

Jaden cocked her head to one side in confusion over his choice of words. "Thank you? For what?"

He sent her a wide, charming smile. "For being here, for accepting me, for making me this happy… for loving me…" He bent and placed a tender kiss to her lips. "I love you."

Happy tears streamed down Jaden's face as she fought back soft sobs. She pressed her forehead to his. "I love you, too… so… so much…"