Lost in paradise

"Hah Hah hah…" Artemis panted heavily as she forced her fatigued feet and legs to continue running. She'd been trapped in this hell for three days with the fourth night quickly settling in. The thick canopy of the never logged trees blocked out any and all remaining rays of the setting sun. Lush foliage darkened the already shadowed trails as branches and briars snagged her skin and clothes. The gnarled, twining roots continued catching her feet as she ran through the sparsely cleared paths deeper into the island. "Fuck!" She screamed into the desolate surroundings as she fired another arrow blindly into a curtain of darkness. She cursed every last one of the titans and gods alike as the heavy stampede of creatures trailed close on her heels. Her thoughts grew more frantic as she thought back to the faces of the many different monsters whose very existence had been stricken from the records many centuries ago.

Hope began to quickly dwindle until the forest opened up into a clearing. The air was clean, and the sound of rushing water could be heard over the growls and roars of the monsters still in hot pursuit. She clamped her eyes tightly shut as she charged out into the opening, praying that not all the gods had forsaken her.

When the bright rays of the nearly full moon cast its glow over her eyelids, she quickly opened them. With what was left of her strength and stamina she swiftly lifted her bow and leaped as high into the air as she could muster. She bit back her displeasure at realizing this would be her last arrow. She bit back a curse as she released the shot, sending it torpedoing through two large beasts.

She tucked her body into a tight ball not knowing what to expect from the landing; but when the cool surface of the deep stream caught her she blew out a sigh of relief. She let the quick water carry her for several long minutes, reveling in the smooth ride that was taking her away from the creatures pursuing her.

As the water began to pick up pace and the steam shallowed, she forced herself back to her feet. Her eyes moved around the dark landscape. To her surprise, a faint flicker of light caught her attention. She tiptoed along the wider, slightly worn path until the light grew brighter and the mouth of a cave could be seen. The faint giggles of joyous women could be heard from just outside.

Artemis quickly crouched behind the group of large, overgrown shrubbery as she watched and listened. Try as she might, she couldn't discern the language they were using. It reminded her of the old, ancient tongue from her childhood.

The first pangs of doubt filtered into her thoughts as several beautiful women, scantly dressed, emerged from the cave, adjusting their clothes as they did. {What if he's not being held against his will at all… rather what if he's happy, enjoying himself each day to the fullest…} Her brows furrowed in confusion and anger as she debated her decisions. "What chose do I have left… man-whore or not…" She muttered in growing irritation as she pushed up away from the ground. She flicked her wrist producing her favorite hunting knife as she inched closer to the cave entrance.

The light still flickered inside, but the sound of laughter had seized. As she continued forward, hugging the shadows, another sound reached her ears. Heavy, panted breaths echoed louder the closer she drew. Her heart began to beat painfully against her chest. {Is he with someone now?} She shook her head as she clasped the knife tighter. {That would be to imply I've already found him…} Her resolve was not so firm as to not cause her footsteps to falter, and her heart to beat harder as she drew closer still. She bit painfully into her lower lip as she forced her feet to take the last few steps into the center of the cave.

"Ahah!" She gasped, her free hand flying quickly to cover her mouth. The knife her other hand had been clasping so tightly moments earlier clattered to the faded and broken tiles lining the floors and walls of the cave. Light bounced off the temple like statues and columns lining the room, reflecting the illustrious shine of fine gems and gold. Aged silk and other fine fabrics surrounded an altar. But all of the beauty and splendor of the room was lost on Artemis as she ran toward the familiar figure just behind the thin curtains. Her trembling hand clasped her mouth, silencing another gasp as her eyes took in the bound arms and legs of the heavily tattooed man. She fell to her knees on the lush pillows surrounding his strung-up body. She bit her lip hard. She couldn't, wouldn't believe this withered man before her was her Orion. No! Not until she saw for herself. Her hand trembled fiercer as she reached out for him and turned his face to her. She shook her head as a sob escaped her lips. "My bear… what have they done to you?"

Her fingers gently caressed his sweat-dampened brow. He was burning up. She trailed her fingers down his cheek and traced his lips. Her heart ached with each pant of his labored breathing. Her brows furrowed as moisture dampened her fingertips. She brought the odd sticky substance to her nose and breathed it in. "Lotus…" A frown curved her lips as she quickly scanned the altar. The ropes that bit into the tender, bleeding flesh of his wrists were secured around a heavy iron ring built into a thick pillar. Her eyes trailed down his nude body taking in a wide array of scratches, bruises, and bite marks in various stages of healing. The thick rope of his ankles was tied off in the same manner. She gave them an experimental tug, but the rope did not budge. Her eyes quickly widened, and she shot up. She ran over to where her knife had fallen and quickly grabbed it.

Ry moaned as she struggled against the ropes, sawing and cutting at them as she did.

"Shh. It's me… I am here to free you…" She whispered to him as she continued to work tirelessly against the rope.

Artemis huffed breathlessly as her sharp blade cut through the last of the rope. She wiped away the beads of sweat from her brow. His hand fell limply beside his body. She sheathed her blade and tucked it into her waistband before gently slapping his cheeks. "Orion, hear me, wake up. We must get away as quickly as possible."

Ry only groaned in response.

Artemis shook his shoulders harder, now. "Wake up, please!" Her eyes searched his body frantically for any sign of movement, falling on his hand. "That's it!" She clasped his hand before resting her fingers in his grip. "If you can hear me, squeeze my fingers!"

A guttural groan rumbled through Ry's chest as he put all his effort into one hand… one action.

Artemis drew in a gasp as his weak grip squeezed her. "Yes! Great! Now, can you answer me? How long will it take the lotus to wear off? Minutes? Hours?"

He focused all his effort on the sound of her voice and the hushed words she was whispering. He squeezed her fingers as best as he could once she'd said the word hours.

"Hours? One hour, two hours, or… more?"

He squeezed her fingers four times.

Her eyes widened. "Four hours?! Do you know how long it has already been?"

He squeezed twice then three times.

She furrowed her brows. "Between two to three hours? Are you sure?" She paused, then decided to reword her question when he did not respond. "Yes, you're sure… or no you're not?" She frowned when he squeezed after the no. Her eyes moved around the cave. "Do you know if more women will be back tonight? Yes… or no?" She waited but he didn't squeeze. She pondered this for a few seconds, before asking. "Are you unsure?"


"Does it differ?"


She blew out a frustrated sigh. "That makes this harder, then…" Her eyes moved around the room once again. "We have to get you out of here, but this island is not a place where you could get by easily in your condition." Her frown deepened. "My only choices would be to leave you here and come back or… try to talk with Calypso and-" Her words were cut off by Ry squeezing and releasing her fingers multiple times. She scrunched her nose in irritation. "Of course, you'd find a way to argue even in your condition." She arched a brow at him. "Then what would you recommend? Should I stay here and wait out the drugs or-"

He squeezed her fingers again, this time managing to get his eyes opened as he did. Though his vision was blurry and doubled, he still struggled to focus on her.

She blew out a groan. "Alright… So… best case here, no one else happens by and the lotus is out of your system… within the next hour. Worst case I am caught and imprisoned with you…" She gave his hand a reassuring squeeze as she settled into the pile of cushions beside him. She yawned, fatigue finally settling in as her adrenaline waned. "You will wake me as soon as the drugs have worn off?"

He gave her fingers a light squeeze. He struggled to trail her movements with his eyes as she settled in beside him. Her small hand continued to rest within his wide palm as she began to doze off. He laces his fingers with hers and closed his eyes, his focus trained on the faint sound of her breathing. All the pint up anger and frustration of the past several months seemed to fade slowly. {How long has it been. I'd nearly forgotten how beautiful… how caring she truly is…} He smiled to himself. {Not that she'd ever willingly let anyone see that side…}

Artemis groaned as she wiggled against the hot, heavy weight that seemed to be pushing her down into the earth. She fought and struggled until she was able to roll onto her back under the heavy structure. Her eyes flickered open in surprise as her hands made contact with hot flesh. She began to panic before the faint light of the burning fire illuminated the familiar tattooed body pressing down against her. "Ry… Ry! Wake up." She shoved against him bringing a pained groan from his sleeping body. Sleep-clouded hazel eyes met hers. He shifted his weight off her slightly causing her cheeks to redden. "You're awake, good." Her eyes moved over his naked body before resting on the arm he was currently propping himself up with. "You have regained control of your body?"

A warm smile curved his lips. "It would appear I have." His voice came out hoarse and broken, but it didn't seem to deem his happiness. His hand lifted to her cheek, tracing the delicate details of her features gently. "Artie, it's you… you're really here?"

Heat built in Artemis's cheeks. "I am… Would you expect me to abandon you here?"

Ry shrugged as he ran his fingers gently through her tangled hair. "Perhaps… After all, how long has it been since you willingly sought me out?"

Artemis averted her gaze. "You know that I couldn't…"

"Even still?" He gently tugged her gaze back to meet his. "Odd… Because you're here now."

She could only stare up at him for the longest time, but finally, she pushed against his chest. "I couldn't leave you on your own to do something so stupid." As she pushed to her feet, she continued. "Obviously, it was a good thing I chose to do so. Just look at the mess you've gotten yourself into."

Ry chuckled as he struggled against his weak muscles to stand. He used the pillar to prop himself against, releasing a frustrated chuckle. "Yeah… I'll not argue with you this time." His eyes burned into hers. "It seems like I have a knack for getting mixed up with the wrong women." He shook his head as he tried to stand by himself but failed. "Hah… Funny isn't it?"

She frowned as she watched him struggle. "Is what funny? You right now? I'd say not." Worry began to surface as she stepped closer. "You're going to have to shift before we attempt to leave this cave."

Ry groaned as he collapsed back against the pillar. "You're probably right, though I don't relish the idea of having to return to that form for any length of time." He gave her a knowing glare. "And that wasn't what I was referring to as funny…" His gaze burned into her. "It's funny that the only two times I've ever tried to throw myself at women they have each refused me."

Artemis tilted her head. "It doesn't look like you were refused. It looks like you've been used nearly to death."

He forced a pained smile. "Yes, but not in the way I'd expected or by my targeted individual…"

She narrowed her eyes on him. "Why are you here, Ry? Did you really give up your freedoms for that girl?"

Ry's smile faded, and he became serious. "You wouldn't… couldn't understand."

She crossed her arms over her chest. "Try me."

He blew out an exasperated sigh. "Perhaps once we've cleared this island…" He reached out and snagged one of the thicker curtains hanging along the altar and tossed it to Artemis. "Here, take this… unless you want me to spend the rest of the trip naked."

She gave an indignant huff as she caught the fabric. "I had nearly forgotten how insufferably vexing you could be."

He chuckled as he lowered to the ground. "Didn't your mother ever tell you? Flattery will get you everywhere in life."

She sent him a dissatisfied glare. "That was not a compliment."

He grinned up at her as he lowered onto hands and knees. "Ah but from your lips, my dear, sweet Artie, anything is a compliment."

She shook her head with a grunt. "You're ridiculous." The sound of voices drew her attention away from their banter and toward the mouth of the cave. "Ry, hurry! We must leave at once!" By the time she whipped her head back around to face him, the gigantic, tattooed man was gone. In his place stood a fierce grizzly. She quickly pulled the blade from her waistband and tossed the fabric over her shoulder, then ran to him. "Are you alright now? Can you move better?"

The bear nodded and lowered its massive body, offering her a ride.

Artemis furrowed her brows. "Are you sure? You were so weak…"

The bear nudged her with his snout.

Her gaze whipped back to the cave entrance as the sound of voices and footsteps grew nearer. "Fine! It's not like we're left with many options. Let's go!"

They didn't waste any more time. The second her full weight came down on Ry's back, he sprinted forward.

"I'm out of arrows at the moment, so it's going to be hand to hand or nothing… Considering the substantial number of monsters on the gods-forsaken island, I'd much rather nothing. If at all possible."

The bear nodded as he charged along the narrow cave and barreled through the three women. It was everything in him not to stop and shred them with his sharp claws; but the thought of putting Artie into harm's way was enough to drive him forward, instead.