Team Building

Jos hummed contently as she sipped her tea and studied her progress, paintbrush still in hand. "Hum… Just a little more… right… here… Yes! That will about do it."

Arei poked his head into the back room of the gallery Jos had gifted Shelly. "Knock, knock? I'm not interrupting, am I?" He asked as he stepped into the room.

Jos shook her head as she set the brush and teacup, both, down on the desk. "Not at all. I just finished up. Her gaze moved past Arei. "Where's Shell? I figured she'd follow you back. She's been so excited to see the finished piece." Jos studied the painting. "It really is a beautiful work. I'd expected the restoration to take longer, but with Rin helping when he can it's gone fairly quickly."

Arei walked over and wrapped his arms around her waist. He rested his chin on the top of her head. "It is beautiful. You did a great job. There's no sign of damage at all anymore." He straightened and turned her in his arms. "Seeing how much you love this work and how skilled you are at it; I can't understand why you'd be so willing to give up the gallery as you have."

"Hum…" She blew out a purred sigh. "I suppose I do love to paint and restoration… but I could never see myself running such a place." She shrugged. "It would take away the joy if it became too much of a job… besides Shelly and I had always made plans of such an arrangement. She would work the people-y part of the job while I hid away in the back. She's always been exceptional at interacting with others being an extravert and all… while I much rather keep to myself. Win,

win…" She added with another shrug.

He pulled her into a hug and placed a kiss on her forehead. "As long as you're happy, kitten."

"Hum… I am." She purred as she wrapped her arms around him tightly. Her brows furrowed as she snuggled against him. She pushed lightly against him. "Wait… what are you doing here anyway? Have you heard anything about Ry and Artemis? Has she found him?"

He blew out a sigh. "Not yet, though Father is hopeful." A smile spread across his lips. "I'm here because I just got a call about a job and thought you may want to tag along on this one."

She tilted her head. "Really? What kind of job?"

His smile widened. "I'll tell you along the way. What do you say?"

She nodded happily as she released her hold on him. "Yes, sure. Just give me a few minutes to clean up here and let Shell know that it's finished."


Jos sat uncomfortably around the large conference table. She fumbled with her hands in her lap until a much larger one covered hers. Her nervous eyes lifted to Arei in question.

"You look nervous. What's the matter, Kitten?"

She blew out a breath. "This place… it always makes me feel uneasy…"

Arei chuckled. "Understandable, but my orders come through the Embassy. So there's little option." He thought it over as he leaned back in his chair. "I guess I could have gotten the case file sent over to father's…"

She shook her head. "No, it's fine. If we are to make this work between us, I must get used to being around this place…"

He squeezed her hand reassuringly. "You've been forgiven most of your punishments. You have nothing to worry about." He brought her hand to his lips and placed a light kiss there. "Relax, Kitten. You've done nothing wrong… lately." He gave her a wink. "It's not like they're going to storm in and throw you in a cell for no reason."

Jos thought over her latest conversation with Hypnos. "I wouldn't be too sure about that…"

Arei chuckled again. "Just try not to kill anyone on this mission, and I'm sure everything will be fine." He gave her hand another squeeze as Peg and Drake were followed in by a man he and Jos had yet to meet.

Peg and Drake both gave her a nod as they took seats across from the couple, but the other man seemed reluctant. He pulled out a seat at the head on the opposite end of the table. Peg glanced at the man from over the pages he was examining. "Will you even be able to hear us that far away?" When the man grunted a reply, Peg simply rolled his eyes and moved his attention back to the papers.

Jos's troubled gaze moved from the man at the end of the table over to Drake and Peg, but neither seemed forthcoming with an explanation so she shifted her gaze up to Arei.

Arei smirked as he studied the man briefly before turning back to Jos. "He's afraid of you…" He replied to Jos's astonishment.

Jos's gaze shot to the man. "Afraid, but why?"

"A perfectly adequate response…" Grumbled the man.

This time it was Drake who fought back a laugh as he replied. "It is the reason why Mattie isn't presenting these findings even though it was his team who found the trafficking ring to begin with." He nodded to the man at the end of the desk. "This is Christian Russo. He and his family have been employed with the DeMarco's for generations. He is still here with us today because he and his family were on vacation during your… abduction and escape…" He sent her a knowing smile. "I'm sure you understand where his apprehension stems from."

Jos swallowed down her own discomfort and nodded. "Yes… As it's also awkward for me being around an individual who may have taken part in the planning of thus said abduction…"

Drake nodded. "Yes, that is exactly why I've ordered that all remaining staff do their best to put this whole incident behind them as you and I have… and as Mattie is trying to do as well."

Russo let out a frustrated grunt as he crossed his arms over his chest and set back. "Good for Mr. Matthew then… but the two of you don't speak for all of us."

Drake narrowed his eyes. "Then, as I said before, all those who find my orders problematic may leave. But I do expect that if you stay, you are able to accept that what was done was the result of several grave errors of judgment on my uncle and father's parts followed by the wrath of betrayed women." He nodded to Jos. "Joslyn only reacted in the way we would have all reacted if put in the same situation." When Russo set forward and tried to argue, Drake lifted his hand to stop the man. "As I've said… if you don't like it leave."

The man slid his chair back loudly, slamming his hands down on the desk as he stood. "Then leave I shall." He growled.

Drake glared up at the man. "Very well, after this meeting, you are welcome to go… but not until."

Russo huffed out a dissatisfied grunt as he collapsed back into the chair and recrossed his arms.

Peg cleared his throat as he tapped the papers on the counter. His eyes moved around the small group. "If the bickering is done?" He glared at the man, daring him to say another word. "Alright then." He slid the file across the table to Arei and Jos. "Early this morning Mattie was going through some of the DeMarco records and came across these." He nodded toward the copies in the folder.

Jos's brows furrowed as she leaned over Arei's arm to read better. "Is this…"

"Still going on? Yes…" Drake answered. "I regret to admit, but it seems some of Mom's associates decided to continue the 'family business' even after her death. Typically, Mattie or I would handle this ourselves, but seeing as to how Mattie is just learning how to work the smaller parts of the estate and businesses, and I'm tied up with this council position right now…" He sent Jos and Arei a pleading look. "I hate to ask more of you guys after everything… but you're the only people I know who could deal with this efficiently and in a timely manner."

Arei set the file down as he blew out a long sigh. "We'd already decided to help before we got here… but now knowing the full situation, I'm sure I speak for the both of us when I say it's a definite yes."

Jos slid the file closer and began reading over it again, her brain not wanting to believe what she was reading.

Peg held Arei's gaze. "This is a lot to take on by yourselves." His eyes moved over to Jos. Tears trickled down her cheeks onto the paper. "I can call Chary and see if she and Scylla can help."

Arei nodded. "I'm not going to refuse their help if they are available, but I'm also not going to wait around until we can get an answer from them."

Peg nodded. "Understandable." He pushed back from the table. "I'll make the call now. Hopefully, I can have an answer before you guys wrap things up here." He gave Drake's shoulder a light squeeze as he stepped away from the table. He'd already dialed a number and had the phone pressed to his ear before he'd made it all the way out the door.

Drake blew out a sigh. "April wants to accompany you… but I've insisted it's too dangerous…" He ran his hand through his well-styled hair, messing it up. "I can have her go with you though… if you truly need the help."

Arei thought it over for a minute. "What are we looking at from this location and the list of people suspected to be involved?"

Drake nodded to Russo. "That is where he comes in. He's worked with the family the longest out of our remaining staff. He'll be able to answer more questions than me." His demanding gaze settled on the man. "Well? Speak if you want to earn your freedom. If not then I'll have you thrown in the cells as a conspirator."

Russo glared at them, but when his eyes fell on Jos his expression seemed to soften. He blew out a resigned sigh. "It's a port city not far from the main compound. The family has shipped things in and out of there for hundreds of years under its sister company. The trafficking, to my knowledge, only started up about 20-odd years ago... after the alliance with Fernando Boosilis was established. I've never personally been there or been involved with any of their activities… but I've heard a whisper that that particular group specializes in rare and exotic creatures…" He couldn't seem to pull his gaze away from the sad, tear-filled aqua eyes that met his. "The younger the better… or so I've heard…"

Arei clasped his hand over Jos's trembling one, bringing it to his lips and kissing it. "I should have told you more before bringing you here. I knew you'd feel a connection to this case and would want to be involved."

Jos nodded. "I do without a doubt…" Her watery eyes moved to Drake. "You should let April be a part of this as well. After all that she has been through, she would be the best person to know what to do and say to comfort the survivors. It will mean a lot to her to be involved."

Drake squeezed his eyes closed tightly as he nodded. "I know… She's already said as much herself… I just…" He breathed out a long shaky breath. "I couldn't send her and risk reawakening her trauma…"

Jos lifted and leaned over the table. She clasped her trembling hand over Drake's. "I promise, I'll be there for her in any way she needs me… but she needs to be there…"

Drake nodded. "I was afraid of as much…" He sent Jos a weak smile. "She's my everything, you know… I'm literally placing my life and heart in your hands by letting her go with you… You'll not let me down will you?"

Jos smiled warmly back at him. "I will not. I love the wolves dearly and will always look out for them and protect them with my life. Your April is no different."

Peg walked back through the door with a smile on his face. "They will meet you there."

Arei clapped his hands together and tapped his forehead. "Great… great… Thank you, brother. We'll need them… even more now." His eyes moved to Drake. "Looks like our trip is getting one other person as well… April…"

Peg's surprised eyes moved to Drake. "Are you sure? This could be triggering."

Drake nodded as he blew out a sigh. "As much as I hate it myself… it's what she wants." He smiled at Jos. "And Jos has promised to stay by her side."

Peg sent Jos a thankful nod. "Very well. All that's left is travel detail and mapping out a plan for breaching the port for extraction."

"I can help with that," Russo spoke up. "I… I would like to accompany them and help as well."

Drake's eyes widened then narrowed in suspicion. "Are you sure? That will put you in close contact with Jos throughout the entire trip. Will you be able to do your job as protected as you're being?"

Russo's eyes moved to Jos and studied her tear-streaked cheeks as swollen eyes. "Yeah… I think I can manage…" He blew out a slow breath. "She doesn't seem as much of a monster as I'd thought…"

Drake sent him a pleased smile. "Very well. I'm glad to-"

Jos stood up cutting off Drake's words. "I am a monster, though… That has not changed. I am the Kraken…"

Russo nodded. "I understand as much, lady."

She furrowed her brows. "Then why the sudden change of mind? You must understand if I'm now hesitant to put my trust and the success of this mission in your hands."

He continued studying her. "You don't seem to be as bad as they say… You… don't seem like a cold-blooded killer."

Jos nodded. "I prefer not to kill, that is true… but sometimes there is little option. I have only ever willingly killed people who disserved it."

"I see… and the other times? When it wasn't willingly?"

Arei squeezed Jos's hand as he stood up beside her. "She's cursed. She has no control over the vessels she's sunk and very little memories of the acts themselves."

Russo's brows knitted. "Is that true, lady?"

Jos nodded again. "I can only ever recall the aftermath, once I've awoken on my mother's island."

He nodded in understanding. "I see… Then you are safe with me." He nodded toward Drake as he stood as well. "My overall views are in alignment with Mr. Drake and Mr. Matthew. I would like to see the family returned to its previous glory before Sir Draco became head… I'd like to see Mr. Xavier's dream through with his son and nephew."

Drake smiled back at the man. "Thank you, Russo. You and your family have always been valued members of our clan. I'm glad to see that will not change today."

Peg sat back down as everyone else seemed to be in a hurry to leave. He reached across the table and pulled the file back across, before opening the laptop on the desk. "Before you guys kiss and make up or run off and have a celebratory drink, we should probably talk strategy and infiltration."

Everyone shared a chuckle as they sat back at the table.

"Alright. Let's hear your plan." Arei replied pulling Jos's chair closer to him and throwing his arm around the back of it.