backdoor emotions

Poseidon arched his brow as a loud splash sounded from above. "I really hope they have the floor of this place properly water sealed…" He whispered. He rocked the two sleeping children in his arms as he rocked steadily in the rocking chair. He shook his head. "I've yet to understand why they chose to rebuild this tiny shack thus subjugating my dear grandchildren to be raised in squaller when they could both easily afford something of far greater quality." He blew out a low sigh. "But I suppose that is their choice to make. Who am I to dictate how to raise children… after all I've left several to be raised by others who were not myself…" His eyes moved from the clock on the wall to Shiori. "Your father may one day tell you that he was raised by his older brother and that is no lie, but you should know… at the time I had thought it the best for him and your uncle Ry… but I was wrong in the end… just as you and your mommy and daddy shall likely one day learn the future can't be changed regardless of the prediction." He bent and kissed each child on the top of their head one at a time. He chuckled sadly. "I can only imagine you'll grow to be just like them… Jos and Arei… stubborn and strong… willing to lay down anything and everything for the ones you love… but also completely and totally blinded by your stubborn sense of right and wrong from time to time… and I can almost promise that is how Hecete's prediction will come to pass." His gaze moved to Cam. "It hurts my heart to think my two precious grandkids, the first that I've had in over three hundred years shall have to go through such pain together… but I can already sense a bond forming between the two of you. I'm not sure how it shall come to pass… but there's no doubt in my mind, my little Cameron, you are Shiori's half-blood prince."

Jos laced her fingers into Arei's, her eyes trained on them. "I had no idea you were into that kind of thing…"

Arei shrugged. "When we were together before you were still too young and innocent to be introduced to such things, and you've only recently readjusted to my size this time around…" He released her hold on his hand and gently brought her face up to meet his gaze. "I figured tonight would be a good time to put it out there… before we tie the knot." He bent and tenderly kissed her lips. "Let you see exactly what you're signing up for…" A smirk spread across his lips. "Though I have to say you didn't seem to mind… You even seemed to enjoy yourself a bit." He rolled onto his back pulling her onto his chest as he did. "Especially when you were shit-talking me while riding me." He pressed her hips against his growing erection. "Perhaps we can explore that a bit more."

Jos tilted her head in question, fighting a moan as she asked. "You also like degradation?"

He shrugged as he moved against her from below as he continued forcing her hips into a griding motion atop him. "I see nothing degrading about being told I have a huge horse cock or being called an animal. Hell, I spent the better part of my life in horse form. You want to fuck me while I'm in horse form, so be it. I'll shift right now. Say the word, I'll do or be whatever will please you."

Jos quickly shook her head. "I can barely take you as you are. I don't think I could take you as a horse even if I somehow suddenly got a wild itch for beastiality."

Arei sent her a playfully questioning look as he continued to rub and grind against her. "Is it though? Would it really be? Hell, I'd fuck you in full Kraken form… I mean you may bite my dick off in the process, but I'd still do it."

Jos arched a brow. "Arei, there is no scenario where I will ever be fucking you in horse form… you can get that out of your head right now."

He shrugged. "Alright, fine… I'll just have to settle for the next best thing then."

She squinted down at him suspiciously as she dug her fingers into his chest. "And what would that be?"

"Getting ridden in cowgirl of course… Though I've got to say it's just perfect when you lean forward just a bit." He gripped her ass as she inched slowly down onto his shaft. "Ride me like one of those cute little jockeys in a race." He bit into his bottom lip as she took her time swallowing one bar of his ladder of piercings at a time. "The way your toes curl into the sheets like stirrups."

Jos moaned as she took in his whole length. "You've got to stop with all the horse puns." She mumbled breathlessly as she began to move.

His brow lifted. "Then perhaps horses aren't your animal of choice in the bedroom?" He quickly pushed her to the side and moved onto his knees. He grabbed her hips and flipped her onto all fours and began trailing kisses down her spine. "Perhaps you prefer being the one ridden? He nipped one plump ass cheek before lifting away and slapping it with a light pop. He pressed her shoulders down closer to the mattress and lifted her hips farther into the air. He stroked his hands down the length of her thighs before nudging them wider apart. "Beautiful view from this angle. I can really see why this position is so well-liked." He bent and placed a kiss on the faint red handprint then another and another following the curve of her cheek. "I want to kiss every part of you tonight."

Sensing instinctively what he meant, Jos automatically jerked forward. "Arei no… please no…"

He arched a brow as he tugged her back onto her knees. "Why not?"

She could feel heat flood her cheeks. "You… you don't think that's gross?"

He shrugged with a smile. "Did we not just get out of the tub?"

She looked away in embarrassment as he began tracing the entrance of her anus with his thumb. "I'd hardly call that a bath… We no sooner got in there, dressed mind you, and then started having sex and got out…"

He lifted from placing another kiss on her ass to spit a small drop of saliva on his thumb before going back to rubbing her anus. "So, what you're saying is that if we go take a quick shower then I can continue as I please?" He pressed his middle finger forward finding her already wet entrance and began teasing it as well.

"You're not playing fair at all…" She panted into the sheets as she tangled her hands into them.

He chuckled as he pressed his fingers inside, still rubbing her with his thumb as well. "I know. So, you should just stop fighting me and let me do as I'd like. I promise you'll enjoy it."

Jos quickly shot forward again and shook her head. "No! Shower first, check on the kids, let your dad leave… then that stuff."

Arei narrowed his eyes thoughtfully for a few minutes. "Alright… we finish here since I'm already hard and you're already wet and in position, shower, let dad head home, make sure the kids are out for the night, bring up that monitor thing, and then you let me do what I want with you…"

Jos swallowed hard before finally nodding. Her eyes moved to his cock which seemed to jerk with anticipation. "Do you really want to… do that kind of thing?"

"Taste every part of you?" He asked with an arch of his brow. "Most definitely!"

"Then why…"

"Why wait until now?" He chuckled. "You've never given me the chance. You've always run from me every time things begin to get serious. I figured I'd throw it all out on the table tonight and see if you try to run again…"

Jos swallowed hard as she rolled onto her side. "I'm hardly going to run from a little kinky sex… ass eating or not… but why try to push me to do so?"

Arei ran his hand through his hair as he set back on his heels, his cock slowly softening. "I guess just to see if you would… you've had so many times… I figured it would soften the blow if you did now instead of after I've gotten my hopes up once again. I don't know. It sounds stupid when I say it out loud." He shifted around into a sitting position, letting his legs hang over the bed.

Jos scooted over beside him. She cupped his face forcing him to turn to face her. "Arei, I'm not going anywhere this time. I promise. Nothing can take this from us… I'll do anything and everything I can to see to that this time around. You have my word."

Tears burned his eyes as he leaned forward and rested his forehead against hers. "I still want to eat your ass tonight…"

Jos burst out in laughter. "You're ridiculous."

He pulled her into his arms. "Maybe so, but I'm your ridiculousness to put up with from here on out."

She wrapped her arms around him. "That you are… and no… you're not doing that… maybe some other time… like in the distant… distant future… but not tonight…" She shook her head against his chest. "I love you, Areion… More than you'll ever know…" She lifted and he met her lips with his own.

"And I love you, Joslyn… Though I'm fairly sure you have an inkling of how much I love you…"

She lifted her fingers and held them apart slightly. "Just an inkling." She giggled.

"Oh, is that all?" He pushed her to the bed and began tickling her.

"Ok, ok! Maybe this much?" She held them up a little wider.

He forged insult. "Oh really?!" I'll show you!" He came down over her capturing her lips as he did, still tickling her sides. "Let's see how little you say once I'm finished with you."

Another hour later the couple was finally tiptoeing down the stairs into the nursery to find Poseidon asleep in the rocking chair with both Cam and Shiori asleep in his arms.

 "I told you they'd be fine." Arei chuckled as he lightly shook his father awake. "Dad, wake up. You fell asleep."

Poseidon's eyes flickered open and immediately went to the two sleeping babies. He breathed a sigh of relief when he realized they were fine. Then his attention moved to the clock on the wall. His irritated gaze moved to Arei. "You could have told me you were planning a marathon up there. I could have packed provisions."

Jos blushed as she took the children from his arms, allowing him to stand and stretch. "Sorry…" She muttered.

He patted her shoulder gently as he followed her over to the cribs. "I don't blame you, my dear." He sent Arei a glare. "Only that animal." When Arei only chuckled and walked casually over to the monitors, Poseidon arched a brow. "What am I missing?" His eyes moved back and forth between the two of them before finally landing on the large ring resting on Jos's finger. "You're back to wearing your ring… does that mean the wedding is back on?"

Jos nodded. "It does."

Poseidon's eyes widened, all traces of sleep vanishing. "Well, congratulations you two. Shall we step into the kitchen and have a drink to celebrate."

"That would be nice. I'll go gather the glasses and select a good wine." Arei announced as he walked over and kissed Jos on the cheek. He lowered over the crib and kissed Shiori's head then moved to Cam's crib and gave him a light kiss as well. He gave Poseidon's shoulder a light squeeze as he left the room.

Poseidon stared in amazement as his son left the room before finally turning to Jos who was setting the sound machine up. "I'm almost afraid to ask… Is this a sure thing this time?"

Jos nodded again. "It is… in a month… here in the back yard… on the beach, overlooking the ocean."

"So… you've talked it out rather extensively this time?"

"We have… We've both agreed we don't want anything too extravagant. Only close family and friends… and we want it here…"

"I see…" Poseidon ran his hand through is hair. "I suppose that can be done… and in a month?"

Jos nodded again. "Yes… We would do it sooner, but we understand our guest would need time to plan… and realistically so do we."

He arched a brow. "And you're not doing it because you have to?"

Jos stared down at Shiori. "Don't get me wrong, I understand we would have to eventually go through with a marriage if we wanted to keep her… but that's not the reason we're doing it… I was ready to marry him over 500 years ago… my feelings have not changed… That scared me when we first reunited…" She laughed lightly. "It scared the living hell out of me how easily it was to be with him, to fall back into the same easy conversation, daily routines… trust… as I'd always had with him…" Her eyes met Poseidon's. "You don't understand… by the second week of being in Tampa together it was like nothing had ever happened like there had never been a single day… a single second of time that had passed between us being apart… and that scared the living shit out of me soooo bad." Jos clasped a hand over her heart. "At that time, I would have done nearly anything not to lose myself again like I had those 520 some odd years ago… but regardless of how much I try, I love that man with everything in me. He's my forever person." A hundred different emotions all combated at once across her face as she said, "I love him."