-Itachi's POV-

"I'm not sure..." I say truthfully.

He pouts.

"For now... Why don't you pretend to be a kid and just in case the Akatsuki realise you're the Kyuubi Jinchuriki then just make them believe you lost memories." I say.

Naruto freezes.

"Wai' I g'tta mee' dem?!" He asks with fear on his face. Wait I gotta meet them?!

"I think it's for the best. So you can roam around." I say.

"Noooooo dey scw'ry!" Naruto winces and crawls under my bed sheets in a hurry. Noooooo they scary!

I nearly cooed. Nearly!

"They aren't that bad. I doubt they'll kill a child much less a baby." I say.

He seems reluctant at first but slowly comes out from under the blanket and nods.

"let's go to pein first" I suggest.

He continues to pout as I pick him up.

I knock on the leaders door and I hear a faint 'come in'.

"Itachi, what did you need?" Pein asks.

He then notices Naruto.

"Kyuubi Jinchuriki?!" He asks with surprise in his voice.

Naruto starts to shake in his presence and clings onto me.

"He's lost his memory." I say, hinting for him to play along.

Naruto looks at me then smirks.

I mentally groan. What's he thinking of now?

"Daddy... Who's dat?" He asks and points a finger at pein.

I twitch slightly, not enough for pein to notice but enough for Naruto to notice.

I can hear him grinning now...

What the hell is he thinking?!

Out of all things, uncle, brother, cousin, he just had to choose 'Daddy'!

"I see what you mean... Well, we can't extract any type of beast from him right now anyways. So, Itachi, he is under your care from now on. Just make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." Pein sighs.

I nod.

"Go and introduce him to the other Akatsuki's." He then says.

"Hai." I say and walk out.

As soon as I was out of hearing range I look down at Naruto.

"You~" I manage to say.

"Wha' 'rong daddy?" He asks.

"Argh fine whatever." I sigh.

He giggles. Fricking giggles!

I notice everyone was in the living room right now and decided now was the best time to introduce them to Naruto.

I open the door and everyone looks at me. Then notices Naruto.

"Itachi... Did you get laid?" Deidara asks.

"No." I say.

Naruto snickers quietly, only I could hear.

"Who's kid is that?" Kisame asks.

Samehada behind his back rolled onto the floor and comes closer to Naruto.

Oh god... He's going to get his chakra.

I pull Naruto back and gently pushed the sword away.

"What the hell?! That's why Samehada's happy?!" Kisame yells.

Samehada comes crawling back to Naruto and this time Naruto whines.

"Daddy~ swo'd bein' a meany!" He says. Daddy~ sword being a meany!

Everyone twitches at what he said.

"Did he just call you daddy? Can I use him for Jashin-sama?" Hidan asks.

"Absolutely not." I say.

"For the daddy part or Jashin-sama?" Hidan chuckles.

"Jashin-sama." I say.

"So he calls you daddy?" Sasori asks.

"Yea. He's lost his memories and seems to have thought I was his father." I manage to say without yelling.

They all look either bored, amused or don't care.

"Oh hey it Mr sharky!" Naruto laughs and points a finger at kisame.

Kisame twitches in anger while the Akatsuki members try not to laugh, except for Deidara.

"BWAHAHAHA!!!" Deidara rolls on the floor and clutches his stomach.

"Naruto... You can't call him that." I sigh.

Kisame calms down immensely.

"Call him Mr fishy." I finish.

"Otay daddy!" Naruto giggles, but only I knew the true evilness those gives carried.

"TE OI! Go Fuc-" Kisame starts.

"Kisame! Not in front of Naruto." I say loudly.

He freezes immediately and stops all anger aimed at anyone.

I see Naruto give me a slight eye roll.

"Naruto. These guys are Kakuzu, Sasori, Kisame, Hidan, Tobi, Deidara and Zetsu. Our leader, Pein and Konan are at the very top of this building." I explain.

"Otay." He nods.

Kakuzu and Sasori are watching our interaction but chose to not care about it.

Naruto stares at them.

"Daddy down." Naruto asks.

I place him on the floor and he crawls towards Sasori and Kakuzu.

They both cock an eyebrow.

Naruto tugs on there shirts.

"What is it kid?" Kakuzu asks.

"Will you pway wif me?" Naruto asks. Will you play with me?

They have shocked expressions on there faces for a while.

"No. Go play with your daddy." Sasori says.

"Bu' wanna pway wif you." Naruto says and huffs cutely. But wanna play with you.

This is amusing.

"Kakuzu, Sasori. I advice you play with him or else he'll throw a tantrum." I cough.

"Argh fine. If you throw a tantrum I'll stop playing with you." Kakuzu says.

Naruto claps happily.

He climbs on top of Kakuzu's lap.

Naruto has a death wish...

Kakuzu who was shocked at the action stood up immediately, causing Naruto to fall, but before he got the ground, Kakuzu caught him in time.

Naruto blinks before tearing up and sniffing.

"What's wrong with the kid, why's he crying?" Kisame asks.

"Yea, he didn't fall onto the floor it shouldn't hurt." Deidara adds.

"I think it's because of the shock." Sasori says.

I sigh before walking forwards and taking Naruto back into my arms.

"Naruto. You're fine now. Kakuzu protected you." I whisper as I pat his head.

He calms down a bit but clings tightly onto my shirt, scared to fall down again.

"Daddy..." He mumbles.

Wait, is he actually going to call me that now?

Forget it. I'm just going to play along.

"How about you sleep for today? You can play with Kakuzu and Sasori tomorrow." I suggest.

He nods and pushes his face in my chest, almost falling asleep instantly.

"That's that." I say to the others as I head to my room.

-Kakuzu's POV-

Shit... I nearly dropped a kid...

Wait, why do I care if he falls or not? He's just another stupid kid.

Then why do I feel bad?