-Deidara's POV-

We walk through the streets with Naruto in Sasori's arms, breathing heavily and face covered in sweat.

I sense people around us just staring and whispering at us.

"Is that Uzumaki Naruto?"

"What's he doing in that red man's arms?"

"Is he sick?"

"Who are the other two besides Naruto?"

"Should we tell Hokage-sama?"

I groan mentally as we reach Naruto's apartment.

"How he got through all the stares and whispers when he was a child every.single.day, I do not know." I sigh.

"For now just tell the Hokage about his fever... She'll be able to do something about it." Sasori says and lays Naruto down on the couch.

"Got it..." I say as I lazily walk out the door.

I jump over the roof's of houses and reach the window of the Hokage office.

I jump inside.

"Hokage-sama~" I say in a sing song voice.

"Deidara... I'm in the middle of something." She sighs.

"This is important." I say.

"What could possibly be more important than me about to send the old Team Asuma on a mission to get Kakuzu and Hidan?" She says and slams the table.

"You might not want to do that." I say quickly.

"And why not?" A crazy blonde haired girl with a purple outfit yells at me.

"Who are you?" A fat guy with a red outfit asks.

The other person was Naruto's friend that we met before he ate the ramen... Shikamaru if I remember.

"Well first of all. Naruto would get upset and probably be in a more depressed state then now if you kill them and second of all.... Naruto's sick." I say.

"HE'S WHAT?!?!" The female, one-hell-of-a-banshee hokage yells and stands up quickly.

"Yea. Me and Sasori put him on the couch back at his home. You might want to check on him, he's never gotten sick before." I say as I check if any dirt got into my nails.

"MISSION OFF FOR NOW! CHOUJI, INO, TELL THE KONOHA 12. SHIKAMARU WITH ME." The Hokage yells and walks out the door.

I follow at a slow pace but got bored so just jumped to Naruto's apartment.

I sit on the couch above Naruto's head while his head is on Sasori's lap.

The door bursts open and the female Hokage walks in with the Nara behind him.

Shikamaru just stares at us with an eyebrow arched.

"Don't ask. If you really want to know then ask Pipsqueak here." I say.

"No it's nothing like that... It's just that I never would've guessed that 2 S-rank criminals would act like this. Sure I know that you guys took care of him when he got turned into a child but still..." The Nara chuckles a bit.

I roll my eyes. But freeze.

"You know?" I ask.

"Well yeah. I had to figure anything about you guys from Naruto's memories. Meaning, I know everything." He shrugs.

I sigh.

"He's fine... Just a small fever. Must've taken a while to effect him because of the Kyuubi." Tsunade says. "Give him some rest, medicine and surround him with people he loves."

"Yea... Uh... He loves Itachi. In a fatherly way of course." Sasori says.

"Of course." Tsunade face palms. "If he was near, I would grab him and force him to come into the village and cure Naruto."

"If he was near ey?" I smile.

"You know something I don't... Tell me." Tsunade states.

"Itachi is in the village. Just hiding because the village hates him for the apparent 'Uchiha Massacre'." I say.

"Well what are you doing?! Go get him!!" She yells and shoves me a piece of paper before pushing me out the window.

'God! Stupid blondes!' I yell in my head as I jump around looking for Itachi.

I rushed out and searched for Itachi's chakra.

Can't find him...

I shrug then let out a lot of chakra, knowing he would come.

"Deidara... Did you need something?" Itachi asks appearing in front of me.

"Your blonde child is sick." I say.

"He's what?!" He exclaims.

"Yep. You also have permission from Hokage to enter the village without being killed." I say and unroll the scroll she shoved in my face then showed it to him.

"Great thanks cya." He says quickly and rushes to Naruto.

I chuckle before following.

When I reach the apartment, I see Itachi stroking Naruto's head.

I decide to leave them alone.

-Itachi's POV-

How the hell did he get sick?!

I watch him relax and his breathing got steady.

"Uchiha Itachi." Tsunade calls from behind me.

"Tsunade-sama." I bow in respect.

She nods.

"I give you my permission to move back into Konoha as well as the truth behind the Uchiha massacre will be explained to the village." She says.

"Thank you Tsunade-sama." I say.

"For the things you've done for Naruto... I should at least do this much." She smiles.

I smile back.

"Now. Go and take care of him. He doesn't know where you are or if your safe or not, he's pretty worried." She says and leaves.

I sense her take Sasori and Deidara away as well so I sat down next to Naruto.

How is he going to react when he wakes up?

I stroke his hair and relax myself.

He stirs a bit and stop immediately.

"...Mm... Daddy?" He asks while rubbing his eye, which by the way was extremely adorable.

"Yes?" I ask, continuing to pay his hair.

He jumps up.

"Daddy?!?!" He yells in shock and stares at me.

I tilt my head to the side.

He crawls towards me and pokes me, making sure I was real.

I mentally sigh.

"Naruto. It's really me, so can you stop poking me?" I chuckle.

He stops and stares at me once again before engulfing me in a hug.

I let out a silent 'oof!' before hugging him back.

"Where were you? Where did you go? What were you doing? Why did you leave me alone? You said you wouldn't sharingan me!" He rambles on and on.

"Ok Ok, calm down. I'll explain everything after you recover." I laugh.

He pouts but doesn't let go.

We stay like that for a while.

"...I love you daddy..." He mumbles.

I smile.

"Me too."