-Naruto's POV-

Even though they were dismissed, no one moved.

I shrug then I sweatdrop as Tobi ruffles my hair.

"You've grown so much! My cute little fox!" He awe's.

"T-Tobi~ I'm not a baby anymore." I pout.

"I'm so sad I didn't get to see you grow up." He ignores my pout and decided to hug my head to his chest.

"Tobi~" I whine as I give up.

"Poor puppet..." I hear Sasori mumble.

"Shut up Sori!" I pout even further.

"Who taught you these vulgar words!" Deidei hits my head and glares at all the Ninja's surrounding us.

Deidei cracks his knuckles and send sweet smiles to the surrounding Ninja.

They all shiver in fear.

"Who here taught my cute little Pipsqueak such words?" He asks.

Clay exploding in the background.

"H-Hayate explained what f*** was to him once!" Izumo accused and points at Hayate.

"Izumo! Teme!-"

"Hayate-san I do hope he was of legal age at the time." Deidei says.

Hayate pales several shades.

"Deidei! Stop being a mum and scarying the poor Ninja's!" I pout again.

"Of course! Anything for you pipsqueak!" He cheers and pats my head.

All ninja sigh in relief. Hayate the most.

"Naruto! Come help me with my clay! There getting everywhere!" Deidei yells as he tries to pick up a few clay bits that he had exploded to scare the ninja.

"Really? But I'm busy!" I whine.

Deidei stops everything and turns around slowly.

"Who raised you?" He asks.

"...You..." I mumble.

"Who taught you how to talk?" He asks.

"...You..." I mumble again.

"Who took care of you when everyone else was being assholes?"


"Who did you go to first when everyone scolded you for doing the wrong thing?"


"And you're saying you can't help me with a single task?"

"Ok fine!" I grumble.

"Don't use that tone on me young man." He hits me on the head.

"Deidei~" I pout.

He gives me a look and I start picking at the clay bits on the floor.

I suddenly felt warm arms wrapped around me.

"Fishcake! Are you okay? You're not hurt are you?" I hear the familiar voice of Uncle Carrot.

"U-Uncle Carrot?!" I exclaim and turn my head up. "How did you get here so quickly?!"

"There's a tracking device on the ring I gave you. As soon as you left, I followed it. To be honest it was suppose to be there because when you were a child and decided you wanted to cause some trouble then hide, I would be able to find you immediately." He admits.

"Traitor! There wasn't anything fun at the hideout. I had to do something." I cross my arms.

He pats my head and chuckles.

"Leader-sama." The Akatsuki members respectfully nod, catching the attention of everyone.

Pein nods back.

"You are the Akatsuki's leader?" Baa-chan asks as she walks forward from chatting with Shizune.

"I am." He replies.

"What is the goal of Akatsuki?" Baa-chan asks.

Pein was about to say something, but was cut off by Tobi.

"Actually." He starts, serious for once. "I can explain."

Everyone looks confused.

"Is this apart of how your real name isn't Tobi?" I ask.

Tobi nods.

"What is going on?" Baa-chan asks.

Tobi takes a deep shuddering breath.

"I'm sorry in advance, Kakashi." Tobi says, turning to Kakashi.

Kakashi raises an eyebrow as to why he was singled out.

Tobi raises his hand to his mask and slowly takes it off.

"My name is Uchiha Obito and no, I'm not dead. This is also not a Genjutsu." Obito says, revealing his face to the whole village.

There were audible gasp as well as some confusion.

"Y-Y... You... it... it can't be..." Kakashi stutters, not finding the right words.

Obito smiles slightly.

"What's the matter Bakashi? Dog got your tongue?" Obito grins.

Kakashi blinks before slouching.

"It's Obito alright. Only he would say that." Kakashi says, pulling his headband off his eye to check if it really was him.

"Hey what's that suppose to mean?!" Obito exclaims.

He was ignored.

The village all rose an uproar at the sudden reveal.



"Who's that?"


Daddy looks at Obito before shrugging.

"You finally reveal yourself." He says.

"Wait you knew?!" Obito exclaims.

"I saw you without your mask when I was suppose to collect Naruto from you." Daddy says.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Baa-chan face palm.

"Nothing surprises me anymore. Nothing... First Naruto goes missing. Then we find out he got turned into a baby. Then we find out the Akatsuki had been taking care of him. Then one by one the Akatsuki start appearing in the middle of the village. Then a supposedly dead person comes back to life but he wasn't really dead in the first place... but what do I know amirite?" She mutters.

I sweatdrop.

"B-Baa-chan? You're rambling..." I blink.

"Shut it you." She mock glares at me.

I squeak and hide behind Deidei.

"... See? The first person you come to when you want to hide is me..." Deidei sighs.

"It was instinct! Not my fault you look girly!" I retort.

"Come here you brat!" Deidei growls turning around to grab my head.

I duck and run towards my favourite person's arm.

"Daddy! Save me!" I yell, running into his arms.

"Deidara. I suggest you choose your next move wisely." Itachi says, putting protective arms around my head.

Deidei clicks his tongue and turns away.

I couldn't help but giggle.

"Now what?" I ask Itachi.

"Now we wait for the rest of the members." He replies.

"Who do you think will come next?!" I exclaim excitedly.

Something quickly wraps around my arms, waist and legs, dragging me out of Itachi's arms and towards a nearby tree.

"Sunshine! You okay? Did Konoha hurt you?! What happened?!" Tsu's voice rings behind me.

"T-Tsu?! I'm fine!" I wiggle.

"Then why did you flare your chakra?! I thought you were in a life and death situation!" Tsu exclaims.

I whistle innocently.

"Tobi was bout to explain why he wanted to take over the world." I say, trying to change the topic.

"He's trying to take over the-?! Ohh right... I can explain... It's not his fault." Tsu says as he steps forward then he notices all the villagers and the white half of him squeaks.

"Excuse me? What's going on?" Baa-chan asks.

"Well actually... I started everything..." Black Tsu starts.