Bone and Steel

Arthur takes a deep breath and moves Lisa out of the way picking up Ascaline he walks out of the throne room with his words to his loving wife, "I shall not force it upon you, so don't be something that you aren't, even if it is being the queen." the doors to the throne room shut, the room echos as a cold breeze hits Lisa giving her goosebumps across her body, she collapses onto her knees with tears that ran down her face like clouds of sadness.

Ace and Emily look back around the corner to see her crying but sit and watch since they were but children that did not know how to deal with these situations, Lisa stood up and went back to the bakery and worked none of her friends dared asked what happen because all they could do was imagine they weren't royalty nor noble just common folk.

Arthur walks in front of his army leading the charge, soon enough they had stepped into a land filled with bones which looked like a broken-down castle, the troops and Arthur didn't take any more steps further, Arthur called off the march but as soon as they started heading back from the bones grew roots that wrapped themselves around everyone except Arthur.

He watched everyone his hands shaking with so much fear he couldn't grasp his sword one of the soldiers called out to Arthur with a labored breath, "My lord hel-"

the man who tried calling for help died after calling Arthur his head being crushed splattering blood and bits of skull and brain all over Arthur.

Following that, every man and woman that was tied up in those roots were crushed, blood leaking out of their headless bodies, a man with pale skin blonde hair and his eyes glowing with a light blue and his pupils a lighter shade of gray and white outfit emerges from the pool of blood that surrounded Arthur.

He grasps his sword and charges at the mysterious man, Arthur swings his sword and slices the man not knowing if he hit him it sounded like he cut through bone but it felt like air breezing away from the blade. He looks behind him to see for himself his eyes widen in shock to see the body gone.

Behind him are the sounds of cracking bones and tearing flesh Arthur slowly turns his head to see the same man he cut down reforming in some sorted twisted way, "Well then not the welcoming I wanted to give you nor receive, even so, I did kill the whole army you came with so I suppose it can't be helped." The mysterious man then laughs while having his hands behind his back as he skips around in the pools of blood, he says to Arthur still in shock on the ground.

"HaHaHaHa where are my manners I haven't told you who I am yet." he stops for a minute to bow to Arthur, "I am your new friend Ishfield Vol Scarlet the first king of this nation and you must prove yourself worthy to lead if you are to continue, if not then you and your kingdom will crumble like all the others I am your final trial."

Arthur stands up his hand bearly grasping Ascaline by the handle his body as ragged as a doll he looks at the stranger with a smile and crazed eyes. "So I am supposed to believe a man so SICK AND TWISTED!!! would be the first king of the nation."

Ishfield crosses his arms and laughs at Arthur having a tantrum instead of being calm and collected "You do know how to make me laugh, I can hardly tell the difference between a screaming child or you anymore. But all jokes must be put aside I hate it, your actions are of one from a foolish and selfish leader."

Arthur grips Ascaline facing its blade behind him as the blade extends in white light, Arthur swings with no remorse. He saw Ishfield's body laying on the ground as it starts to get back up and rebuild itself, Arthur rushes and picks up the torso and rapidly slices it into bits that fell to the ground.

the bits of innards move roll and slither to Ishfield's head reforming his body to its former state. "MY MY ARTHUR that is quite the temper!" his hand forms into a black shineless blade from roots, both stand at the ready to make their move either one of them wanting to strike first.

The moment made was tense as they both stared each other down as Flinkers buzz afar on top of the dead corpses, both run at each other and swing full force, with each swing Arthur puts as much power as he can behind it, Ishfield blocks Arthurs swing so the sword vibrates causing shock into his hand Ishfield then shoves his hand through Arthur's arm and tears it off from the torso.

"That was boring you are no longer needed, come back when you are capable enough to fight" Ishfield disappears in a cluster of roots and where he stood was just ash. Arthur lays on the ground bleeding with all the rotting bodies of his comrades around him he shuts his eyes and sees a bright light.

It's Lisa, sitting atop the throne with his empty throne beside she says to Arthur. "Why didn't you save them, Arthur, you did nothing... how could you stand there as that man called out to you his king?" Arthur kneels on the marble floor that he sees before him, sitting in front of him was his wife he made the promises he couldn't keep to.

"THAT'S A LIE! I didn't I wouldn't that's NOT ME! I wouldn't leave my men to die like that I swear!" Lisa looks at him blankly as his children walk into the room "But you did father, you left them, let them die like the coward you are."

his heart aching he wakes up inside the infirmary back in the kingdom. He screams and shakes as his eyes drip with tears the doctors and nurses pin him to his medical bed calming him down as he comes back to his senses.