(Jacob's POV)
Upon arriving at the house, I looked at Athena who was full of excitement and when I looked at Luna, she had a slight smile on her face. We all got out of the car and Athena was just staring all around in awe. I smiled at this and took out my phone and took a picture. So cute. "Come on. Let's go inside." I said to Athena and she snapped out of it and ran inside the house. I chuckled a little and followed her inside.
When we all entered the house the staff was waiting for us. I introduced Athena to all the staff and they all loved her already. They were shocked at first when I told them that she was my daughter, but as soon as they saw her they thought she was just adorable. They turned to Luna and also welcomed her back.
After all a couple of minutes of talking with the staff, Athena came up to me and started tugging on my jacket. I looked at her and said "yes baby?" and she replied "Daddy, Can I see my room now pleaseee?". I smiled and said "Of course baby. Go grab your mom and we all will go see it". She smiled and ran to Luna.
I dismissed the staff and went to Luna and Athena. "Ready?" I asked and they both nodded. We walked up the stairs and to the room across from my bedroom. I opened the door and turn on the lights and went inside while Athena and Luna followed. The room was painted purple and decorated with a whole bunch of stuff. In one corner was a variety of stuffed animals. In another corner was a shelf full of books and a couple of toys. In another was a desk for drawing and other stuff. Then in the last corner was her nicely made bed. Athena looked extremely happy and started to run everywhere looking at everything. I stood next to Luna and we both just watched her running around.
"We should let her be for now" Luna whispered to me and I nodded and we went out the door and I closed the door. We went across the hall and entered my room. "Okay. I know you said we were going to take it slow so you can sleep on the bed while I'll take the couch. Okay?" I said and she nodded and sat on the bed.
She looked a little tired so I said "If you are hungry, we can go down and get lunch, but if not you are welcome to sleep. You look kind of tired probably from the plane ride". She looked at me and said " I am kind of tired so I think I'll take a nap for a little while." Then I replied "Okay I'll leave you to it. If you need anything just call." And with that I walked out of the room closing the door.
After leaving the room, I checked on Athena. I entered her room and saw she is at her little desk drawing. 'I wonder if she is hungry' I thought to myself. "Hey Athena, are you hungry?" I asked and she looked up at me and nodded. "Well let's go get some food" I said and she ran to me and held my hand and we went downstairs to the kitchen.
As we entered the kitchen, Athena was excited even though I have no clue why. We both sat down on the stools near the kitchen counter and the cook came to us. I looked at Athena and asked "What would you like for lunch? The chef can make anything." She thought about it for a while and said "I want a turkey bacon club sandwich and some potato wedges." I nodded and turned to the chef and said "two turkey bacon club sandwiches and potato wedges." The chef nodded and turned and began to make our food.
While waiting, me and Athena just talked for a while. It was a fun conversation. She is as a dork like her mother and can be strict and cold like me. 'She is definitely our child.' I thought to myself. The chef handed us our sandwiches and potato wedges and we started to eat. It was such a good sandwich that it didn't take us long to finish everything.
The chef took our dishes and we thanked him for the meal and we left the kitchen shortly after. "So what should we do now?" I asked and she turned away and did her thinking face. "What time is it now?" she asked and I looked at my watch. "It's 3:30" I answered and then she asked "Do you have a piano? I have to practice for an hour everyday at 4:30." I was confused for a moment and asked "why?". "Because I want as good as mommy and she said that I have to practice in order to get better." she replied.
I smiled at her answer. "Well we don't have a piano in the house, but if you want you can come to my job. They have lots of instruments and stuff there". She began to smile so big and nodded. Seeing smile about this made me really happy.