Character bio


Age: 16 when the story starts. She's a year older then the Patty kid they keep mentioning.

In this AU sparda was 2,000 years old when he met Eva.

[I'm taking the ages from the anime due to the fact that I'm gonna give the heroine and Dante a bit of age gap, because I don't really know how old he is due to pretty much unkillable demon genes,I also don't have any idea if it's possible for them to die from old age.]

She's currently wheelchair bound when the story starts, and can't due much of anything on her own. She's also the sickly type when it starts if you need references for this just think of nunally from code geass or lemrina from aldnoah zero.

[forgive me if I spelled those names incorrectly due to the references for how to picture her I had her be called princess for this reason.]

I will eventually make her OP, to somewhat match her significant other potentially even being much powerful then him. But this will have a downside to it for herself not so much others. This is more or less attempting to takeover for him while he's in hell for a while.

The age gap compared to his parents is ten years apart instead of hundreds of years apart or maybe five years apart depending on how this goes.[again idk his cannon age and lady looks like she's aging backwards even though she's a human like what even]

[over powered = OP it's slang I've picked up from friends]