Shower thoughts.

Lady "daaaam Dante"

Dante *shirtless in his underwear but came out anyway to see what she meant. I'm still wet from the shower.*

Lady "...meh I meant the soon to be bride"

Dante*looks outside to see gore and blood filled city*

"I swear once she's married she's not doing this anymore."

{even though she's literally death walking I'd rather she stayed at home and not killed shit because once in a while she fucks up if she gets hit from a blind side.}

*lily walks in covered in blood and gore*

lily"hi darling mind if I borrow the shower?"

Lady"if you weren't straight I'd hit that..."

lily(should I mention the time I fell for a tomboy and the next year she came back and had a rack and was like nope cuz I thought she was a guy? No darling might get mad even though that's before we met he's the protective possessive type.)

*I walked off to the bathroom took off my pants,hoodie, underwear and bandage bra and hopped into the shower to was the blood of*

[you know those things that yakuza and Yankee girls wear in anime that happen to be in female gangs,yeah she's not in a gang she just hates bras.]


*she picks the gore out of her hair she'd been getting use to kicking ass this past year but she still couldn't get use to the chunks she'd get in her hair form time to time*

(How the hell does he do it without being bothered in the slightest? What kind of life had he been living before I came into his life?)

{the thought worried her even after her time she'd spent so far at devil may cry she hadn't been able to get over her habit of over thinking things. This often was the cause of most of her worries. She let her mind wander through all the worst case senecio's while she showered ironically there weren't many other then the fact that he had to kill to live for money. And crap that'd make someone numb to this type of gore and blood. due to the type of person she was she'd probably never get use to the chunks of flesh that'd get caught in her hair from time to time. But what about Vergil where the crap was he? And was he like Dante personality wise or different.}

Inner me"hoe stop you only need Dante!"

*I mentally yelled at myself for thinking about anyone other then my darling.*

{to be fair though the twin shot was as common as cheese burgers at McDonald's. there's been a decent amount of identical and fraternal twins in the suburban area she lived in a year ago.}

"Musta been something in the water..."

*she mumbled as she turned off the shower. She got dressed except for her bandage bra she couldn't wear it even if she was only slightly wet even a drip tent to tear the dam things. But let's face it she wasn't changing her boobs since she honestly liked being slightly larger then the girls. She knew she had nothing to worry about stealing her darling they weren't in to guys after all but she did enjoy irritating them by her bust size. She walked out of the bathroom leaving the bandages on the sink counter for later. To her surprise Nero ran in with a happy look on his face*

(Ha knew that blue ring would work he probably got some extra to...damit I wish I was legal.)

[still 17 lolol]

*nero ran up to me and hugged me clearly wanting to spill from excitement but his face turned tomato red after he hugged her.*


*he felt her rack through her hoodie by hugging her and he felt her nips pressed up against him when he hugged her.*

Nero"I uh shit I'msorry"

*he stuttered out and said the last part very fast.*