The boy suffers while small talking

lily"Ima take it she said yes?"

Nero"yeah she says she wants to get married in June for some reason wants to be a June bride"

(Must not sound not normal so much pain fuck)

lily"idk what that is Dante help I don't get the references"

Dante "honestly never heard about that"

(Ima need to buy a new door for the kitchen...)

*stareing at empty doorway*

Nero"it just occurred to me that this party will be tiny as heck"

Lily"this is true and most of the people we know are female other then you and Dante."

Nero"I think her brother hates me not gonna lie there"

Dante (he did try to kill you a few times)

*lily has no idea what happened on Dante's last adventure nor why the church of sparda hates one of spardas sons*

Dante (shit hope it's not at that church I shot the priest in the head in front of everyone)

*it gets awkwardly quiet for a few minutes*

lily"hey what are you boys not telling me it's gotten awfully quite in here..."

*nero and Dante look at each other like what should we do? Then Dante remembers how easy it is to distract lily from staying on topic*


(maybe I could get my ass back to the apartment I have with Kyrie but I can't ditch Dante...I'd feel bad for lily if anything happened

not so much my uncle)

Dante "nothing babes we were just trying to figure out if we vaguely remember anyone else to invite to the wedding"

lily "we could always go dimension hopping and pick up some random people to fill in a crowd"

Dante "good point"

Nero"no let's stick to the awkward family thing."

(Ima go to the demon hospital when I leave even if I can heal like crazy it still hurts)

lily"....the party's not gonna be a a club like last time right?"

Nero"no Kyrie would probably divorce me if I took her to any of those"

Dante "haha nuns"

Nero"Ima kick your ass for disrespecting my gir-"

*jumped up about to beat him up but his bones cracked more as soon as he raised his fist*

Nero0-0(mommy...oh shit that's right I don't know my mother.....)

~hello darkness my old friend plays in the back of his head~

lily"Nero what's wrong your face went pale omg can you see ghost?"

Nero"nope I left the bathroom sink running Ima go home"

*he walks a quick jog out the door so lily can't tell he's limping*

[I'll leave it at that for now pardon me while I go study up on supernatural things for the book, I also gotta think of some fluff senecio's for the next few chapters]