The girls purge day

We were on a shopping date when it hit...I have a broken arm so my first thought was dam I wish I could use my kalina Ann but my arms broke from dissing Dante's wifefu. My second thought was maybe we should run because I'm not sure trish could take on a mall full of people by herself even if she is a demon because children and baby's and dogs. These were the things we agreed on not killing even by accident Dante has to deal with creepy demon children if need be it.also how could one shot a dog their to fuckin pure and for some reason I swear to god dogs remind me of Dante or Nero depending on the dog I'm not sure why but they always do. What was I doing again oh yeah baes dragging me by my good arm to the exit.

Many screaming civilians and barking dogs can be heard throughout the mall. And suddenly some dumbass decided to throw a booze bomb at the display car.


And now there's fire and glass everywhere hope no dogs or kids were killed by that.

Lady "Come to think of it highly populated areas are the worst spots to be in when disaster strikes I can now see why lily and Dante are always armed even on dates...why are we always unarmed when we go on dates?"

Trish"cuz we're off duty and it's not romantic...well I guess straight chicks dig guys that are always badass"

Lady"should we try to get people to safety?"

Trish"nope your injured and I can't handle more then one helpless person at least not in this mess"

We left on that note abounding the people inside since we valued our lives more then risking it. The outside was worse it looked like something out of a movie about the end times. Sure it never really happened yet but it was just as bad as that. A car crashed into the wall beside us nearly missing us. We ran in the direction of our house since we figured Dante ether wasn't home or had already closed off the entrance to devil may cry. Just as we were about to get in the front door I thought we should have went to check the orphanage to see if Patty was alright trish told me we shouldn't risk it and we could text her once we got inside. She had a point Patty was old enough to handle herself I'd already shown her how to handle a knife probably couldn't kill a demon with it but she could do enough damage to get out alive. Once we got in we barricaded the door and the windows that took a good half a hour our house wasn't small and it didn't have a shop as a part of it, it was average size for a house. We had to check all the rooms and closets to make sure no one had gotten in. Ironically we lucked out no one was there. I texted Patty to make sure she was still alive and thankfully she was the orphans were all armed with knifes in case someone tried to break in they'd already killed at least ten intruders. I found it somewhat ironic that they were all prepared but it was funny whoever the dumbasses were that thought they'd take on a building full of people and expect it to go smoothly was a moron.

Lady "Patty's good what should we do now?"

Trish "...were locked in right?"

Lady "babe that's why I'm asking"

Trish"-.- hmmmm what's the stuff that kills people off in the movies lets not do that "

Lady "sex sleep alcohol and being a child"

Trish"I love three of those options though"

Lady "same I'd prefer we fucked and took a nap but seeing what's happening outside probably not the best idea...honey were you going?"

Trish"...I'm displeased I forgot to buy battery's today"

Lady"...Dam wanna watch nana?"

Trish"...or we can eat sushi"

Lady"...we don't have sushi"

Trish(fuck I was trying to be smooth)

"Nana's cool"

The two watched nana and then fell asleep on the couch they didn't get murdered but their vibraters and vodka were stolen by someone wanting to participate in the purge but not liking murder.

[this has the potential to be a lemon but I'm not a lesbian and I've never wrote a lemon so it's not]