The morning after her point of view

(I don't want to get up) I thought to myself as I continued to lay in bed with him his arms were wrapped around her in a protective and sweet kind of hug. Her face was nestled up against his chest.

(Dam babes so buff...)

It occurred to her she didn't have one of those pregnancy tester thingys also she had no pill and no clue where she'd even obtain such a thing.

(Well I'll let fate decide since I'm more then likely to forget about those tester things once we leave...I should go back to working on my wedding gown)

And like that she'd became side tracked by a different task then her original plan to go find a pregnancy tester kit, seeing as she didn't even know what one looked like she probably wouldn't have even known where to check. She couldn't help but go back to staring at her sleeping soon to be husband and his muscles his chest muscles were to die for.

[I have no idea what this is called on men]

(How did I land such a hunk? Also how the hell was this body not sculpted by the go-...oh its sculptured by demons who are known for the sin of lust so this isn't to unheard o- stop it brain quite trying to go all logic look at the sexy like omgawd)

And with that she regained her normal way of thinking. It amazes her every time she wakes up that she hadn't somehow covered her sleeping prince in droll whenever she slept, she probably stopped after that hit in the head but she'd never put two and two together among other side effects.

[ptsd won't take full effect until after he leaves]