
It only took lady about five minutes to find someone to check on lily and Dante's kid because of her previous incident.

"Hey I'm back with a doctor....Nero where'd they go?"

She looked at Nero who was sitting on the floor looking hella pale.


Lady slaps some sense into Nero.

"Calm your ass down where'd they go? Cuz the doctor duh"

"Uh he took her to bed to lay her down I think well I'm just guessing cuz if it were Kyrie that would've Been the first thing I'd d- oh they left..."

Nero's left in a half daze trying to cope with what just happened with lily and Dante. The doctor checked out lily both her and their demongod baby were fine but that didn't stop Dante from devil triggering in front of the doctor when he was checking on his wife. Correction his unconscious pregnant wife. Thankfully lady talked him down from killing the doctor for doing his job. The doctor left unscathed.

"Holy hell what's wrong with you doesn't your possessiveness know any dam boundaries?"

Dante walked over to lily and cradled her in his arms and kissed her lips even though she's still out cold.

"Nope not happening I'll get Nero don't think I'm bluffing I'm not!"

Dante glared at her

"Wanna tell me what the fuck your trying to say?!"

*he scream whispers while holding lily closer to him*

"... she's unconscious that's rape don't do that thing"

*Dante gave her one of his signature smug laughs*

"I've heard a lot of fucked up insults from the both of you over the years but that really crosses a line for me right there lady"

"Listen prick you just almost murdered the doctor a minute ago and he was only doing his job, she'd out cold of course I'm gonna jump to conclusions you were acting crazy beforehand"

"Seriously the fact that you'd even suggest such a thing is beyond fucked up a man can't kiss his girl without being accused of rape?!"

Lily subconsciously senses the danger and hostility in the room she buried her face into his chest still half asleep.

"Listen do me a favor and back off for a bit...for both our sakes"

Lady decided that was probably the only option and left.

(Shit should've kept my mouth shut... but he's gotten less of a pushover since she's shown up I couldn't help but get worried plus dam it she's pregnant! Fuck...maybe I can get trish to smooth things over after I talk about what happened with her...wait dam I can't go back in I forgot to check on Nero... I guess he'll have to fend for himself...)

Lady walked back home and had a re hash of what happened with trish once she got inside...unfortunately Nero's still sitting in the hallway that connects to the bathroom. Nero decided to text his girl


"What's wrong you have dots you don't do that unless it's bad news oh god are you hurt?!"

"...no can you make cookies?"

"...honey are you on the weed?"

"NO drugs are bad!!! ....lily and Dante are having a baby..."

"Awww that's so sweet ❤️ are we making celebratory cookies?"

"... but I wanted the cookies..."

"We can make some for both!😊"

"...ok Ima nap now be back in a hour"

"...Nero where are you?"

"Dante's don't worry I only have eyes for you xoxo"

*nero puts his phone on silent and decided to nap on the hallway floor*