The after party part 1

"...Nero when did this exist?"

Nero was somewhat delayed to respond since this freakin place was nothing like it had looked like on the outside. The building was old and looked like it had been there for a really long time on the outside not to mention it was a huge ass tower. Dante said that he had a epic battle with someone named Vergil at that creepy old giant tower and no ones really done anything with it since... this was either a really big lie or he had all this shit done for his girl...

(Ffffuck if the second was true how am I topping this on my anniversary this year with Kyrie?! This looks like a butler cafe but in a giant ass tower)

[note those Japanese cafes that are really fancy and somewhat old school,see akidearsts video on butler cafes]

Seeing Nero's spaced out delay she can't really blame him...

(...holy hell we mustn't waste that much food! that a macaroon tower?)

*Patty very jelly of Lily's princess like treatment*

(-.- if I'd known once he paid his debts off I could be a princess I would've tried to steal him...)

"What's up?"

Nero's response was still delayed and he sounded like he hadn't heard a thing his girl said.

"...when did this happen?"

*Nero shrugged*

"How many levels did this thing have again?"

*Nero looks up*

0-0(holy fuck I can't even see the ceiling but the majestic mess keeps going)


Dante internally regrets decking out all the floors since if he'd just done like one or two they would have been able to get air fair and then some...(maybe I should've done ha-)

*dante heard Lily's heart skip a beat causing him to just stop fucking everything to check on her.*

(Don't blackout for the kids sake babes...0-0 shit demon me I made her cry what do we do?)

Inner demon "...happy tears?...or hormones maybe both..."

(Oh that's not bad then seriously though her heart)

Inner demon "humans are fragile sacks of shit"

(Stfu that's my wife)

"Hey sweetheart don't cry"

Both because hormones and because she's moved of how sweet he was... she's happy crying/mom hormones crying.

"Your so sweeet I love you so muuch"

*crying and trying to talk is kinda difficult and now she's clinging to him in a hugging way*

Inner demon "you went overboard because you were feeling guilty about neither of you two having a shit ton of family"

(Your right...but she's not mad so we're fine...I've never seen happy tears what do we do?)

Inner demon "...pretty sure the hotel was happy tears"

(...oh ok second time with happy's this somehow worse then the hotel)

Inner demon "...dude we got her pregnant hormones"

Dante's stuck holding his wife and trying to calm her the heck down while everyone else was running around checking out the decked out castle.

"...I regret annoying him now he's a sweet badass I feel this is a oxymoron"

Patty continues to eat sweets while watching Dante and his princess having a awkward cuddling session.

"...what should we do now?"

Nero somewhat shell shocked

"...there's a karaoke room...wait where's Kyrie?"

*Patty shrugs*


*Kyrie runs down some stairs*

"What happened?"

[nero has a habit of screaming whenever he loses track of his girl]

"Oh no did she collapse?!"

*Nero shook his head*

"No she's just acting weird even for her..."

(Sorry lily I have to play it off or else she might get mad that I forgot where she was)

*She patted Nero's shoulder in a supportive way*

"Don't panic it's fine she's not dying girls just get emotional sometimes"

(Dear sparda I thought she passed out again

You screamed like someone was dying or kidnaped)

[literally the two things he assumed happened whenever he loses track of Kyrie]

Dante and lily get up and walked over to the group. She'd finally calmed down after a ten minute snuggle session.

"Alright let's rock"

The group goes up a level of the tower awaiting whatever's next in store.