Day 2

It's 9:00 am I freaked the fuck outta Nero this morning...he came in and asked if I needed help since I didn't make breakfast like yesterday when I spent the morning puking my guts out and well he helped me out then... I greated him with a instinctive blade grab and the default stance of the claymore main girl from the anime. Forget her name...


*He landed on his ass not expecting what I just did.*

"Uh shit you scared me..."

I tried to play it off like I'd been spooked. Didn't work.

"Why weren't you in bed it's right there"

*He gestured to the bed*

I don't have a back up plan. So I stare at him.

"...Lily seriously why?"

"...even I'm not sure couldn't sleep and blade nap"

He makes a serous looking face at me I actually don't remember the last time I've ever seen that face if I ever had.

"What year is it?"

I responded since now I think he's worried I got some form of amnesia which I don't have.


He sighed with what I assumed was relief. And stood up and placed his hand on my shoulder. I didn't break eye contact.

"Great and what made you think that people did that in this era?"

"...I didn't think that's what happened instinct, blade nap. Miss bae"

He stared at me with a "wtf" face. Before running his hands through his hair. It got stuck in a way that looks semi slicked back for some reason it feels oddly familiar like deja vu but I don't remember where it's from.

"okaaay how about breakfast and then a doctor yeah?"

"No there's nothing wrong with me or the kids also I hate hospitals."

"Stop watching anime for a while maybe that's it chuunibyo gotcha"

I can't varify that's actually the case and with my unlimited knowledge because of my abilities I can undo his locks if I feel like watching I simply nod and send my blade back to the arsenal. I was going to make breakfast after that incident happened but he said he'd rather I not play with the blades and we could go to the dinner instead. It was a bit awkward I can't tell if he's mad or just thinks I'm weirder then he already did. I was actually about to ask him which it was but he talked first.

"Where you lived what was the norm there?"

"...the thing I did earlier wouldn't be considered norm nothing in this city would"

"Then why'd you pull a beserk on me"

*She tried not to laugh at the reference*

"Pretty sure I'd never count as guts"

"Fair statement"

"not gonna lie having to less demon slayers on patrol might suck..."

"It's only a week"

*She shoulder pats him*

(Fuck they bounced when she did that)

He absentmindedly looked at the jiggly jugs when they bounced Lily being naive or not giving a shit didn't say anything.

(...dam it Dante why you always attract busty lady's? Wait Mind no she's your best friend don't go to the gutter)

"Are you upset or something?"

"Huh what no why?"

"You just got really quite but ok cools"

(What level of density is this my girls less dense then this but only like slightly...seriously how didn't she catch me staring at those)

" are mad aren't you fuck I knew it"

"Not mad your's"

"Are you just saying random stuff to distract me or your mad about the baby?"


"Dogs are neat"

"...dogs and baby's"

Slowly working with the random suggestions realing her brain off course...

( the fuck is this working?)

"I forgot what we were talking about"

(How the fuck did it work?? Given yeah baby thing with my uncle is pissing me off a bit but I'll probably get use to it at some point...seriously why is she tanky but denser then my wife?)

"...Nero when'd you and Dante fight mundus?"

(Oh shit she knows.)

He thought to himself while spitting out coffee.

"Who told you that?"

I kinda half yelled at her since I just burnt my tongue. Pains a thing but it can't actually kill we still feel (it.shit she's scared I didn't mean it!) he realized she'd started to tremble after he raised his voice at her.

"Sorry crap a burnt my tongue"

*She relaxed*

"Found out from a decent source by accident"

(Someone slipped up fuck)

"Uh well cats out of the three years ago a little after you started living with Dante...I'm guessing since you and him were a thing when I'd showed up...but you kept tripping a lot over nothing which was hella weird."

(...boi I just started walking back then.)

"...stuff led to stuff and me and Dante tag teamed that son of a bitch and beat him up"


Nero stopped talking and lily can't really question it anymore.

(....Dante if I wasn't pregnant I would've made you drag me with you like seriously these adventures sound insane and all I've got is my imagination since Nero can't explain for shit!)

"Should we call Dante and tell him about that video?"

Nero had to think for a minute on that one. Yeah that's important but at the same time...Dante's saving the world and I have no idea if he's even got service. Where in satans asshole is he right now?

"Uh well I'm not sure he has service right now or if it's even safe for us to try it could fuck him up"

Lily's face turned pale as she stared at Nero with wide eyes.

"We can't die it's fine! its fine!!"

"But Dan-"

"It's fine don't black out! Your the one who's mortal ya dork! I'm sorry please don't panic it's fine he's already saved the world like three times now four probably won't do much different"

"...three times already?"

"We weren't alive for one of those three times"

"...shut up ten years apart isn't that bad compared to 100s of years apart like the dead in laws"

(...bitch what?! How old was grandpa!!)