Bunny girls and a loli diy

*nero nose bleeds*

*patty walked into the kitchen immediately regretting that once inside.*

"Uh I thought we were dying eggs...?"

"Yup! We are!"

Lily said while wearing an impractical bunny suit and reaching for the dying kits she'd bought during her messing with the universe trip the night before. Her bust pretty dam visible as well as lady and Trish's...they were staring at Lily's bouncing bust every time she reached for something or walked around. Both contemplated why they should or shouldn't be turned on by this.

*trish's brain played Dante screaming at her in a death metal voice that he usually always had whenever he devil triggers*

(Oh nope not fucking that I chose life please and thank you)

Lady's brain

(I shouldn't have slapped the face I should've smacked the ass...)

*visable droll can be seen on lady's mouth from gawking at lily*

Patty is treating Nero's intense nosebleed because there's sexy bunny girls everywhere except for Patty egos wearing some pinky outfit not showing much tits or ass.

"Hey aren't you gonna help?"

*Lily whined and leaned forward pressing her massive rack against the counter top.*

Reluctantly everyone ended up helping dye eggs. Which ended in a big mess since Nero kept getting frustrated with the whole process after finding out that these things spoiled and weren't just decoration and he'd actually have to use them for something.

"What's the point in doing all this stuff when we're just gonna ruin em anyway?"

"Cuz pretty?"

Patty tried to explain but didn't actually understand this tradition either. She's the only one besides lily who has participated in this holiday back when she'd lived outside the city.

"...that doesn't make sense I say fuck it and throw the paint out and for spardas sake get some clothes on please this is something that you chicks should keep in thebedroom..."

Nero mumbled the last bit since one he didn't wanna sound sexist and get slapped by his gay aunts since he's sure at least one of them was a feminist if not both. And two he didn't really like talking about dirty deeds if it wasn't involving his wife and even then that shits private.

"...let's hug just to make you feel worse"


*nero had thrown a water balloon filled with technically unholy water since him and the wife worship his grandpa at lady hitting her just above the rack*

"...I have the most awkwardist boner right now...this is harassment I'll call Dad on you don't touch meeee...fuckshit she's hugging me lily help...shit no this got worse your face is reder then baes hair."

Lily's face went red while she was forced to listen to his rant while lady was hugging Nero while wearing a bunny suit. Trish ignored the mess and slide over the counter top and joined in on this already uncomfortable hugging session with Nero. Lily and Patty let out some screeching sounds that poor Nero could only take as second hand embarrassment.


Just then amongst the chaos lily heard the front door open and closed. Taking this as a good chance to escape from this awkward situation but failing to remember what she's currently wearing she slips out of the kitchen unnoticed by this crazy family mess.

*V's face turns red when he sees lily walking towards him*

"Welcome to devil may cr-...are you alright?"

*She rushed over to him*