Unknown mother

Welp I'm pissed that Dad just implied he didn't even know he got a chick pregnant in the first place...lily just backflipped my dad into the ground...ok this is fine we defend each other's honor I can run with this. But I'm not sure weather I should stop her or help her out...it is strongly possible that my mother had me and never told the father and just ditched me at the church/cult. To outsiders it just seems like a normal church seemed like to the public eye they were sticking to a somewhat similar religion as Christianity. Up til the point were I had to duke it out with a priest and my uncle. Then everyone realized it was a cult...

*lily handstands and pushes herself off the floor summer saluting into a generic super hero landing. She's trying to establish she's top dog while her husbands out.*

*v claps in the background but he's the only one clapping. And abruptly awkwardly stops*

"Love that was rude and...I had no awareness of getting anyone pregnant so I'm sorry what's your name...again sorry"

"Nero church uh technically cult named me... any guesses who's my ma? I don't like beating chicks up but now she's on my shit list"

"...-.- question how old are you?"

"18 same as lil"

"...so no guesses I would've been sixteen when I got whomever the mother was pregnant"

(I have the hots for someone who's my sons age...also I have a son....did I forget the Trojan back then?)

"...sorry for attacking you bro-..I mean Vergil I just thought you were purposely forgetting Nero"

"...first no using brother that makes my thing even more distasteful second even if that was what happened I'm 90% sure if I knew it would be mundus's fault for when he turned me into nelo Angelo I have a strange amount of blankness for 18 years worth of my life I wouldn't doubt that more of my memory could have been tampered with in the process."

"...da fuck is a nelo Angelo?"

"...I beg of you stop cussing your a woman also your a god. Gods are holy and most likely do not cuss..."

"...fine I'll say peni-"

*covered her mouth*

"Pardon for my intrusion but a thought just occurred."

"...who's the lost emo child?"

"...my names V, she can't talk because your covering her mouth"

"...do you know something?"

*lily blinks*

"She technically saved both of us she finished my soul and in turn yours became whole as well...sorta forced regeneration was actived I believe... does that make me your odd unofficial love child or am I just parentless still I'm extremely confused right now. Also is this yours?"

*V holds out a black card*

"Yes that is second no you weren't conceived by sex so your just existing"

*vergil takes his credit card back*

"...when will my limping stop?"

"Takes a while to get use to new strength probably a month since your already use to walking the bones just need to get use to the weight of the body."

"...the first part of your statement concerns me and I'm not quite sure what you were trying to imply or why you happen to already have this knowledge but then again you are a god s-"

"She was crippled before her powers woke up"

*patty dropped the not so obvious spoiler to the boys.*

*everyone goes quite for a while*