*crying from ankle sprain*

"Can we start with something you can answer then?"


"...-.- what are you assuming will happen to these unborn lil cuteness in squishy form?"

"One will inherit the fathers tanky demon powers the other goddess sacrifice."

"That isn't bad so it's fine ya dingus"

"No it's not fine the one who inherited the goddess sacrifice has no way of reversing the effects after its uses. Causing permanent damage to the body since she's not actually a god of anything and just inherited one of your powers the mini Dante will lose his shit when she dies. And turn and someone will have to put that fucker down since he'll be the cause of many deaths and maybe even open the gates of hell up like his uncle back when he went crazy for a bit."

*lily plops down onto the floor and begins mumbling to herself while rocking back and forth while holding her stomach*

"...I'm not like them... I'm good... I'll be a good mommy....I have Dante Dante's good he won't break em... he'll help me it'll be ok...he'll never leave me...it'll be ok...I'm ok...it's ok..."

I had mixed feelings as I watched this little snap...sure she sounds the same as my lily.... she looks the same as her to even their mannerisms are identical. And that smile that daaaam smile that for some reason no matter where and when I am still to this day trips me up every time. It's awfully annoying that I have to re direct myself any time I bare witness to that dam psychological cuteness attack. -.- but no matter how I look at this...this one wasn't mine this wasn't the one who'd spent all that time with me through all those years. Even more so she's sleeping with someone else in this realm... any sense of guilt or any negative emotions I'd felt while watching this I fought with the image of those two together. So I could fuel rage or just a sense of numbness instead of the other negative emotions in my brain.

*while restrained karma round house kicked Luscius chair and all. But in the process karma just sprained his ankle after kicking Luscius.*

"Owww I'll remember that late- are you crying?"

*karma is crying from a ankle sprain.*

"...dude no wonder your all smarts and can't fight for shit...-.- that switchblades just to intimidate people isn't it?"

*Luscius sighs*

Thanks to the strangeness Lily's panick attack ceases out of a combination of confusion and concern because of karma's crying...

"...da fuck did you do your still roped to the chair"

"He roundhouse kicked me and sprained his ankle...pussy anyway pick me up since I'm on my side in a chair"

"Nope when we're done I will"

"Dam thought it was already over...what now?"

"...what did you mean in the video when you stated that Armageddon will still happen?"

"I can't tell you...there's only so much I'm comfortable with messing with major events are something I refuse to change because I'm not 100% certain what the outcome will be. Specifically speaking of it's a war or a apocalyptic event I'm not changing it unless I get the go ahead from the godslayer or my version of you."

"...mmm how much of earths fucked?"

"...I can't disclose anything on this specific topic ask me something else"

"....who's Nero's mom"

"...that's simple I have two outcomes option one is bayonetta option two is Vergil fucked a literal angel."

"...who the fucks bayonetta?"

(right you don't have access to certain games)

*he sighs*

"A witch...anything else?"

"...I'll question Vergil more about this later maybe some of his memories will resurface. Should I call him a ambulance?"

"No he's weak but he's not weak enough to actually break something from the impact of his own kick"

"...alright then. Do you hate me?"

"No I'm doing this to protect the rest that don't snap"

"...so is it love or are you a worshiper even though your a god as well?"

"Love...fucked up true but love none the less I actually am in a relationship with my version of you"

"...so your doing it to protect me? That's sweet but fucked up at the same time"

"I concur. I have to say this was a nice change of pace and you know what I will give you some spoilers for your time since your being such a good sport about all this"

{I was intending to geass mind wipe her when I was done from the start of this once she released me since I did choke hold her previously and gained power through that...}

*V's been listening in from the outside this whole time and is secretly recording the entirety of their chat via Vergil's phone which V's glad he forgot to return to Vergil.*