
" don't have to stay"

"'ll get up if I do your the type to over do things love"

" got a point but still the floors probably uncomfortable"

"I've slept in much worse places a little bit on the floor won't kill me...-.-though I really wish there was a chair in here..."

Lily wondered to herself where'd that protective attitude V had went surely if he had been serious this wouldn't be acceptable to him.

~meanwhile in the kitchen~

"Fire V I think I need help!!"

*shadows chopping stuff while V cooks and a Chibi nightmares riding on giffens back*

*V's eye twitches while trying to figure out what to do with an electrical fire*

*V chose to dump water on it not knowing that this would make it worse*


The fire erupted and now was twice the size it was before and now half the kitchen was on fire...

"....oh gods what happened?"

*shadow hisses*

*chibi nightmare rawr*

"V wtf I thought water made fire go away?!"

"....this isn't safe at all we should rescue lily and flee"

"Dude she's married"

"Shutith the fuck up I don't want the booty would you let a pregnant woman burn?"


"I'm disappointed in you son..."

*giffen head droops*

(How did we even manage this I was just making breakfast food because that's all I can manage right now...)

~back upstairs~

"Br...I mean Vergil do you smell fire?"

(....stop with the sibling shit I wanna screw you that just makes it worse don't address me as your kin)

" bad girl"

*he pinched her cheek*

She's had worse so she doesn't even flinch at this punishment.

"two yes weres the window?"

"Don't got any upstairs just downstairs"

" that wasn't even legal back when I was in the mortal realm"

"....maybe that's why it was cheap?"

*her head tilted and she gave a confused stare to her brother in law*

(Oh that's adorable....)

*Vergil blushed*

"...verge your cheeks are red do you have a fever or is the house on fire?"

Lily's voice sounded distressed she got off the bed and opened the door. Immediately she answered her own question since she's extremely sensitive to the smell of smoke she immediately closed the door and started to take her shirt off.

(...yessss wait oh...oh fuck Dante guard the booty better!)

*she rolled the shirt up into a ball and held it by her face to lessen the smoke smell*

There were scars all over her back some could've been bullet wounds but the long lines concerned Vergil much more then the smaller ones...he felt sick looking at her like that. He'd been protecting her for two years not once had he witnessed her being harmed...but he can't help but to blame himself.

(Had that happened when he wasn't watching over her? Did Dante know about those scars? When and where did she get them?)

If anyone or anything was still alive that had been the cause of those scars he intended to kill them slowly and painfully...if Dante hadn't already...he now started to wonder as to why Dante had started taking jobs that required him to kill humans...

(Did someone hurt her?)

Dante had always been admitted about never harming humans since they were much more delicate their kind...he had always assumed that maybe Dante had taken after their father in that aspect he certainly didn't inherit much intelligence from both their father and mother...

(...oh shit she's gone how long have I been thinking for?)

~in the kitchen~

"Oh lily let me get you out of here I'll call the fire department once we're outsi-..."

*lily freezes the flames causeing them to stop and make neat looking ice like flames*

"I'm going outside I don't like the smoke..."

Her voice was muffled and I'd barely understood what she was saying through the shirt she was using to cover her mouth and she turned her back to me and walked out the door I saw those scars covering her's like the tattoos there everywhere and there's no getting those fuckers off...

"That's gotta hurt...ha jokes on her the tats make chicks dig you scars don't have sex appeal"

"....shadow do it"

*shadow attacks giffen*

I decided to accompany lily while my children duked it out I didn't wish to be present while they destroyed the house...I'll blame it on that man if she asks about the house when we returned...