Chapter 5

Ciel walks away from Atlas. He makes sure to be able to keep him in sight while moving. After, moving a good distance away from Atlas. He begins to take in his surroundings. Ciel stands on a flat grassland. The grass was once withered and dead, but after the long rain fall of the days past. The grass, and the entire forest, has regained some sense of life. The grass is lively and full of energy, even though parts of its body are still brown. The grass at least has some green now.

Ciel takes long strides and flexes his body. He twists and turns and tenses and untended his muscles. When Ciel is finished with his preparations, he begins to strike at the air rapidly and quickly.

With each strike, a strong pressure is produced. It makes the surrounding grass quiver, as if in fear. The air even grows quiet too, and each strike makes loud explosive sounds. The power contained within Ciel's body is enormous. Even Ciel cannot tell how strong he is.

Ciel's technique and combat prowess is amazing. Although Atlas has no actual knowledge of fighting himself, for some reason, Ciel is entirely combat ready.

The reason is due to how Atlas' mind works. Atlas can do many things just by watching someone else do it once. He has seen many shows and instances where fighting was the norm. And he memorized each and every one of the techniques that were shown. The way the body moved, how the body reacted, and how much force was used. He noticed all these things, but Atlas has never used nor practiced any of them, even though he knew exactly how to use them.

His body had long gone without special training and maintaining. He could not wish to reproduce what he saw others doing. Even a tiger would need time to perfect its hunting skills. But Ciel didn't need this. Ciel's body was perfectly constructed with ideas of 'protection' and 'strength'. Atlas made sure these details were implemented and ingrained into Ciel body and mind. The techniques Atlas could never use, but knows how to, will be put to good use. If Ciel were to ever be hurt, Atlas could never imagine such an outcome. And he would never want to.

And thus came the basis for Ciel's immense strength. On this world, Ciel could very well be equal to the beings known as 'Heroes'. Heroes are people who have saved this world many times with either their skills or sheer power. And it is without a doubt that they are all powerful.

This world is not a safe one, unlike Atlas's original world where the physical safety was high. This world is very dangerous, but currently there has not been any danger for a long time. The term 'Hero' has long become a myth, but that does not mean there aren't others who could be called that now.

Ciel stops his training. He looks relaxed and not tired at all, even after such intense movements. The air around Ciel begins to shake, and a dark brown aura erupts from his body. It engulfs him. It covers him. It protects him.

Ciel, now colored a dark brown that is almost black, begins to strike again. The blows this time are even more intense. The surrounding earth quakes and cracks, and with each strong punch, the earth punches with him as well.

The aura that covers Ciel's body is made from the Earth element. He is employing the use of magical power now to test his strength. The magical power of the Earth element is known for its sturdiness. Practitioners who use the elements in combination with their physical body, just like Ciel did by covering himself in an aura, are called by the name Forces of Nature by the people in this world.

By covering themselves in the magical element that is unique to them, the Forces of Nature, take onto themselves the physical abilities of their respective elements. Like the Earth itself, Ciel is firm and stable. Strong and infallible.

The strikes coming from his fist are like mountains. They are large and heavy. Ciel stops his movements and strikes a pose. His arm tenses strongly, the muscles bulge under his clothes. And with a short shout, he thrusts out with all his power concentrated onto one single strike.

There are two reasons why Ciel did this. The first, is because he is curious to know what exactly would happen if he punched with all his might. The second, is because he wants to know the exact limits of what he can do.

The aura clad punch shakes the air and cracks it. The pressure the punch produced breaks through several trees before finally hitting a mountain far from where Ciel is standing. The mountain shakes, and huge cracks are formed on the mountainside, but it is soon covered by an avalanche of rocks that descend.

"Wow." Ciel speaks in wonder and awe. He is surprised by what he just did. And he can feel that he can do the same thing many times more.

The fist was loud and powerful and it awakens Atlas from his deep sleep. He jumps up in surprise, worry soon etched his face. He cannot find Ciel.

"Wh-Where is Ciel…?" Atlas begins to tear up. He cannot find Ciel, and believes that what happened the nights before were just dreams. Another one of his many dreams.

Ciel turns around apparently hearing Atlas' words. He runs quickly towards Atlas.

"Atlas! Don't worry! Don't worry! I was just testing out some stuff!" Ciel runs up to Atlas and hugs him tightly. He begins to pat Atlas on the head and back very gently.

The soothing works and Atlas soon calms down. His tears recede back into his eyes, they were not able to fall.

"What are you testing? You should've woken me up! And what was that loud sound?" Atlas asks worriedly while looking around trying to find the source of the loud sound.

"I was just testing what you should've done first when you came here." Ciel says while leading Atlas to where he was previously. "I was just over here testing out how strong my body was. And figuring out what I could do. This world we are in is pretty fun. There's magic here like in all the games you played."

"Magic?! Wow!" Atlas smiles happily and excitedly, apparently not realizing that he just created a human from his imagination. Apparently, that is not "magic" to him. "Also, what is that on your Arm..? I can feel… is that Bru?" Atlas adds on curiously.

"Yes it is. Okay okay. Sit down, let me explain to you what I found out." Ciel sits down and drags Atlas onto his lap.

"Uh… wouldn't it be better if I was facing you while you talked? While you are explaining everything?.." Atlas asks quietly, his face reddens a bit.

"I can show you just fine here. Plus, my legs are comfy aren't they?" Ciel exclaims proudly.

Atlas thinks for a bit before replying, and shuffles around on Ciel's lap. "Uh… I guess it is… it's very hard… But I guess it's still comfortable."

'Oh baby, if you think it's hard now, wait till later..' Ciel thinks perversely. Luckily, Atlas is not able to see the smug and dirty look on Ciel's face.

"Okay. Here's what I figured out…" Ciel begins to explain to Atlas about this world. First he explains about the special type of energy he learned from Bru and what exactly Bru did to him. Next, he explains about the three very distinct and obvious energy that is constantly produced in the air of this world. Their is magical energy, when Ciel explained this, he manipulated the dirt into a variety of shapes and sizes. When Atlas saw this, he was instantly amazed and began copying what Ciel did. He also began trying it out with the other elements.

Spirits are connected to all elements, neither is favored or disliked by them.

Then Ciel discussed about physical energy. Which was the easiest to explain, Ciel just told Atlas to imagine a bodybuilder and lifting weights. But, he also made sure to include the details about his body and what he thinks about Atlas' body as well.

Ciel pointes to the broken trees and cracked mountain, and told Atlas that that was what he did with his physical energy combined with his magical energy. Atlas was amazed, his eyes grew wide and he started feeling Ciel's biceps.

Ciel, feeling particularly happy at his lover's touch, flexed his muscles while Atlas was touching them.

"Wow." Atlas immediately showed a proud expression. He was reveling by the prowess of his work.

Atlas then turned to Ciel and showed off an eagerness to try what he did. They both stood up, and Atlas' thin arm tenses, the muscles bulged like Ciel's (but not as prominently). Atlas' arm soon became engulfed with the power of earth, and then he struck out quickly. The consequenting strike, though not as strong as Ciel's, produced a near, albeit smaller, mirror image of what happened when Ciel punched his fist.

Atlas jumped in surprise and excitement. Ciel, who stood by the side ogling at Atlas' beautiful body, merely nodded his head.

They soon took back their previous positions, and Ciel began explaining the third type of energy. Spiritual energy, and he explained about what it does. And explained about how he hadn't tested it yet.

If just magic enhancement did that to the mountain, he could already imagine what would happen if he used spiritual energy as well. He also informed Atlas about his thoughts on what their bodies are. And how he feels that the spiritual energy outside is not as strong as the energy flowing inside his body.

Atlas nodded, agreeing with his statement. As a Spirit, Atlas was already long able to sense the varying energy around him, but it wasn't till now that he was made aware of them each individually.

"As I said before, you're an idiot. What would happen if there were other people around? You might've been captured! I can already tell that your body is special." Ciel warned Atlas strongly, while tightly hugging him.

"Well! Hey! I wasn't completely unaware! Look! I have Go, Si, Lack, Aoi, and Riri! They would have protected me! And even though I wasn't aware! I knew they were very strong!" At his words, the animals all nodded and showed a very proud expression. They were happy at having their strength acknowledged.

".... Alright, you idiot. I won't hold you accountable. But, Hm, what do you want to do now?" Ciel asks while stroking Atlas' body.

"... Why are you still calling me idiot… you're the idiot…", Atlas mumbles. "And well, I said it before! Let's go find cool stuff. I can't wait to make Hugh and Cecile! We can go on double dates!" Atlas exclaims excitedly.

"Okay." Ciel says. No matter what Atlas decided, he would've said yes, they have all the time in the world to spend together. And if Atlas wanted to make Cecile and Hugh, he can only faintly agree.

Though he won't be alone with Atlas anymore. Cecile and Hugh were very good people. Unlike the annoying Dante and Jairo. Ciel soon begins to pout when he starts to "recall" how Atlas put himself in love triangle and how he(Ciel) had to do anything and everything to get Atlas away from that bastard named Dante.

And then after Dante, came Jairo who was okay with Atlas being in a harem! And doing lots of other things with a lot of people.

A strong killing intent erupts from Ciel. The nearby animals sense it and immediately start screaming and running away.

"Huh? Why is the forest so loud? It has been quiet ever since I came here." Atlas wonders aloud, unaware of the pressure that is coming from behind him.

Atlas' words were true, there were never any animals around him. And the nearest animals, the ones who screamed just now, were about two mountains away from them. And judging by this distance, one can imagine that the killing intent that was emitted was very powerful. If the animals were any closer, they would've died instantly from the pressure.

Ciel begins to slowly reel back in the pressure that he emitted by strongly consoling himself with the thoughts that he will make sure that Dante and Jairo will not be seen anytime soon.

"Who knows? We just got here anyway. The animals probably saw something. There's magic here, so of course there has to be monsters here too." Ciel bullshits with a straight face.

"Oh? I kind of want to go fight monsters too! I wonder if it's like the anime's I watched. Are we in an isekai?" Atlas says excitedly, while leaning back onto Ciel's chest. Ciel's legs and entire body may be titanium steel hard, but for some reason, it is very comfortable to Atlas.