Chapter 7

"Hey Ciel, isn't this flower beautiful?" Atlas asks Ciel, pointing to a very strange flower. It had beautiful dark blue petals with specks of grey scattered through it. The flower was opened, as if it had just blossomed.

"It does, Atlas." Ciel replies. He plucks a flower and brings it up to his nose, and takes a small whiff of its scent. He then inches closer to Atlas and inhales his unique aroma, taking a much longer time then when he smelled the flower. It's as if he is comparing the two smells that should be different, but ever so similar.

"What, what are you doing?" Atlas asks feeling very confused and shy, his cheeks tinged with a faint blush.

"It smells like you. Very much. It's strange." Ciel says. He twirls the flower between his fingers and uses his other arm to draw Atlas closer. He begins to compare the two.

Ciel notices that this flower's dark blue color was so dark that it resembled a shocking violet. And every time he glanced at the petals, he would think of Atlas. The shocking violet, like Atlas' eyes. The specks of gray, Atlas' favorite color.

"I'm going to call this an Atlas Flower." Ciel quietly says, his expression ever so gentle.

Atlas notices his expression and couldn't help thinking, 'When he's looking at that flower.. Why do I feel he is looking at me?'

For some reason, Atlas feels a strange connection to this patch of flowers. Atlas and Ciel were merely walking through the forest and wandering around, and just happened to stumble upon this patch of flowers. And it so happens that this specific patch of flowers is where Atlas was first born.

When Atlas was first brought into existence in this world, he was in a deep sleep for days, and when he did finally woke up. He didn't feel the need to memorize his surroundings, thus making him fail to remember that this is where he was born.

But even though the two of them know nothing, they both feel strangely happy when they happen to look at these flowers. The flowers that helped Atlas to come forth.

"Why are you naming a flower after me? That's embarrassing!" Atlas replies while looking staring vehemently at Ciel who's looking at the flower.

"Because this flower, it reminds me of you." As he was saying this, Ciel inched his face subtly closer to Atlas'. A smile blooms from his face slowly, and he takes another breath of the flower's air. Ciel is very close to Atlas, the space in between them is filled with only a mere flower.

"What if the flower has another name, huh? You can't just go around naming things!" Atlas grumbles to Ciel. His face showing his discontent at Ciel's embarrassing words, but if one were to look deeply into his eyes. They would be able to see a deep sense of happiness.

"I don't care, this shall be called an Atlas flower now." Ciel says to Atlas while staring deeply into his eyes. His tone rings clear that there will be no denial of his statement.

And with his statement, he pushes forth and kisses Atlas deeply. The taste of the flower that was in between them enters both of their mouths.

And Ciel couldn't help but think, 'See, I was right. This flower even tastes like Atlas, but sadly, the real thing will always be better.'

With a smug smile, he breaks away from the kiss and takes another look at the flowers. He soon bends down and begins to pick many flowers.

Atlas, face now red as a strawberry, stood there stunned for a bit before he could finally softly say, "Wh-What are you doing?"

Atlas kneels down with Ciel and their two shoulders bump into one another, but stay firmly together. Atlas looks at Ciel, a very deep look of love can be seen upon his face. Though Atlas may be shy and innocent, and get red as the setting sun by Ciel's flagrant actions, the passion he feels is just as intense or maybe even more than Ciel's.

Ciel, not blind in any way, senses his lovers gaze right away. And he turns his head subtly, sharing and returning Atlas' gaze.

"Just wait a bit. You'll find out soon, haha." Ciel laughs brightly, imagining the scene that will soon happen.

"Mmmm. Ok." Atlas, forever trusting, rests his head on Ciel's shoulder and murmurs a faint reply into Ciel's ear. His eyes are intently focused and watching what Ciel is doing with his hands.

A faint light glimmers on Ciel's hand as he meshes and weaves the Atlas flower together. He appears to be making something.

And soon he finishes, and what appears before their faces is a small bracelet. The chain was made by the weaving of bright flower stalks. It was a very dark green, life appears to still emanate from the stems. And decorating and spread throughout the green vines were the buds of the small Atlas flower. Some were closed while others were in full bloom, for some reason, they seemed alive and still able to grow.

"What is this?" Atlas asks quietly, an eyebrow raised.

Ciel doesn't reply, and fits the small bracelet onto Atlas' arm. The bracelet resonates with Atlas' own aura and attaches to it.

"What's going on? What's happening?" Atlas, very confused, and not very smart, asks again.

"Heh. You're really an idiot." Ciel breathes a reply. He then begins to explain what he did.

Ciel noticed that this world had very a very strange energy and a principle in place. While the two of them were walking through the forest, he was testing it out. He noticed that he could imbue his own aura or magic into things and could use that to interact with them. He then remembered about how he was made by Atlas. He was crafted and forged and refined and enchanted.

Does that not sound familiar? It was as if Atlas was making a magical weapon or item. Like in all the stories Atlas read and shows he watched, magical items were objects created and imbued with special properties. Like how Atlas imbued him with life and thoughts and a heart, Ciel wanted to see if he could do it too.

And not so surprisingly, he could. Atlas' miraculous abilitiy in creation has flowed into him as well, though not as profound, but it's is still there.

And thus, when he stumbled upon this small batch of flowers. Flowers that resembled Atlas, the one who will forever remain in his heart. It gave birth to an urge inside him to forevermore remember this flower, to forever be with Atlas. And by using all these feelings and thoughts, he decided to use the special flowers to make a special item.

Like how Atlas created him, Ciel wanted to return the favor back. And although this gesture could never equal up to what Atlas did for him, he wanted to just do it. When one loves another, one doesn't ask or question, one just does. And he planned to return the other favor back by forever being with Atlas and of course, loving him too. And he was able to actually make something very special, and it could even be called a magical item.

The bracelet, though unbeknownst to them, was weaved from a very powerful and rare magical flower. Known by many as the Arcadia flower, but to them it will forever be called the Atlas flower. And this flower has the special property of healing and life. It is a favorite of the Spirit of Life, and legends say that it was a flower blessed by her.

This bracelet was also imbued with the intense love Ciel has, that further strengthens the flowers innate gifts. And it also conveys many thoughts that only Atlas could ever see.

'I'm happy to be here with you, Atlas.'

'Thank you, very much.'

'I could never wish for more, but I'm selfish and will ask for your everything.'

"You're so embarrassing! I don't get why you thought this would surprise me so much! You could've just told me what you were doing!" Atlas, secretly very happy and touched by what Ciel did, shakes his head at Ciel's actions.

"Sigh. You're never honest are you." A proud smile erupts on Ciel's face, very happy at pleasing Atlas so.

"Why are you so happy… and geez! I guess I should make you one too!" Atlas rolls his eyes, apparently trying to look unaffected, but soon quietly shrieks, "COUPLE BRACELETS! YESH! I HAVE STEPPED UP!"

Ciel bursts out laughing, with a role of his eyes, and gives Atlas a look that says, 'What are you doing?'

Atlas, pretending that Ciel never heard his outburst, begins crafting Ciel a bracelet too. And his bracelet is even more powerful, and can officially be called a true magical item. Atlas' innate spirit gift lies in 'creation' and will remain unnamed by them for a long time, and won't officially be recognized until many attempts and creations are made.

Though Ciel has a strong inkling that what Atlas can do is very powerful, even without knowing the standards and power of this world. He won't say anything just yet, and there really isn't a time to say it yet. The two of them are just happy now and enjoying their time together. This is an unimportant matter for the future, the present is always what matters most. And in their present, there is no need for worries of any kind. And Ciel will make sure there will never be any worry.

"I'm done!" Atlas proudly exclaims. He shifts a look and shyly brings it before Ciel.

"Hm?" Ciel ponders, looking at the bracelet. His eyebrows are raised in a very high arc, as if he doesn't know what to do with this item that is before him.

"What 'Hm?'?! This is a bracelet, the very amazing Atlas, made!" Atlas pounds his chest, as if Ciel taking this bracelet was his honor and that he should be happy that he got a personally handmade one.

"Huh? But what is it for?" Ciel feigns ignorance, he's trying to teach Atlas to be honest.

"....." Atlas' proud expression instantly disappears, and what replaces it is a shy red face and an upturned smile. Atlas is pouting, heavily so.

"Hm?" Ciel inches his face closer, his eyebrow still raised high. Atlas wishes the eyebrow would fall down and die, and secretly thinks, 'Maybe I shouldn't have given him eyebrows.'

"...." Ciel notices Atlas' thoughts, and his attempt at ignoring reality, and crushes it. "What is this bracelet for?"

"..... It's a-a-a bracelet for you, Ciel…" Atlas mumbles, his face very blushed and tears welling up in his eyes.

"Why is it for me?" Ciel pushes. Not relenting whatsoever, his attitude makes Atlas want to punch him.

"It's a couple bracelet! Ok! For me! And for you! Oh my god! Just take it! If you're not! I'm going to throw it away! You are such an idiot Ciel!!" Atlas finally snapped, and starts yelling.

"Thanks. I know."


And before Atlas can keep yelling, Ciel closes his mouth forcefully with his own. A passionate kiss happens, and a few of Atlas' tears drip from his eyes. Ciel kisses the tears that drips from his eyes, following the flow from Atlas' eyes down to his cheeks.

"You should just be honest. Okay? Thank you, Atlas. I love it, and I love you."

".... I love you too, you idiot."

The 'idiot' stretches out his arm, and the true idiot puts on a bracelet around his wrist. This bracelet has a stronger power than Ciel's, but that was never a factor, so the two promptly ignore it.

"Shall we keep walking?" Ciel stands up.

"...." Atlas doesn't reply, his head hanging low, his lips a frown. "Ciel's a big meanie, big big big big meanie."

"Ok. Up we go." Ciel bends down and picks up the pouting Atlas and begins walking with a bright smile. He pats Atlas' back trying to pacify him.

'Maybe I was a little mean? I shouldn't have pushed so hard. But, he's so cute when he's angry.' Ciel thinks quietly, and luckily for him, Atlas doesn't hear it. If he did, Atlas might've stormed off and ran away.

Atlas instinctually wraps his arm around Ciel's neck and buries his head deeply into his shoulder, still mumbling, "Ciel's a big meanie."

What he really wants to say as well, and knows it would hurt Ciel, was 'Ciel's a big meanie. I shouldn't have made you.' But those words are very cruel, and though no one would ever believe it. The words will still hurt. It's as if Atlas was saying and having thoughts of regretting ever being with Ciel. And such thoughts are disgusting and sad, and even Atlas is hating himself for thinking of saying such words.

"I love you very much Ciel, don't ever forget. You big meanie." Atlas whispers, directly into Ciel's ear. These words console himself, as well as his way for atoning to Ciel. He is very sorry that he was having such thoughts.

"Ok, flower bud. I know. And I will never forget." Ciel happily replies into Atlas' ear, and takes this chance to give it a quick lick.

"Ah!" Atlas, very surprised, blushes at the ear tips. And begins to grumble angrily.

'Though I will never say such cruel and mean words. I will get my revenge Ciel! You bullied me today! And even though you knew all the answers, you even pushed me to tell it to you straight! WHAT! How dare you get so arrogant! Forcing me to answer your questions! And explaining myself! You entirely ruined the perfect picture moment of me giving you our first ever couple items!!' Atlas begins to formulate, a dark storm brews within his mind.

Though, it was entirely Atlas' fault the simple bracelet exchange failed, he just had to say, "Here Ciel, I made this for you. I hope you like it.", but he didn't. He wasn't honest, and overly complicated things.

'I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE CIEL! JUST YOU WAIT. I will have my revenge. And when I do! You'll be feeling sorry and begging me! Mu! Muwha! MUWHAHAHAHAH!' Atlas buries himself even more into his thoughts with faint evil laughter erupting from his lips now and then.

'Oh boy, this guy's thinking some weird stuff again.' Ciel, of course, sees through everything.

Ciel starts to whistle, trying to ignore his crazy lover's very questionable state of mind.

Atlas peeks at Ciel, and an evil smirk appears on his face. 'Just you wait Ciel! Just you wait! Atlas' revenge is upon you!'

Ciel notices his gaze and looks at him, "What's wrong?"

Spooked, and scared he was caught with an evil smirk on his face, Atlas blushes and hides his face and quietly whimpers, "Nothing!"

'My little lover's very cute.' Ciel watches Atlas' little fluff of a head, and kisses it.

Atlas, very happy at the affection and little kiss, smiles, 'Maybe I don't need to get revenge anymore.'

'Heh. Trying to get revenge on me, huh, little Atlas?' Ciel's face appears smug, having known Atlas, he knows just what to do to appease the little dummy. Thankfully, Atlas can't see or hear his face and thoughts.


Authors Note: Chapters might be a bit slow, hoshiandme has had very dark and evil thoughts lately. It's contaminating my writing of this story. And this story cannot be written with such dark and evil thoughts within my head. So I might release a second story! I used the evil and dark thoughts with! Dark and evil thoughts so be gone!! I've been using them to write another story on the side so I could have some form of release. Lol. It's actually working and my other story is good.

Cough. Of course BL too.