
The Benefactor

Magnus walks sideways, trying so hard to come to terms with what was revealed.

"All those deaths, all those crimes..." Magnus replies whilst shaken to the core, "That was you?!"

Ariel looks at Magnus with sincerity, as if she wants him to understand her true intentions.

"I'm not your enemy Steven." Ariel replies,

Magnus' jaw drops, even more shocked. Ariel knew Steven Lockyer was Omega Magnus the entire time, but she said nothing. Magnus wants to desperately say something, but he can't find the words.

"I always knew it was you." Ariel continues, "I know that same aura of loneliness you've always had since I've known you. The way you act, the way you carry yourself, even the way you try to compose yourself. You can't fool someone you've known for years."

"But why?" Magnus says with tears streaming down his eyes, "Why?"

"My vision." Ariel answers, still with a calm demeanor, "I told you before about my dream at the charity ball. A better world, where a perfect balance is maintained where everything is in harmony in all aspects of life, the people and the world. Where life becomes true art where everything just comes together and blossoms as all things should. Commissioner Keith spoke of garnering respect and admiration from the people. What I want is for the people to realize that the good and the bad are needed in this life. One cannot exist without the other, like how a person cannot learn anything without making mistakes. Yes, crime brings the worst out of humanity, but it also brings out the best as well. Through mourning, grieving, pity, anger, vengeance comes joy, happiness and relief through being freed from the bondage of sadness and sorrow. Through those means, and the means of all other things in this world, is how a perfect balance is found, making for a better world. That's the world I want."

Magnus stands speechless. For an ideology so bizarre, some of what he heard Ariel say actually makes sense.

"You're part of it too." Ariel continues, "When I met you in High School, you were completely lost. You didn't know where you were headed in life. I knew about your abilities that you were trying so hard to hide. You didn't see any use for them in this world. I spent five years trying so hard to achieve my dream, I thought it wasn't benefiting anyone. But two years ago, when you started being a vigilante, I felt like my dream actually made someone's life better. What you and Elizabeth started was something amazing that gave you meaning in your life and a purpose. Your father spent his whole life trying to do something that didn't work in the end, and it brought him nothing but pain and misery. But you've done better than him. You done better than you Aunt Stefani. You've done better than your mother."

Magnus continues to stand speechless. She knew about his whole vigilante operation, she knew about Elizabeth, and she knew about his family.

"Steven..." Ariel continues, slowly walking towards Magnus, "I know about your past, your origin. You are a product of your father who was in turn an experiment in an attempt to create super soldiers. Your father and aunt were the only successful subjects. They were looked upon as freaks. Including you. But what I saw was a wonderful person who is more human than anyone I ever met."

Magnus always knew he was a special case. He never knew how he got his abilities. Now he knew.

"I want you to join me Steven." Ariel extends an olive branch to Magnus, "We can make the world a better place. We can do so many wonderful things together. We can even be together."

Ariel says this as tears stream from her eyes.

"I love you so much Steven. And I know you love me. We can do so much together. And we can achieve what can be our dream."

The entire conversation has broken down Magnus in more ways than one. Ariel's true intentions, his own past and origin and Ariel's feelings for him. Tears stream from Magnus' eyes. But he can finally answer Ariel truthfully from his heart.

"You're my friend Ariel..." Magnus struggles to get the words out.

Ariel smiles, tears still coming from her eyes

"But..." Magnus continues,

"I can't be apart of what you want." Magnus says, trying to hold his emotions back as best he can, "It's against everything I stand for."

Ariel lowers her head and brings her hands to her chest.

It seems as if Magnus had broken her heart.

"Steven..." Ariel begins to speak, "I don't want to fight you."

She raises her head and looks at Magnus. The face of a beautiful, loving and caring woman is gone, in its place is a face of anger and rage.

"But if I must!" Ariel screams as she delivers a spinning back kick to Magnus, sending him flying off the roof.