The twins were currently found standing outside of a massive building right in front of them.
The building consisted of three floors and incorporating several architectonic styles: it took on a shape reminiscent of a pagoda, with each floor being smaller than the one below it and sitting on the latter's roof.
The roofs also bore a great resemblance to those of real pagoda, consisting of extremely long, arched tiles lined up one after the other and possessing simple curved protrusions jutting upwards on the building's angles.
On the highest roof topping the summit of the building, sat a simple round and pointed dome that highly reminiscent of those seen on Arabian buildings which also bore a flag on its point.
The roof below the one with the dome, the middle one, housed a large banner with Fairy Tail's symbol on it, held up by a pair of vertical poles.
The building's large entrance was again Arabian in design, with its shape being reminiscent of that of the dome on the summit and above it was the guild's name. It was topped by a protruding, stylized heart shape and flanked by a pair of carved fairy-shaped metal.
Styled heart shapes were also visible on the frames of the numerous large pentagonal windows located on each floor, with the top floor housing smaller arched windows partially covered by banners.
"What was that you ass?!"
"You heard me you loser!"
"Who took my beer?!"
*BAM!* "You fucker! Why would you pull my chair out?!"
"Who stole my fish?!"
"You just ate it!"
"Oh right."
"Shut it, Elfman!"
Loud screaming and yelling could be heard from the inside of the guild as both Ez and Erza could clearly hear all of the arguing and fighting. Erza was having an annoyed expression while Ez just had a helpless smile.
A random Mage was thrown out from the window of the guild as he got back up and jumped right back inside. Ezra awkwardly scratched his cheek with his finger and said.
" least we know they're still lively...Hehehe..."
"Those idiots..."
And by the look of what his sister was having, it was to say that she was not amused. The older twin's irritation began to rise even further as the yelling and fighting became a louder than before.
Some furniture and stuff was now heard being destroyed. It seemed that they were causing a ruckus and was fighting again.
Noticing his sister was about to burst, Ez quickly tried to stop her, "N-Nee-san! Please take a breather for a moment and calm down!"
The last thing he wanted to see was his sister beating the crap of everyone inside the guild again. Heeding to her brother's plea, Erza slowly took a deep breath and exhaled out before sighing.
"Forgive me Ez, I almost lost it there." She said as she gave a thankful smile.
Sighing in content for stopping his twin, Ezra said, "It's okay. No harm done. Now how about we just calmly walk in there and tell everyone to-!"
Ezra was cut off mid-sentence as a blast of bright flames shot out from the guilds roof and into the skies where the entire town's people could see the blast. Both twins starred with blank looks in their eyes as the flames slowly died down.
"Dammit Natsu! Don't go blasting the roofs off, you dumbass!"
"Fuck you! Ice Queen!"
"Oh no..." Ezra muttered lowly as multiple tick marks appeared on his sisters head.
Before he could even say or do anything, Erza kicked the double doors down as everyone from the inside turned their heads at the entrance.
There were currently three things that everyone felt was crawling up their spines...
Fear, horror, and dread. And almost half of them either wet themselves or even worse...
A dark and angry flow of aura poured out from the female red-haired monster right in front of them as she glared intensely at every single shaking soon-to-be-victims.
Before anything else happened, she slowly began to speak, "Just what are you, idiots...THINK YOU ARE DOING?!"
Everyone began to sputter and freak out as the female twin roared at them. A Mage with a bowl undercut, Max, gulped down on his own spit and nervously asked.
"E-E-Erza, you and Ez are back early?! I-I thought the mission was-..."
Max forcefully closed his mouth shut as Erza was giving him an intense glare. However, she still answered back.
"Ez and I finished the mission much quicker than we have expected it to be. We were hoping to surprise everyone on our early return, however..."
The inside of the Fairy Tail guild hall was a complete disaster. Tables, chairs, and mugs were scattered everywhere. Plates and glasses were either cracked or shattered. Fist-sized holes were embedded in the walls and floors. And to top it all off, there was a large smoking gaping hole just above the ceiling they were standing under.
"...It looks like all you were all misbehaving as usual..."
The female red-haired twin glared at everyone in the building cause them to flinch. Beside her, Ez gave all of his friends and guildmates an apologetic look.
"Yo! Erza! Ez! You're back! Now fight me!" Exclaimed a pink haired young man with black eyes.
He wore a sleeveless, gold trimmed, black waistcoat, often left open and untucked, exposing his bare chest, a gold trimmed, black cloth around his waist that reaches his knees, held by a leather brown belt with an oval-shaped silver buckle, white knee-length trousers with black ribbon ties, a thick black wristband on his left wrist, black open-toed sandals and a white scale-patterned scarf.
This was Natsu Dragneel, A Fire Dragon Slayer.
Natsu's fist was covered with flames and charged straight towards the twins, "This time I'm gonna beat you for sure! Fire Drago-Gak!"
Before the poor fool knew it, Erza's fist connected with Natsu's gut as the pink haired young man slowly fell comically with his eyes turned blank and small bits of drool escaping from his mouth.
Erza sighed helplessly, "I see you haven't been behaving yourself again, Natsu?"
Well, this is Natsu we're talking about right? His motto is 'Screw manners and shit! Let me kick someone's ass!' and some other stuff.
Ez gave a small smile of amusement towards the twitching pink head, "It's good to see you again, Natsu."
Natsu quickly recovered and stood back up to his feet before glaring at Erza, "No fair! I only let my guard down! I demand a rematch!"
Just as Erza was about to say something, someone else cut her off and scoffed, "That's such a lame excuse coming from you. Even if you were prepared, you'd still lose to Erza and to Ez five seconds flat."
Natsu turned his head towards the guy who said that as he gave an angry glare at him.
He was another young man with spiky black hair and dark blue eyes. He wore a short-sleeved shirt, dark green cargo pants with a silver chain hooked and hanging from his right side, and black boots.
This was Gray Fullbuster, an Ice-Make Mage. Another thing about Gray was...
Natsu smirked, "Well at least I don't lose my clothes every two seconds!"
Gray looked down and found he was only in his boxers, "Shit! Not again!"
He had a very strange habit of mysteriously taking his clothes off. Natsu began laughing at the Ice Mage's predicament as Gray began to search for his clothes around the guild.
While that happened, Ez looked around the guild and asked, "Has anyone seen Master Makarov We were hoping to give back a report on the mission."
"Unfortunately he left for a meeting with the other Guild Masters today." A man with slicked-back dark blue hair and black eyes, Macao, said.
Another man with brown hair with an ostentatious pompadour-like style, Wakaba, continued, "Yep, said it was something important or whatever. So he won't be back for the next few hours or so. Sorry, Ez."
Ezra nodded in thanks, "It's fine. I'll wait until he returns."
The elder twin then began to speak up, "Good, now while Master is away, everyone here has to clean up the mess you all made before his return."
In response, the entire guildhall was filled with groans and complaints. Their reaction definitely didn't bode well for Erza.
"Will that be a problem...?" She glared at everyone venomously as they all tensed up and rapidly shook their heads.
"Good, now all of you get cleaning!"
She ordered them as everyone scurried around to pick up the mess. She then called out to Natsu and Gray, who was now fully clothed, "Natsu, Gray! I need you two to repair that hole on the rooftop."
Gray just looked at her in disbelief, "What?! Why do I have to do it too?! Natsu was the one who blasted it in the first place!"
"Well, I wouldn't if you would've just stopped moving!" Natsu said.
"Yeah right! Only because your aiming sucks!"
"Well how about I aim my fist at that stupid face of yours!"
"I'd like to see you try, ya flaming turd!"
"Well bring it on, ice perv!"
As the two began budding heads at each other again, Erza was not having any of it today. She then let out a threatening wave of magical aura as it caused the two boys to stop and shiver violently.
"Either you two stop with the constant bickering or I will see to it that both of you will know how it feels to-!.."
She was suddenly stopped as Ezra slapped his hand over his twin sister's mouth. The kinder twin faced the frightened duo and spoke, "Can you two fix the roof without causing any trouble, please? The last thing you want is a threat coming from my sister."
Both boys quickly saluted to their savior and thanked him before they ran towards outside.
As they left, Ezra turned to a blue-furred cat with black eyes and a green backpack, "Happy, could you go with them and make sure they don't break anything?"
The small cat saluted, "Sure, but only if-!"
"I'll give you double the fish you want?" Ez said with a knowing smile.
The cat nodded as a pair of white angel-like wings sprouted from his back and flew off towards his partner and Gray.
"Aye! Thanks, Ez!"
Ezra was obviously the nicest and the most merciful of the twins, as he wasn't strict like his sister was. He was basically the only person, besides their master, to help calm Erza and even Mira down when something nasty happens.
It was then that Ez felt a tap on his hand and found that it was still on his sister's mouth, "Oh! Sorry about that Nee-san."
As he removed his hand away from her, Erza gave a light glare at her brother, "You are too kind for your own good, you know that right?"
Ezra smiled shyly, "Yes, but the last thing they need was another violent lashing coming from you again Nee-san. Um, no offence."
"None taken. Although it isn't wrong to direct some strict discipline in those empty heads of theirs. The last thing we need is more bad publicity to fall upon the guild."
Ezra sweatdropped at that statement, "Yeah...there was that..."