Ezra completely dominated in his side of the battle, and now for the Demoness.
She was surrounded by a group of the other three men with each of them holding a weapon on their hands and the two preparing their own magic.
"Careful, we don't know who she is! So we don't know what kind of magic she has!" One then said as he did a stance.
"Heh! Doesn't matter anyway! She's still outnumbered!" One of them arrogantly said.
That man then carefully looked at Mira's body and he licked his, "But looking at her real close, she's a beauty! I wonder if we can keep her alive just to have some fun!"
The demoness however only smirked wickedly, "Big talk for a bunch of asshats like you! Bet you enjoy swinging those swords at a girl, way better than you do it with your so called dicks!"
Ticks marks appeared on the men's foreheads as they all glared hatefully for that remark, "Watch it, bitch! Once we get our with you, you'll be begging for us to stop!"
Mira's smirk only grew wider as a flare of black aura surrounded her, "Is that so? Well, let's just see how long you can hold up to that!
"Satan Soul!" Her appearance then changed in a burst of dark aura.
Mira grew several inches taller: her eyes becoming much darker, now having pointed ears, and her hair became messier and wilder. Her outfit changed to a dark, skimpy one-piece suit, which exposed most of her body. Dark moderate-sized bat-like wings popped out from her back and so was for a reptilian tail.
The cloaked men flinched in shock and took a step back in fear, "S-She transformed into a demon?! That's impossible!"
"What do you mean impossible?! She obviously did it with magic!"
"Oh? But it is. Give up right now or else this won't end well for any of you." She said as her voice became more mature and alluring.
"Che! Like we'd listen to a fake demon like yourself! Raaah!" One cultist charged at while aiming his sword to her stomach, seeking to skewer her.
However, much to his shock, Mira's stopped the attack by simply catching the blade with her bare demonic claws. The man struggled to pull his sword back, but to no vain, it was useless.
"So you call me a fake, huh? That statement alone means you people really are from a cult that does some demonic shit. Just what we were looking for." Mira sneered.
The cloaked man widened his eyes in horror as demoness snapped his sword and then crushed it into tiny pieces.
In the next moment, his body was sent flying to a metal pole just behind the two other men as the white-haired demon gave him a hard slap.
The other two men looked to their unconscious ally in horror as they turned their heads back to Mira, who was slowly approaching them.
"Anyone else care to try? You shouldn't keep a lady waiting, you know?"
"To hell with you!" One of the screamed his fear out as his hands glew at the activation of his magic.
With that scream, the man slammed his hands on the ground. Mira sensed danger approaching her and she flew away from her spot.
And at the next moment, a large earth spike suddenly emerged underneath Mira's former location, but she managed to dodge it earlier.
The demoness didn't waste anytime as she immediately charged at the man in a flying manner and pummeled him with a smashing demonic fist.
The other cultist was already shaking in his legs. Fear took over their bodies and he couldn't move at all. There was some electricity still sparking on his hands, but he knew it would be useless and wouldn't do anything to this she-demon
Mira then glanced at the man with her cold glowing eyes, "How about you?.....Nothing? That's disappointing then."
She then raised her claw and a dark-purple magic circle appeared around her palm, "Darkness Stream!"
Tendrils composed dark energy then launched itselves towards the would be victim as he drop his weapon, deactivated his magic before trying to make a run for it.
Keyword: Tried. As he wasn't fast enough as the attack had already reached him.
*Boom!* A mild explosion of dust was created.
When the dust settled, the cultist were found on the ground unconscious with burnt marks, bruises, and swirls in their eyes.
Mira just gave a weak sigh at this sight. She hated one-sided fights like this, it bothered her because of how easy it was.
The demoness then focused her attention to Ezra as he was done fighting his part of the bad guys. The red haired man just let go of his other sword, and it turned into red particles as it disappeared with the wind.
"Ez, this is too easy. I'm pretty sure that the members of these cults are just some small fries." Mira said as she turned back into a human again.
"We're not sure. These people are the ones that are weak, they may still have some elites or something. Or maybe their leader is quite of a powerful mage." Ezra said as he looked around for the defeated bad guys.
The second man was unconscious from his beating with his sword, the axe carrying man was pinned to wall by deeply engraved swords through his clothes, completely preventing him from moving.
The sword carrying cultist was unconscious and was lying on a bended pole nearby, the Earth Mage cultist was also unconcious and he was lying on a body-sized crater, completely pummeled to the ground.
Even Ez felt a little bad on how badly the man was hurt. The seemed to be Electric Mage cultist was also lying unconcious on the ground with burns and bruises on his body, he was the one who suffered so much pain than the rest.
And as for the supposed to be leader, he was wrapped...in chains...nope he managed to break free somehow from Ez's chains.
"Wait how?" Ez said in bewilderment.
"There he is!" Mira exclaimed.
The leader of this squad had a tired look on his face as he ran tiredly. He used the Phantom Magic that his leader thought him to turn himself into an ethereal entity and get out of those chains. But he wasn't really used to it yet and it costed alot of his magic to activate.
Following those words, a barrage of swords flew and landed in front of the man, completely blocking his path.
The leader could only grit his teeth and tighten his sword in anger. He was backed up against a corner as Ezra blocked his path to escape.
"There's no use fighting anymore! You and your comrades have already lost. Surrender right now, and come peacefully with us to the police station."
"Fuck you! I ain't doing shit! Not when we're so close in accomplishing everything that we have worked for!" The cloaked man yelled.
"Kidnapping and assaulting innocent people isn't what I call an accomplishment. It's a crime. You're coming with me whether you want to or not!" Ezra said as chains suddenly appeared behind him.
A vein pulsed against the man's forehead. He wasn't going to tell this brat anything! Hell no he was going to be captured!
Leaving no other options, the leader reached for his pockets and pulled out multiple, small makeshift bombs. Ezra widened his eyes as the cultist pulled the strings and threw it at him!
The cultist smirked wickedly as the explosion blew up at Ezra's face. He thought he had killed the redhead and he immediately made a run for it.
But suddenly...
The man screamed in pain as a sword flew through the smoke, and stabbed him right through his shoulder and pinned to a wall.
He bled as he struggled to remove it with his other arm, but it kept him subdued in place to the wall.
He then heard footsteps coming towards him. He widened his eyes as he saw the red head come out from the smoke unscathed. A barrier of weapons surrounded his body, protecting him from the blast.
Ezra's red eyes glared at the bleeding man in front of him and yelled, "Thats it! Move again and I'll turn you into mince meat!"
A myriad of swords suddenly appeared behind him and began to shift themselves as they were directly pointed at the last kidnapper.
The leader could only stare in shock for a few moments before dropping his head in defeat. Ezra sighed as his weapons disappeared and his turning back to his normal colour.
He watched as the sword that stabbed the cultist's shoulder disappeared as well, but the man made no attempt to run.
"Wow, Ez! You sure are scary when you're angry!"
Ezra turned around and found Mira, who transformed back, walking towards him while carrying the same woman who had been kidnapped in her arms.
"How is she?" Ezra asked.
"She's fine. Aside from the nasty bruise on her head, she'll be okay."
She then glared over to the slumped leader, "What about him? What should we do with these shit and all the other shits?"
Ezra was about to answer, until suddenly, multiple bright flashes of light covered their sight as he and Mira were forced to squint their eyes.
"Hold it right there!"
Police officers immediately surrounded the two Mages as muskets and even Magical Spells were aimed at them.
And at the other side, several other officers began handcuffing the kidnappers that he and Mira had defeated.
Ezra then asked, "What's going on? Are we being arrested? What did we do?!"
"On the contrary, Mr. Red, you're not." A middle-aged man with blonde hair and green eyes approached the two Mages wearing a special police uniform that indicated that he has a higher rank than the others.
"My name is Alexander Commell. It's nice to meet two of Fairy Tail's strongest S-Class Mages." He smiled.
Ezra frowned and slightly narrowed his eyes at him. He didn't like the man's tone. And his instincts were telling him that this man was definitely not a good guy.
He was quite confidence on his judgement on people's personalities, and the way that man smiled at them was something Ezra didn't trust at all.