Curse You And Your Long Legs!

"Hey, Shorty!"

Veins popped on her forehead as she heard the familiar voice calling out that hateful nickname. Her height was always her weakness and she hated it when people pointed it out. It was as if they needed to remind her that she was SHORT!

Yeah! So, what if I am short?

Unfortunately, in her frame of memory about Hwang Jaejin, this stupid prince called Lee Minho was also exist.

That's right, the three of them were in the same room during the test and on the same row of seat.

And before her sweet memory with Hwang Jaejin, this troublemaker Lee Minho had picked a fight with her first.

He called her a middle school's student!!!

He even mocked her that she should stay at home and not come to where bigger people went.

She really had a hard time controlling her anger and if it was not for her painful period, she would have pounced on him and beat him.

Ugh, remembering it only made her anger to death!

Lee Minho seemed to always have a way to exhaust her patient. He really knew how to anger her.

That's why, Choi Sujin always tried to avoid him. She picked her pace and hastily tried to flee from the scene.

"Hey, Shorty! Hey, hey, I am calling you, can't you hear me?"

With his long legs, it would not take too much time to catch up with her. Soon, his towering body, inciting the envy in her heart, stood tall in front of her, blocking her way.

"What do you want?" Choi Sujin forced a smile on her face, knowing very well showing her displeasure to this creature would only put her in disadvantage.

His army of admirers were surrounding them, after all.

A mischievous smile appeared on his handsome face as he shortened the gap between the two of them.

"Did I just see your short legs trying to get away from me?" Smirking, he glanced at her-so-called short legs. "You know very well you can't run away from me with those short legs of yours."

He said those provoking words in low voice, only the both of them could hear it. Choi Sujin gritted her teeth. Even though she had repeatedly said to herself to ignore this teasing monster, he had never failed to incite her rage.

"Curse you and your long legs!" she said through her gritted teeth as she glared at him.

Loud laugh could be heard as the man before her broke in a series of laughter. What was seen by other people was the laughter of their angel, but in Choi Sujin's eyes, it was like a maniac laugh coming from hell.

"Okay. That's enough. Stop bothering her." Another familiar voice drifted to her ears.

With a single glance she knew that the owner of the voice was so close to her again, defending her from the devil.

Hwang Jaejin smiled at her for a bit when he passed in front of her. Just a fleeting smile, but it was enough to reawaken the feeling inside her heart. A pink blush threatened to appear on her slightly plump cheeks.

It was always like this; Lee Minho would tease her and Hwang Jaejin would defend her. So, could anyone out there tell her what she could do with her poor heart?

Her crush was shielding her from her ultimate bully, how could she stop admiring him? Even when he had a whole army of admirers, Choi Sujin would never think that she lacked what it needed to be his number one secret admirer!

Yes. No matter how much she liked him, she wasn't brave enough to turn her fantasy of being his girlfriend to be reality.

The reasons were pretty simple; she lacked of experience in dating. Being single for eighteen years, she had never really thought about boys before. Therefore, even though she liked Hwang Jaejin, this kind of feeling was still new and strange for her and she had no idea how to start cultivating it. She had no experience to indulge herself in the beauty of love. So, she did what she was best at.

Kept it for herself.

But, her palpitated heart was surely getting crazy each time. She wondered when her crazy heart beat would stop driving her mad.

As she was pondering over her over-excited heart, she failed to notice the stares people around her gave her as soon as Lee Minho started talking to her. The sinister gaze and smiles were even getting ridiculously intense when she started talking back to Lee Minho, making the latter laugh loudly.

[Who is that chick? Why is she getting close to our Princes?]

[Damn! That sl*t is obviously flirting with them! Who does she think she is?]

[She is so fake!! She is so fake!! A plastic mutant!! There's no way her eyes could be that big without plastic surgery!]