The Princes and The Doll (2)

Jang Min Ah was drowned in her devilish idea when she heard excited shrieks came from the beauty stand. She jumped on her feet and half running towards the closed tent.

"Oh my God, how could you be so cute?" A squeal in high pitch was heard and Jang Min Ah knew her plan had run half-way perfectly.

"She is like a doll! I want to wrap her up and bring her home!"

"Oh my God, oh my God! I haven't even finished polishing her but she has been this stunning, I have never met someone like her in my life!"

"What are you doing? Keep going! I want to see the result!"

"Should we put a wig on her?"

"How about blond?"

"What blond? Don't you see her black hair is enough?"

"Ah, ah, ah, let me see her using blond hair! Put some blue contacts on her, too!"

"She is like the Japanese doll with long black hair, what are you doing asking for blond hair?!"

"Put on this red lenses on her. Let's turn her into gothic vampire doll!"

"Erm, Sisters, I'm sorry, but I-"

"The doll is speaking!"

Jang Min Ah held back the urge to laugh when her friend didn't even have a chance to finish her words. Even though Choi Sujin might look detached and silent, sometimes brutal and liked to use violence -only towards those who deserved it, she was usually pretty gentle towards same sex and really polite towards those who were older than her. Jang Min Ah was sure, if Choi Sujin was born as a boy, she would surely be popular among ladies. Even she, herself, would fall for Choi Sujin.

Thanks God, Choi Sujin was born as a girl.

"Jang Min Ah-ssi, is this the costume you're looking for?" A boy with thick glasses came up on her. In his hands was a gothic style dress, the usual red black with frilly skirt and ribbon tie.

"Perfect!" Jang Min Ah grinned.

"We have prepared the shoes and other accessories, too. Where is the model?" The boy asked eagerly.

"Just wait a minute. She is still getting ready. Can I take it to her?"

"Sure." The boy handed the dress over to her before he went back to the photography club to pick the shoes and accessories he promised before.

Overjoyed, Jang Min Ah brought those costumes into the tent, inwardly feeling amused seeing her friend rarely flustered expression. She waited for a bit while watching them do their job. Jang Min Ah was sure, if this friend of hers really wanted, she could easily enter the showbiz industry. Many people did not know, but as her best friend, Jang Min Ah knew best what her friend was capable of.

Choi Sujin was a hell of an actress!!

Her expression was always on point that sometimes it was scary. To hide it, she chose to put on a bored expression on her face. She could change the spark in her eyes quickly that it would seem as if her eyes were speaking.

But, everytime Jang Min Ah asked her to act or to model, she would always refuse. Posing as a doll was agreed when Jang Min Ah won a bet against her. And damn, she was so into her character as a doll that people would not notice it unless she moved. And many people were fooled by her at that time. Just a bit make up and voila... a living doll was exist!

"Ah, aren't you her friend?" A woman approached the silent Jang Min Ah.

Startled, Jang Min Ah stood up and bowed down. "I came to deliver her costume." She showed the woman the costume she was holding.

Sparks flared in her eyes as she saw the costume in Jang Min Ah's hands.

After several minutes later, coupled with a few bickering from the beauticians, Jang Min Ah shoved the tent's door opened. Behind her was a doll-like girl in red black gothic dress. Her outfit was complete; even the big red bow on her head that usually looked like a giant trash looked beautiful on her.

Her appearance attracted many eyes as they followed her into the photography club. Unfortunately, photography club put a restricted sign in front of the closed studio -requested by Jang Min Ah.

Murmurs and questions were heard outside the studio door, while inside, the photographer was excitedly snapping pictures on the gothic doll.

"Gosh, her lifeless eyes made her look like a real doll. She has talent in this." The club leader said in awe.

Jang Min Ah smirked. "What do you think? She is awesome, right? Do you think she is ugly?"

"If she is ugly, what am I?" The leader who happened to be a woman laughed.

"Right." Jang Min Ah laughed as well.

"By the way, who is she?" The leader asked as she eyed Jang Min Ah curiously.

"The so-called plastic mutant." Jang Min Ah smirked.

The leader's eyes widened. It was not surprising she could recognize that name that easily. After all, this nickname had spread in the campus for months and there was always new gossip about this name which made it unforgettable.

"Choi Sujin?!"

Jang Min Ah nodded. "You've heard about what those sisters said about her. She is no plastic mutant. She has never even visited any beauty surgeons before. She even only had a make over twice during her life time. But you see, she is like a living doll. So, call her plastic mutant all you like, we all know now she doesn't need to be a plastic to take on those plastics." This time, her eyes shot malicious intent, ready to take on anything or anyone who dared enough to hurt her best friend.