Walk On Each Other Path

Then, as if they were not far enough from each other, fate decided to separate the three of them to their own paths.

In one year, both Lee Minho and Hwang Jaejin signed a contract with different agency and started their own lessons to become a star. Lee Minho got scouted first by the end of the year and Hwang Jaejin followed him before spring.

With their path to stardom had started to form, they basically had less time to play with Choi Sujin. They only met for a short time once in a while, especially after they took a long break from the university. Even so, they still kept in touch.

With the presence of the most troublesome but handsome boys around her had gone, Choi Sujin was finally able to focus more on her study. Even the bully stopped bullying her since they had switched their attention to support their idol more seriously.

With all the troublemakers stayed out of her way, she could finish her study peacefully and faster than expected. With her remarkable result, she got a chance to follow a short course in Singapore after her graduation.

So, after her graduation, she went to Singapore to follow the short course and did some works to add her experience about life. After that, she went back to Korea only to take care of some things related to her family before she left again to work in Indonesia.

What she did was unknown to her best friends, of course. Both Lee Minho and Hwang Jaejin were so engrossed in their life as star that they unintentionally missed the information about their doll. When they finally remembered her, she had graduated from university and flown to Singapore. They tried to call her to nag at her forgetfulness for not informing them about her graduation, but every calls from them only got into her voice mail.

Ever since then, they lost contact with her.

Even when they tried to ask her aunt, they could not find where she was. All they knew was she left to see the world. Her aunt also stated that she didn't know when Choi Sujin would be back. Even her beloved little sister didn't know about it. They also claimed that she had not contacted them at all so they didn't know the latest news about her.

Hopelessness and helplessness painted the handsome faces behind the mask as they heard the information from her aunt. With apologizing smile, Choi Sujin's aunt expressed her pity towards those handsome young men who were fond of her niece. But, what could she say? Even she didn't know where her niece was.

After politely excusing themselves and making Choi Sujin's aunt promised them to call them if there were news about Choi Sujin, Lee Minho and Hwang Jaejin got out from the simple house and drove their cars towards their apartment in silence.

But, no news came to them about their doll. They had tried to use their connection to find out where she was, but it was either she was good at hiding or their connection was not strong enough that they couldn't find anything about her.

For five years, they had been living in annoyance because of Choi Sujin's disappearance.

For five years, they tried to distract themselves not to overthink about her, but they failed.

For five years, they tried to convince themselves that Choi Sujin was fine and would be back, but every night their hope would crash down.

For five years, they mistook some short girls for her and embarrassed themselves.

Their longing for her almost made the both of them abandoned their career and hunted her down, but something inside them told them to hang on and not to embarrass themselves. What if she suddenly came back and witnessed their stupidity? How could they explain it to her?

The image of her laughing at them was too much, it hurt their pride as man.

Gritting their teeth, they persisted with their star identity with hope Choi Sujin would notice their hard work and contacted them.

One time, a bad thought crossed their mind.

What if she got hurt somewhere? What if she died?

Those horrifying thoughts successfully made them insomniac and resulted in their ruined appearance for the photo shoot on the next day. They got scolded by their managers and they had to bow down in apology for causing such uncomfortable atmosphere at work.

As they took their time to sit down and ponder over the possibility, deep chuckles escaped from their mouth and their expression brightened with a hint of amusement in their eyes.

Who was the fool that tried to kidnap and hurt Choi Sujin? She might look cute, adorable, and harmless, but she was crafty and cunning like a fox. Hidden within her petite body was incredible strength which could knock on any adult man easily if it was used properly. Choi Sujin was not mastered in martial arts, but she knew every vital spots in human body.

Whoever tried to kidnap her, both Lee Minho and Hwang Jaejin would light a candle for that person.