The Birth of a Rivalry

Fifteen minutes earlier.

"Are you sure that the enemy numbers are dropping?!" Aeon asked Leona as the two rushed towards an area where a large number of people were wounded.

"Yes! Why would I lie?!" Leona answered back.

During their mission to evacuate those who were injured, Leona heard from a commander that the enemy numbers were dropping due to unknown reasons. Because of this, there was a small chance that they would be able to turn the tides of the battle. Although Aeon was not too convinced seeing that their defenses were still declining in terms of both strength and effectiveness, Leona insisted that they should make use of this opportunity to increase the number of people that they could save.

At first, Aeon had been full of doubt. However, after seeing it for himself, he couldn't help but agree with Leona. They indeed found more time to rescue more people. 

Unfortunately, they had been too carried away and overextended their stay.
