The Scheming Empress, Dreville Maya

Underground Tunneling?!

Wind burst when Dreville Maya rushed forward. She stopped at the spot where she had last seen the spy and started looking around. However, she saw no traces of the enemy using a tunneling spell.

The floor there was polished. If the enemy had used a tunneling spell, he would have definitely broken the floor. But aside from the parts that were affected by the Earth mage's spell earlier when they clashed, the floor looked normal.

Dreville Maya kept looking for 10 more minutes, but she couldn't track down the spy. He was gone.

The spy had escaped.

It was the first time upon arriving in Meredith that Dreville Maya was truly worried. Even when she knew there was someone spying on her, she was not bothered. She was the fastest spell caster and one of the strongest mages on the continent. She knew this person could not escape.